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Hi all! Do any of you use a recording device other than your phone to record taking practice tests? If so, what is it? I have been using my phone (it's an Android) and the video quality is not very good. I'm thinking of getting a GoPro but was wondering if there were any cheaper options that people have used successfully.
Have you tried your laptop or tablet or some other type of device?
Yeah, I've tried using an iPad--I run into memory problems with this. I haven't tried using my laptop--my laptop is pretty old (almost 9 years now) so I'm a afraid of placing it at a weird angle!
Can I ask why you record it? I haven't finished the CC yet but I haven't seen recording mentioned anywhere on the forums before.
Oh it's been mentioned almost everywhere! I guess it hasn't been mentioned recently. Here are some of the examples:
How to set it up
How recording yourself can help you
35 mins 1080p on my iPhone 6 is like 4GB. So you need at least 20GB. How many GBs does your iPad have? (Also I think your iPad should be connected to power while recording.)
If recording on iPad doesn't work, here is a good suggestion (on this thread):
Have you considered buying a cheap webcam that you can connect to your laptop? In that way you wouldn't have to place it at a weird angle.
Thanks! Relatively new to 7Sage
omg @akistotle and @Jane1990 THANK YOU!! This is way better than spending major $$$ on a GoPro
I didn't even think of buying another webcam.