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Can I still do blind review?

I submitted my test already and now I am not able to go back and do the blind review. Should I just delete it and take it over again or is there still a way to do blind review after I submitted my score?


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    You can edit it. Go to analytics, click the test and click on the number of the question to enter a blind review answer.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    why aren't you able to go back and do the BR? You can edit your BR even after the test is submitted.

  • edited February 2018 45 karma

    @10000019 and @"Alex Divine" Actually never mind I need sleep. I had the keyboard on and it was not letting me select what I wanted.

    thanks guys!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited February 2018 23929 karma

    @TimeisoftheEssence said:
    @10000019 and @"Alex Divine" Actually never mind I need sleep. I had the keyboard on and it was not letting me select what I wanted.

    thanks guys!

    Click "Save and Score Test" and then on the top right hand side, click this button.

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