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Hey, everyone!
I'm putting together my resume for applications and am wondering how other folks have managed to handle their experience.
I have been working for 2 years FT post-graduation, but had internships throughout my undergraduate career (every semester and summer) that were all relevant to pursuing law.
If I include my two full time jobs and 5 internships (one includes being hired as a research consultant part time while still in school), I quickly take up one page with experience. The internships were - Global Attitudes Research Assistant (consultant position hired out of Global Strategy Internship) for an advocacy organization, Host Country Affairs Intern (this was with the State Dept. at the US Mission to the UN), Public Policy & Affairs Intern at a LGBT health org, Paralegal Intern at an impact litigation organization and Legal & Public Policy Intern at an alternatives to incarceration court.
Does anyone have any feelings on this? Is it fair to include each of these and maybe just limit the bullets to 1 or 2 for the internships?
Two pages are perfectly acceptable. I saw at least one resume where the applicant (accepted to a T13) used just one bullet for a number of positions.
Thank you! Would you mind taking glance at mine once I'm finished and providing feedback?
Yeah, I would think you should include all of them but keep descriptions very brief. Personally, I've been out of college a little over 10 years and have just recently expanded to a 2 page resume. For professional use, I've stopped listing my internship and part time jobs I had during school. But for my law school resume, I did include my internship.
Though you do have work experience, I would generally say that someone who has been out of school for 2 years does not have any need for a 2 page resume. But those internships are good experience. I would say ideally, find a way to list all the internships but still keep it to 1 page. Since this isn't a professional resume, you don't need to have very many bullet points for any position, really.
Hmmm... I'm really struggling with this! Primarily because I have quite a few call outs I think should be made, fitting in 7 positions in one page is challenging, even without adding any bullets. Let alone my volunteer experience and university involvement. Would you also be willing to take a peek?
Sure, I'll message you my email!
I use bullet points for my college internships and student org involvement. For a couple I add a bit of description:
"Organization Name: top 10 leader out of 2,400 participating universities"
"Organization Name: Leadership Position"
Similar with internships.
"Institute for the Study of War: Research Intern, Afghanistan Division"
Something like that.
I've been working for almost 5 years and my resume was at a page. You really shouldn't need more than one or two bullets per job description. Just include the most important sounding tasks you did, any awards/recognitions/major achievements. Re volunteer work - if you weren't in a leadership position, you really shouldn't have much to say aside from like, Habitat For Humanity from date to date - building homes in Mexico and the U.S. for the disadvantaged. Don't double space.