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Going Local First on Logic Games

CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
in General 1270 karma

How have those who have gone for local questions first in Logic Games found that strategy? I am about to try it out, however, I feel like the act of looking for them might cause a scattered feeling which might have a negative affect. And do you think the time it takes to hunt the local questions is worth it?


  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited April 2018 3072 karma

    Sometimes you can use the boards/splits for could be true questions to help answer must be true questions and vice versa. Is this what you mean?

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    No. More like answering local questions in games to help out with the more global questions. Like answering a given situation, then using that board to help out in acceptable situations questions.

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    3072 karma

    Oh, like, "If X is in 6 and Y is in 4..."

    I mean, this could help if the local questions tend to be quicker/easier/more helpful on average. I find games are usually balanced in the amount of work you can eliminate from certain questions with work you've done primarily to answer other questions.

    If that doesn't make sense, I can try to word it differently.

  • btate87btate87 Alum Member
    788 karma

    Im not a fan. If an early question in a game looks like it is going to be super open ended, I didn't solve for all possible worlds, and a quick glance at the answer choices makes me feel overwhelmed, then I'll make a decision: a) go back and solve for all worlds b) skip it and answer more questions before it in hopes that those worlds will save me time. But going into a game planning to only do local questions as a strategy seems like a band-aid for lack of mastery. Skipping monster global questions is a good tool to have in your belt, though!

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    edited April 2018 3072 karma

    I like the could be true -> must be true approach. Still, that may not be as useful as doing a bunch of games linearly and figuring out what you need to drill to make it so that you can more or less easily burn straight through your LG sections.

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