So I was drilling RC passages, but I do not see much improvement which is really frustrating...
I thought I want to try different methods and I did find lines for each questions, tried to understand what all sentences mean, what makes wrong answers wrong but...unlike LR, would those not be helpful in improving at the section?
Doing more passages is not helpful?
I was personally stuck on Cracking the RC code for a while. I used all sorts of methods; mostly concerned with coding different things (boxes, circles, etc.). However, recently I started treating passages as interesting articles and stopped underlining, and rather just took a second after each paragraph to analyze what I just read. I started to see that I comprehended better since I did not stop every 2 second to underline or stress over missing things! So I would read the whole thing with a faster than average speed, once I'm done, I would go over it quickly to recap the structure (this usually takes 3.5-4 mins) and then I attack the question. Something I was missing most of the time was speed speed speed! You have to hustle your way through questions... time yourself and aim for 30-40" per long ones, 20-30" for medium ones, and 15-25" for shorter ones. Once you get a sense of appropriate speed but the timer away and relax and do your best. My time is still not within these standards, but now I finish passages in the 8-9 minute mark and get to do all 4 passages with around -1 to -2 on each (total 18-22). This has been huge for me; I used to do 2-3 passages only with very bad accuracy ending up with 9/27 on the section.
I feel like RC has been made portrayed as this beast for all of us and we spend so much time trying to CRACK IT! But it's really not that bad and a minimalist method have worked better than other methods for me.
Good luck
so just doing more passages won't help right? Unless I change "method" again...
At first I was doing bad on detail questions but once I started to focus on detail questions then I started to make more mistakes on big picture question...really frustrating...(At first I was doing ok with big picture questions
Thanks for your reply and thanks for the webnair the other day
I still remember your recommendation "not afraid making a couple of mistakes per passage"...
Indeed especially in hard passages there are some questions that are just brutal...(how are we supposed to make some inferences they ask under timed pressure situation.) and your recommendation made me feel more relaxed on RC.
But still need to practice though...not seeing improvement is just discouraging
I'll do some more passages...
How many passages did you do?
I too miss like -9 to -14...still.
So disappointing...I tried to read structure first, but then I forget details. When I started to focus on details then I miss the big picture.
Don't know what to do...
Please don't doubt yourself. You just need to keep practicing. Eventually it will click. It just started clicking in RC for me within the last few weeks. I would say I've done anywhere between 50-100 passages. It's just about making it so so normal you rethink how to read. It is about picking apart the important details and almost forgetting about meaningless details unless a question asks. At the end of each paragraph I kind of look to see the main point to correlate to the next paragraph if that makes sense? Sorry again if this makes no sense because like I said I;m super sick and my brain is being silly lol.
Ahh..thanks for your reply. How do you feel today? hoep you'll get better soon!
I took about 16 PTs...and have studied for a long time in&out.
But have not seen a big improvement in especially RC so really frustrating...but I feel like RC is not easy to improve so maybe I should focus on LR