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2 Questions on LG

Frank JaegerFrank Jaeger Alum Member
in Logic Games 144 karma


I have two questions for you guys.

1) When we are fool proofing using Pacificos or JYs way, are we practicing "memorizing" the inferences and/or "making" inferences. The reason I am asking this is because it is extremely easy for me to remember the inferences from a game once I have watched the video explanation. I can knock the game out fairly quickly this way. However, if I focus on making an inference and going through the process of making the inference, it become a lot more time consuming. If anyone could clarify in regards to this is would be greatly appreciated.

2) I have noticed that some of the you here are writing out your answers when doing blind review for LG, explaining the inferences to gauge whether you fully understand the game or not. When it comes to writing out explanations, could some one please clarify their method as to how they go about writing out explanations?

Thanks and much appreciated!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    1) Do both. Memorize the inferences as well as practice making them. You'll need to do both to be successful on future games. If you're having trouble reproducing them then chances are you haven't properly memorized the correct inferences.

    2) Do people commonly write out explanations for LG? I'm unaware of this. I don't actually write out explanations for LG. Only for LR and RC. Instead, for LG, I re-do them untimed during my BR and seek to solve each answer by drawing out different game boards and proving/disproving the right/wrong answers.

  • Frank JaegerFrank Jaeger Alum Member
    144 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:
    1) Do both. Memorize the inferences as well as practice making them. You'll need to do both to be successful on future games. If you're having trouble reproducing them then chances are you haven't properly memorized the correct inferences.

    2) Do people commonly write out explanations for LG? I'm unaware of this. I don't actually write out explanations for LG. Only for LR and RC. Instead, for LG, I re-do them untimed during my BR and seek to solve each answer by drawing out different game boards and proving/disproving the right/wrong answers.


  • joycool9567joycool9567 Alum Member
    133 karma

    I think it is eay more important to remember the form of inferences or even organization. For sequencing game it is really worth noticing something like s is not first. Usually that statement is there cuz whe you combine these rules the chance is that s is not just first or third forth and fifth. There definitely are pattern of inferwnces and we gotta remember them

  • Frank JaegerFrank Jaeger Alum Member
    144 karma

    @joycool9567 said:
    I think it is eay more important to remember the form of inferences or even organization. For sequencing game it is really worth noticing something like s is not first. Usually that statement is there cuz whe you combine these rules the chance is that s is not just first or third forth and fifth. There definitely are pattern of inferwnces and we gotta remember them


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