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This question is directed towards those who have consistently engaged with 7Sage material

Roadhouse11Roadhouse11 Member
in General 14 karma

I am curious towards your approach on ordering and structuring the course content.
Did you follow the syllabus and do it chronologically?
Or did you jump between the sections and PT’s?
Did you put heavy emphasis on learning fundamentals of lawgic?
Or jump straight into drilling problem sets?
How many days a week did you study and for how long?
What was something that you personally thought of or did that helped information stick?
In hindsight, were there any weaknesses in your study habits/style?
You get the drift..



  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited January 2018 23929 karma

    @Roadhouse11 said:
    I am curious towards your approach on ordering and structuring the course content.

    Did you follow the syllabus and do it chronologically?

    Yes, I did the course in order from start to finish. It's designed to be done in order and builds on itself nicely.

    Did you put heavy emphasis on learning fundamentals of lawgic?

    Yes. A lot of time went into learning "lawgic." It's arguably the most important part of the test, so make sure to take your time and master it.

    Or jump straight into drilling problem sets?

    I did maybe 1/3 of the problem sets after each lesson.

    How many days a week did you study and for how long?

    5-6 days a week. Maybe an hour each day.

    What was something that you personally thought of or did that helped information stick?

    Go back and review a lot. Because of work, I would get into the zone and then fall off from my studying and basically go weeks or sometimes even many months without really prepping. However, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because each time I was forced to review what I had already learned and as a result, saw score increases every time!

    In hindsight, were there any weaknesses in your study habits/style?

    Inconsistency. Always comparing how I was studying to others. Partying on weekends that left me incapacitated until 1pm on Saturdays, haha.

    In the end, I basically stopped going out, started to get realistic about how much I could actually dedicate to my prep, and stopped comparing myself to others.

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    @Roadhouse11 said:
    I am curious towards your approach on ordering and structuring the course content.
    Did you follow the syllabus and do it chronologically?
    Or did you jump between the sections and PT’s?
    Did you put heavy emphasis on learning fundamentals of lawgic?
    Or jump straight into drilling problem sets?
    How many days a week did you study and for how long?
    What was something that you personally thought of or did that helped information stick?
    In hindsight, were there any weaknesses in your study habits/style?
    You get the drift..


    I was using 7sage for a retake. I went through all of the Core Curriculum fast(about 2 and a half weeks) and then moved on to foolproofing 1-35 for a little over a month with PTs thrown in(usually a pair on Saturdays). After I finished foolproofing 1-35, I added in more PTs about 3-4 total a week and foolproofed these games for the rest of the week.

    I studied an average of about 4 hours a day for about 3 months.

    I didn't put much emphasis on lawgic. It came pretty naturally as I was already familiar with the test from before 7 sage.

    Other than foolproofing which definitely worked, I think that keeping a copy of all the LR questions I ever missed and cycling through them in my spare time helped me go into that section comfortable and relaxed.

    I wouldn't change anything except that I would start 7sage before my first take instead of my second.

  • Trust But VerifyTrust But Verify Alum Member
    432 karma
    1. CC in order (took a while to digest)
    2. C**bridge drilling packets for LR and Games
    3. LSAT Trainer

    IMO The Trainer and 7sage compliment each other well. Some material is better in video form, other was better through text. I love(d) them both.
    But I always went back to certain videos on 7sage (especially the Grammar lesson).


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