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Blind Review Method

jennybbbbbjennybbbbb Alum Member
in General 630 karma
Hey guys! I am not sure how the blind review method works since I have only attempted it once (for the diagnostic)... not sure if I am doing it correctly. Could someone please elaborate? I have found it to be really time consuming but I would like to get the most out of it since I understand it is really helpful in prepping for the LSAT.


  • draj0623draj0623 Alum Member
    916 karma
    This is a pretty thorough review of the way to properly BR:

    I know I could not have made any gains studying without this process. It's so golden.
  • jknaufjknauf Alum Member
    edited January 2017 1741 karma
    Yeah man, it's really time consuming. It has taken me anywhere from 30 minutes - 12 hours to blind review a section. This is so very important though. I'm copy and pasting this from JYs explanation in the core curriculum. After you read through this, if you have anymore questions let me know!

    The Blind Review Method ("BR"), as introduced in this series of lessons, are meant to be used for the Problem Sets and timed LSAT PrepTests in this course.

    You must Blind Review for your Logical Reasoning sections. You can also use it for Reading Comprehension and Logic Games.

    The Blind Review

    Most students review LSAT questions the wrong way. I’m going to show you a proven approach that gets much better results.

    If you’re already studying the LSAT, this is most likely not what you've been taught to do. If we’re the first ones to teach you the LSAT, great. Either way, this ought to be how you practice the LSAT.

    How do people normally study and what’s wrong with it?

    Take your average LSAT student. Say he finished LSAT PrepTest 53 (December 2007), fully timed, using an LSAT proctor. The clock is running and he chooses his answers quickly, sometimes tentatively. The time is called and he puts down his pencil. He breathes a sigh of relief and what does he do next? He immediately checks his answers: "Sweet, got this one right - I'm awesome. Oh no, this one's wrong - I’m dumb. Oh yay, I got this one right - I'm awesome again."

    I know that's what most LSAT students do. I've been there and I know the temptation well. Why’s that bad? Isn’t checking the answers obviously what you should do after you take a timed PrepTest?

    Well, no. In fact, checking your answers right after a timed PrepTest is the worst disservice you can do for yourself. You've essentially just wasted the time you spent taking the PrepTest. Okay, I exaggerate, but not by much. Think about what you’re actually doing when you check the answers right away. Do you just want vindication that you're smart? The psychology of doing that is like placing a bet and you can't wait to find out if you've won or lost. I’m betting A, I'm betting C, and so on. The answers are right there and it's like you're at the roulette table at Vegas and you're praying "I hope it lands on red 18 (or whatever answer choice you selected)!”

    But, that's kind of insane isn't it? You're not placing bets. The LSAT is not a casino. There are reasons that distinguish right answers from wrong ones. Random chance is never a factor. You, in fact, are the only factor. You're studying for this test. You're trying to improve the way you think. You're trying to get better, intellectually. And that’s completely the wrong way to go about it.

    Again, to emphasize one last time, if you're immediately checking your answers, you're doing it wrong. You’re just checking whether you filled in the right circle. You’re NOT checking whether you deployed good and reliable reasoning.

    Blind Review, the right way to study for the LSAT

    So, how to do it right? We call it the Blind Review method. In the next couple of lessons you'll see how to use the Blind Review method to correctly practice the LSAT. You can contrast that with the method you already use or you thought was the right way and decide which one is better.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28031 karma
    For me, the main thing to realize about the purpose of blind review is that your task is not to find the right answer, it's to achieve understanding. Your job in BR is to try and go as deep as you can, which means you should be aiming for complete and perfect understanding, which goes way beyond what you need for the right answer. This space is where all the good stuff happens. It's where we learn how a specific question conforms to universal logic, and by seeing this relationship, we learn to apply the lessons from one question to all questions.
  • rcastillo104rcastillo104 Core Member
    9 karma

    So I just completed my first practice test, and im a little confused about how to blind review it. I made sure to circle the ones I wasnt sure about already so now I just have to look at each problem and take my time trying to solve them without glancing at the answer sheet correct?

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