I was just wondering how long (on average) does it take for you guys to BR an LR section? It takes me at least 1hr to 1hr 30 mins minimum. Is that normal or too slow? Also, how long do you guys spend on reviewing each question?
There isn't a time limit on BR! That is why you do it after you've taken a timed PT or practice set. Hopefully you're learn that under timed conditions you'll see that you may make silly mistakes and when you BR you're able to catch those little mistakes you made the first time.
Which is a good thing coz its comprehensive Al though at times I did tend to skip over the when I felt that I understood the whole thing. (NOT RECOMMENDED)
I think it varies, but that seems like a good enough amount of time. I am in the process of redoing the course and there is a portion of advice that I starred and wrote on some notes that I made, it is:
"Yes. this method takes a lot of time. It's supposed to. Learning is a slow process. But, at the end of it, is a better LSAT score".
You'll also be spending less time on this as you improve. Certain questions won't be worth your time because they'll be super easy for you. I was spending way longer than 90 minutes BRing when I started and more like 45 minutes toward the end. You'll get the feel for it as you go along.
"Yes. this method takes a lot of time. It's supposed to. Learning is a slow process. But, at the end of it, is a better LSAT score".