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Improving Logical Reasoning

emilycyoung1emilycyoung1 Free Trial Member
in General 234 karma
So I am retaking my LSAT in December and I just need to improve my LR. I am going through powerscore books and re-learning each question type because I didn't really study LR by question type last time. So I am reading the chapter for example right now on Must be True/Most Strongly Supported which I think some people call inference questions, and then practicing a ton of questions in that category, then once I am answering with good accuracy I will move on to next question type. Then I plan to take a practice test. My worst section is technically reading comp so I every day I will do one practice passage to try and improve that and mix in logic games here and there but thats my best section. Does this sound like a solid plan/does anyone have further advice for improving LR? Bear in mind that I can't afford any more books or programs, I wish I could because I would def do 7sage but that retake cost killed me.


  • bjphillips5bjphillips5 Alum Member
    1137 karma
    @emilycyoung1 A lot of 7sagers recommend against LR by section because you'll never get that on the test. Strengthening questions become a lot easier when you see 10 in a row. I'm not sure on the benefit of it, but just thought you might like to know.

    Really good BR is the best thing for LR. I would recommend looking at Nicole Hopkin's extreme BR webinar. Found here:

    So the best advice I have is to print out or buy lots of LR sections. (Personally, I started with PT 1 and just kept taking about a section every other day, plus regular PTs.) And then rigorous BR. Don't check any answer or give up until you are 100% certain of correct answers and 100% certain of wrong answers and why they're correct and wrong. It's the best way to learn.

    Unfortunately, you're going to need LSAT prep materials to practice on, but the LSAC books are really affordable on Amazon for a lot of material. And maybe you already have a lot of PrepTests.

    You don't need to do 7sage. But you can still benefit from what 7Sage offers for free. If you don't know about BR (Blind Review), read about it here:

    I can't recommend it highly enough. Hope this helps.
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