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Does 7Sage lay down the basics?

gaflparalegalgaflparalegal Alum Member
in General 133 karma

Does 7sage lay down the basics for a newbie? I scored really low on my diagnostic test. I had honestly never even looked at an LSAT exam before- not an excuse but I know I have a TON of work ahead of me.
Looking to grasp a firm foundation before building on that.
Thank you!!


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @gaflparalegal said:
    Does 7sage lay down the basics for a newbie? I scored really low on my diagnostic test. I had honestly never even looked at an LSAT exam before- not an excuse but I know I have a TON of work ahead of me.
    Looking to grasp a firm foundation before building on that.
    Thank you!!

    Yes! You came to the right place. I believe 7Sage is one of the most conprehensive courses in the market. (I scored pretty low on my diagnostic test too!)

  • Eric25Eric25 Member
    720 karma

    In short, yes absolutely. For LR, 7sage starts with basic and advanced grammar, then transitions to logic. It walks you through everything from what is logic, how to visually represent it, and then advanced forms such as valid and invalid arguments and biconditionals. Don't worry about the low diagnostic, many of us, including me, scored poorly on the diagnostic and really is no representation of your potential on this test. 7sage's curriculum is more than enough to teach you everything you will need to know for the three sections, and provides numerous opportunities to test and hone your skills. Along with a community that is always eager to answer any question you might have!

  • gaflparalegalgaflparalegal Alum Member
    133 karma

    Thank you both!! I will be signing up!!

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    Yes its section on grammar is unique. I have taken testmasters, blueprint and other courses. None of them dove into the foundations of being able to parse complex language found in the lsat

  • lsat4lifelsat4life Alum Member
    255 karma

    @westcoastbestcoast said:
    Yes its section on grammar is unique. I have taken testmasters, blueprint and other courses. None of them dove into the foundations of being able to parse complex language found in the lsat

    Could you describe what you found to be the biggest takeaways were from those grammar sections? Any particular things they broke down that really helped you?

  • JPJ July2021JPJ July2021 Core Member
    1532 karma

    7Sage is great for people at all levels and is really the only resource that you need to study it's that good. I'm on the Starter course and I'm planning on upgrading to Ultimate+. I also scored low on my diagnostic. Like most people, I was very disappointed and thought my dream of going to law school was over. However, I've come to realize how meaningless the diagnostic score is. To put it in perspective, it's like trying to take a final exam for a class that you've never even taken.

  • gaflparalegalgaflparalegal Alum Member
    133 karma

    Emily2122- thank you! I didn’t really think about it that way (final exam analogy). But that makes perfect sense! Thank you!!

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    @thrillhouse said:

    @westcoastbestcoast said:
    Yes its section on grammar is unique. I have taken testmasters, blueprint and other courses. None of them dove into the foundations of being able to parse complex language found in the lsat

    Could you describe what you found to be the biggest takeaways were from those grammar sections? Any particular things they broke down that really helped you?

    For me, I really enjoyed how JY broke down comparative statements and also how he would suggest removing the modifiers and dependent clauses of the sentences to get to the core of what is being said.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    It's like a live instructional situation except you can ask questions and return to previous concepts. It's so good.

  • JPJ July2021JPJ July2021 Core Member
    1532 karma

    @gaflparalegal I'll admit that I read that analogy elsewhere but I never forgot it once I read it. I was one of those people who thought if you didn't do well on your first test you were doomed for failure. I literally made myself sick from worrying but this test is so learnable. I've only been using 7Sage since the end of January and I've already learned so much.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    @thrillhouse said:

    @westcoastbestcoast said:
    Yes its section on grammar is unique. I have taken testmasters, blueprint and other courses. None of them dove into the foundations of being able to parse complex language found in the lsat

    Could you describe what you found to be the biggest takeaways were from those grammar sections? Any particular things they broke down that really helped you?

    JY blew my mind in a lesson about the word “or”. I’d never thought about the fact that “or” can be inclusive of 2 things. It hurt my head for a bit but then I got a good grasp on it and it helped SO MUCH in the LG sections.

    There are a ton of examples of things like where 7sage breaks down the fundamentals of language and how it is used on the LSAT that gives you an entirely different perspective. It’s really, really good in fundamentals. I don’t think I would have ever improved nearly as much without those kinds of details.

  • gaflparalegalgaflparalegal Alum Member
    133 karma

    @Emily2122 I am doing the same thing- worrying about the low diagnostic score and whether or not I can learn the materials.
    But- I have to start somewhere so I’m going to start here. I feel like if we have the determination we can make it happen. ?

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Absolutely! Yes it does. Especially if you learn better through video via reading.

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