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improving score

teedee25teedee25 Free Trial Member
I got a 164 on my first LSAT after scoring between 169-172 on scored PTs. However, the testing conditions were less than optimal and I filed a complaint. Is it possible for me to get in the 170's with a little over a month of additional studying? If yes, how can I accomplish this goal?


  • StopLawyingStopLawying Alum Member
    edited November 2016 821 karma
    Nobody can answer that for you. If you were practicing in the low 170s prior to Sep, what makes you think you can't do that in Dec?
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28031 karma
    It's definitely possible. You've already proved that it's possible by achieving those scores on PTs. I'm, of course, assuming you are PTing under strict conditions. It really will hinge on identifying what went wrong on test day. If you can identify that and work on eliminating whatever weaknesses were exploited, then I see no reason why you shouldn't be able to reach your potential. The key really is to ID what went wrong.
  • teedee25teedee25 Free Trial Member
    8 karma
    I'm on a monday tester so I'm not really sure what sections I didn't do well in. I suspect that it was RC but I'm not sure.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @teedee25 said:
    Is it possible for me to get in the 170's with a little over a month of additional studying? If yes, how can I accomplish this goal?
    Yes, it is possible. Like @StopLawying said, you already proved you can hit the 170+ mark on PTs. No reason at all you cannot do so on the real thing.

    Consider the things that went wrong or caused you problems with your previous LSAT in which you scored a 164 on and work on weaknesses.

    If you feel like you didn't do so hot on RC that's a good place to start. People who score in the high 160s or 170s can usually tell approximately how many question were missed on a section. It might not be exact, but I suspect you intuition about RC may be right.

    Also, how many times did you score 170+ on practice tests?
  • teedee25teedee25 Free Trial Member
    8 karma
    2 or 3 times. Also, I took a practice test today and scored a 167. However, I got exactly the same number wrong in each section (-4). Besides experimental (0).
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