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Looking Advice for LR

hongsophia009hongsophia009 Free Trial Member
in General 49 karma
Currently I can get 15-18 right without time limit for each LR section , but cannot get more correct.How can I improve the correct rate?I am going to do the February exam, many thanks !


  • desire2learndesire2learn Member
    1171 karma
    Repetition, repetition, repetition and using the 7sage Core Curriculum. You should sign up now and bang it out. It is amazing. But then you need lots of reps and revisiting as well.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited December 2016 23929 karma
    @hongsophia009 said:
    Currently I can get 15-18 right without time limit for each LR section , but cannot get more correct.How can I improve the correct rate?I am going to do the February exam, many thanks !
    The 7Sage CC, timed practice, and detailed and thorough BR. Subscribing to the 7Sage methods and course has helped me infinitely!
  • sman5454sman5454 Alum Member
    41 karma
    Quick tips:

    1) focus on the conclusion

    2) make it a point to notice the shifts in scope or topic from sentence to sentence -> this is where you find the majority of flaws

    3) get into the habit of describing flaws in abstract language, and learn to read abstract language almost fluently. You'll find these in the answer choices of flaw questions and role questions.

    4) for memory sake, learn to state the entire stimulus in one sentence, starting from conclusion ending with premesis.

    Hope this helped, I feel you on the struggle with LR. It's the hardest section in my opinion because it's extremely unpredictable, and makes up 50% of the questions. Learn the basic principles and fundamentals and you'll unlock the key to this section. Good luck
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