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Do you ever get pains after studying a lot?

in General 308 karma
Hey guys, so I started studying around June and have been going pretty consistently for about 4+ hours a day since then and I've noticed that I sometimes some neck pains that get pretty bad and result in me having to just stop studying all together for that day. Do things like that happen to you guys after a while of studying? Do you get any kind of physical pain after a lot of studying or is it just me?


  • LsatbreakingnewsLsatbreakingnews Alum Member
    392 karma
    Use a bookstand yo
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Artak Mamikonyan" said:
    Do you get any kind of physical pain after a lot of studying or is it just me?
    A bookstand can help as @Euthyphro said above. I also invested in a good office chair to use when I study. If I'm spending 4-5 hours a day I need to make sure I'm comfortable.

    Also, try to make sure you are getting up every half hour or so. Walk around, stretch, and take a break. Obviously you cannot do this with you PT, but if you are just studying make sure you are getting up a couple of times every hour.

  • camcam Alum Member
    349 karma
    I'm guessing that you're hunching your neck and shoulders forward. That can lead to pain in your neck and traps. Try sitting up straight/using better posture. I agree with Alex about getting up every half hour or so, I tend to get up once an hour even if it is just to walk around my home for a few minutes. Finally, I have found doing two main yoga moves helps. I might be butchering their names, but I think they are called bird dog-get on all fours and extend opposite arm/leg while maintaining a neutral spine and mad cat-also on all fours, but alternate between trying to touch your belly button to your shoulders (heavy arch in your back) with trying to touch your shoulder blades to your butt. Those two movements have helped my back, neck, and shoulders quite a bit.
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
    Yeah @"Artak Mamikonyan" i have noticed my tends to hurt too when I study for a long period of time.
  • 308 karma
    @cam Yup, the pain is in my necks/trap area so I'm going to try sitting a bit more straight. I haven't noticed whether or not i hunch my neck and shoulders forward though.

    Thanks for the feedback guys.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    I've had this issue! Still struggling but I make sure to get up every now and then just to walk around, stretch, and move my eyes away from the computer screen lol. It's a must.
  • helentang02helentang02 Alum Member
    246 karma
    Yes I definitely get pains in my lower back and neck. Book stand was my game changer and make sure to roll around your body, so neck, shoulders and ankles. Do a ton of stretching. I even get up to do100 jumping jacks and 20 pushups to get my blood pumping and my body moving.
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