@Raychul123 said:
I had three LR sections. One of the sections had a most logical counter response question with two people talking about contemporary art. One of the people speaking was like " Contemporary classical music is great art" and the other person was like "Nah it's not because it doesn't experience a wide range of emotions." Can anyone who had experimental LG or RC sections confirm this question as being real?
@"Michaela.Pratt1" said:
Anyone have a guess on the curve? Overall seemed a bit on the easier end to me but maybe I just studied more for this one haha.
I agree it's probably an easier test --- which makes me a bit nervous re: the curve
Yeah I didn't think it was all that bad. guy from LSAThacks was saying on Reddit he thought the curve was -11, -12. Apparently it was the same test as feb 2014, which was difficult.
What do you mean by that? I don't know what "-11, -12" means. To get a 170?
@10000019 said:
I think it's unfair that they recycled a test that wasn't entirely sealed. Revealing the type of a specific logic game gives some test takers an unfair advantage.
What do you mean by "wasn't entirely sealed" ??
The were recycling a test that wasn't suppose to have been released at all. Test takers discussed the question types. Powerscore predicted which test would be recycled, and gave tips one the question types to prepare for. They were encouraging people to study circular games because they guessed which test was going to be recycled.
Did anyone else find the comparative passage to be awful?
I wasn’t a fan! I thought the passages themselves was relatively straight forward but half of the questions were really rough! Like the ones that asked what the 2 passages agreed on or how the 1st passage would apply the theory mentioned in the 2nd. I wasn’t sure how the passages really related.
Man, I'm not gonna lie -- I briefly looked over those Powerscore predictions and so I knew that there was a potential circular game lurking in the shadows, but I figured that LSAC would never re-administer an exam so quickly.
Knowing the reputation of the 4th game + knowing that the section wasn't experimental definitely played some sick psychology on me during the timed exam. In the end, all my mistakes are my own, but man that's such a weird and twisted thing to run into during an LSAT.
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
@"Michaela.Pratt1" said:
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
The LG section with the game about H&O are supervisors and the circular game was real. I only had one LG.
Btw, when you guys say the curve is -12... what does that mean exactly? Because it’s highly likely that I got -12 on the LG fml hahaha (nervous laughter)
I had LG (super hard) LR LG (sigh of relief... jk this one’s experiment fool!) RC LR
Honestly, after the first LG I couldn’t even remember how to speak English ? it took me a solid 5 minutes to collect myself.
The LR is all a blur. I remember teddy bears, dinosaur/bird fossils, serious runners and their stupid running shoes, advertisements for auto dealerships, and something about type I and type II diabetes..
@"Michaela.Pratt1" said:
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
I had two LG sections- believe that was expiremental.
Whoooo! I had LG-LR-LG-RC-LR. I'm glad that everyone confirms the circular game was the real deal. I wasn't ready for it, but I felt it was easier than the experimental. The experimental mirrored more common LG types, so I thought that was the real thing. However, I found it much harder than the first section. Part of it could have been that I didn't expect having two LG sections in the first half, but I'm glad the first prevailed.
I was slower than average on the first LR section, and faster than average on the second. I don't know if that means anything, I think I became hyper focused on the the first and maybe over compensated on the second. Regardless, I hope they average each other out.
I will say I thought the RC was extremely easy. I don't know that I have ever read and understand every passage so easily. Perhaps I was just in the zone for it, but I really did feel more comfortable and in tune with the RC than I ever have.
I did some prayers before and after the test hat everyone did well today. I extend that towards y'all!
Okay so now I’m remembering my 2nd LR section. I’m pretty sure it was 26 qs and question 24 was a really hard q about a photo this kid found of his aunt, Jamaica 1972. Question 25 was two statements about taxes increasing and which of the following applies to one but not the other. Anyone remember that who didn’t have an experimental LR?
@"surfy surf" said:
Okay so now I’m remembering my 2nd LR section. I’m pretty sure it was 26 qs and question 24 was a really hard q about a photo this kid found of his aunt, Jamaica 1972. Question 25 was two statements about taxes increasing and which of the following applies to one but not the other. Anyone remember that who didn’t have an experimental LR?
I remember that section but don't know if it was 26 questions (thought it was maybe 25)? I thought the mayor/economist taxes increasing applies to one not the other was a toughie, was hoping it was experimental (it was my 2nd of 3 LR)
@"surfy surf" said:
Okay so now I’m remembering my 2nd LR section. I’m pretty sure it was 26 qs and question 24 was a really hard q about a photo this kid found of his aunt, Jamaica 1972. Question 25 was two statements about taxes increasing and which of the following applies to one but not the other. Anyone remember that who didn’t have an experimental LR?
I remember that section but don't know if it was 26 questions (thought it was maybe 25)? I thought the mayor/economist taxes increasing applies to one not the other was a toughie, was hoping it was experimental (it was my 2nd of 3 LR)
I had LG experimental and don’t remember these, but my brain is mush so I may just be forgetting.
@"surfy surf" said:
Okay so now I’m remembering my 2nd LR section. I’m pretty sure it was 26 qs and question 24 was a really hard q about a photo this kid found of his aunt, Jamaica 1972. Question 25 was two statements about taxes increasing and which of the following applies to one but not the other. Anyone remember that who didn’t have an experimental LR?
Aunt Jamaica - pretty sure experimental. I had 2 LGs - think I would remember Aunt Jamaica and I don't...
@iamcardibri said:
Btw, when you guys say the curve is -12... what does that mean exactly? Because it’s highly likely that I got -12 on the LG fml hahaha (nervous laughter)
They are referring to the curve for the 170 threshold. Example: You could miss 10 questions on the June exam to get a 170.
@hawaiihi said:
So for people that had 3 LRs (LR LG LR LR RC) did we generally decide the second LR was experimental?
From what I understand, not everyone who gets three LRs receives them in the same order. So you could’ve gotten the experimental one second and it could’ve been someone else’s third. You’ll have to just base which was your experimental one on the questions you remember
@Raychul123 said:
I had three LR sections. One of the sections had a most logical counter response question with two people talking about contemporary art. One of the people speaking was like " Contemporary classical music is great art" and the other person was like "Nah it's not because it doesn't experience a wide range of emotions." Can anyone who had experimental LG or RC sections confirm this question as being real?
@"Michaela.Pratt1" said:
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
That's where I'm comfused, i coulda sworn I had african countries and front/back/side one with the circular table
@"Michaela.Pratt1" said:
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
That's where I'm comfused, i coulda sworn I had african countries and front/back/side one with the circular table
No African countries or front/back/side for me - but did have round table. Round table was definitely real - I did have fake LG section but can't remember much about it...other than no African countries or front/back/side...
@"Michaela.Pratt1" said:
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
I had two LG sections- believe that was expiremental.
Sorry to keep asking, still can’t get this straight in my head. Did the real LG section have a game where U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something?
@alenahluthens said:
Am I the only one that completely biffed the Logic Games (my fault, i know)? I had an experimental logic games and it was quite easy; come to find out it wasn’t the actual LG
My first Section of the LSAT was the LG that was the real one. It was a bummer because I normally perform well on LG and that one somewhat killed my confidence going into the rest of the lsat. I had little hope that it was experimental when I saw another LG but nope..the hard one was the real one
@"Michaela.Pratt1" said:
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
I had two LG sections- believe that was expiremental.
Sorry to keep asking, still can’t get this straight in my head. Did the real LG section have a game where U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something?
Michaela - I'm confused too but I think we can resolve it. I believe U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something was fake. Art Installation, something with gardens, super/unsuper, and round table was real. This was my first game in LG LR LG RC LR test. I don't think your front/back/side could have been in the same game as round table? Front/back/side must have been with U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something - wait...now I'm confusing myself because I remember all of the games you mentioned except Front/Back/Side - something isn't matching up...maybe U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something was the something with gardens game so it's real....I think I just made our confusion worse!
Why would LSAC reuse a test that was originally thought of as more difficult than usual? Aren't that wanting consistency with the test difficulty? Stressing that this test will ruin my score since it was harder than the other PT I took.
@CPAtoJD said:
Does anyone remember the order of the RC passages? Keep seeing different orders from people recapping the test and it's making me nervous. I remember:
Two concepts on women's rights
2/3: Belize/Sports and art (can't remember which was second/third)
4: Complexity Theory
My order was LR-LR-LG-LR-RC - the reading comp section about Belize and Women's Rights was on mine so it is scored. Hope this helps!
@"Michaela.Pratt1" said:
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
I had two LG sections- believe that was expiremental.
Sorry to keep asking, still can’t get this straight in my head. Did the real LG section have a game where U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something?
I had LR-LR-LG-LR-RC. My logic games section had people sitting in a circle with a moderator, translator and junior & senior reps from 3 different countries.
@CPAtoJD said:
Does anyone remember the order of the RC passages? Keep seeing different orders from people recapping the test and it's making me nervous. I remember:
Two concepts on women's rights
2/3: Belize/Sports and art (can't remember which was second/third)
4: Complexity Theory
I remember sports/art 2nd (I'm confident on the sports one, because I remember being surprised that the comparative passage was 2nd) and Belize 3rd.
I don't really remember the Belize passage at all though. Yet RC felt good, hopefully makes up for my lackluster LG performance.
Does anyone remember the order of the RC passages? Keep seeing different orders from people recapping the test and it's making me nervous. I remember:
Two concepts on women's rights
2/3: Belize/Sports and art (can't remember which was second/third)
4: Complexity Theory
The RC was 1. Women's rights (De Gouget), 2. Art and Sports Aesthetic (comparative) 3. Belize Indigenous rights and logging and 4. Complexity theory is better than the theory of Everything (subatomic particles)
I had an LG LR LG RC LR test and have an unhealthy obsession with figuring out if the real LG (round table) was my first or second LG section - I can't remember - leaning towards first. I think the 7 schools/theater performances was the first game in the fake LG section (even though amanda.m.maguire says it was real - her only LG game - how could this be??). Can anybody shed some light on this?
@ilokmaca said:
I had an LG LR LG RC LR test and have an unhealthy obsession with figuring out if the real LG (round table) was my first or second LG section - I can't remember - leaning towards first. I think the 7 schools/theater performances was the first game in the fake LG section (even though amanda.m.maguire says it was real - her only LG game - how could this be??). Can anybody shed some light on this?
SAME I can’t figure it out!! On Reddit they’re saying the real LGs were Art (Super or unsupervised), 5:7 schools, circular, and furniture, housing, gardening (or whatever FHG stood for) but I don’t think those were in the same section for me?? I also thought my second section was real (and harder) not the first
@ilokmaca said:
I had an LG LR LG RC LR test and have an unhealthy obsession with figuring out if the real LG (round table) was my first or second LG section - I can't remember - leaning towards first. I think the 7 schools/theater performances was the first game in the fake LG section (even though amanda.m.maguire says it was real - her only LG game - how could this be??). Can anybody shed some light on this?
I also had the 7 schools/theater performances question in the same section with the circular. Best I can figure, this "city workers" question that PowerScore is talking about was switched out with the schools/theaters on this go-round. They're assuming that the test was verbatim Feb 2014. I think eventually they'll figure it out and recant.
i can't even remember what type of question it was honestly. i just remember being like "@lsat why do ya'll love homer so much"
@whitepantherz From what I'm hearing, you either got a game about city workers OR the school/theater.
On the reddit thread, someone mentioned having only one LG and the 7 school plays was one of them.
It was real
let hope. i had the same order as you and my first two were harder than the last (S4) imo.
Can someone explain to me how the curve works. I see people saying -12 or -11 but I dont necessarily understand how to apply it.
Did anyone else find the comparative passage to be awful?
I think the answer was one re: that the kids tend to choose bears with features similar to those they already own. > @AngusMcGillis said:
What do you mean by that? I don't know what "-11, -12" means. To get a 170?
Agree -- I didn't get this question
I don't recall getting this question
Well that's fucked up
I wasn’t a fan! I thought the passages themselves was relatively straight forward but half of the questions were really rough! Like the ones that asked what the 2 passages agreed on or how the 1st passage would apply the theory mentioned in the 2nd. I wasn’t sure how the passages really related.
@Raychul123 yes comparative passage was difficult. I was not sure how they related and it sank a lot of time
Man, I'm not gonna lie -- I briefly looked over those Powerscore predictions and so I knew that there was a potential circular game lurking in the shadows, but I figured that LSAC would never re-administer an exam so quickly.
Knowing the reputation of the 4th game + knowing that the section wasn't experimental definitely played some sick psychology on me during the timed exam. In the end, all my mistakes are my own, but man that's such a weird and twisted thing to run into during an LSAT.
I’m so confused, I had the LG-LR-LG-RC-LR and thought my second section was the real and the first was experimental. People are saying the first one was real?? Could’ve sworn the circular one was in my second section. What about a LG prompt on someone standing in the Front/Side/Back... was that real or experimental?
The LG section with the game about H&O are supervisors and the circular game was real. I only had one LG.
What a freakin shit show
Btw, when you guys say the curve is -12... what does that mean exactly? Because it’s highly likely that I got -12 on the LG fml hahaha (nervous laughter)
I had LG (super hard) LR LG (sigh of relief... jk this one’s experiment fool!) RC LR
Honestly, after the first LG I couldn’t even remember how to speak English ? it took me a solid 5 minutes to collect myself.
The LR is all a blur. I remember teddy bears, dinosaur/bird fossils, serious runners and their stupid running shoes, advertisements for auto dealerships, and something about type I and type II diabetes..
It all happened so fast!
Okay and can I just say THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING HERE.
This thread is really helping me cope right now and I think I’m finally approaching the stage of acceptance and inner peace lol.
WHAT DOESNT KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER PEOPLE! You all rock![:blush: :blush:](/forums/resources/emoji/blush.png)
I had two LG sections- believe that was expiremental.
Whoooo! I had LG-LR-LG-RC-LR. I'm glad that everyone confirms the circular game was the real deal. I wasn't ready for it, but I felt it was easier than the experimental. The experimental mirrored more common LG types, so I thought that was the real thing. However, I found it much harder than the first section. Part of it could have been that I didn't expect having two LG sections in the first half, but I'm glad the first prevailed.
I was slower than average on the first LR section, and faster than average on the second. I don't know if that means anything, I think I became hyper focused on the the first and maybe over compensated on the second. Regardless, I hope they average each other out.
I will say I thought the RC was extremely easy. I don't know that I have ever read and understand every passage so easily. Perhaps I was just in the zone for it, but I really did feel more comfortable and in tune with the RC than I ever have.
I did some prayers before and after the test hat everyone did well today. I extend that towards y'all!
Does anyone that had 2 LG sections happen to remember the first game in the fake section? Art Installations was the first one in the real section.
Okay so now I’m remembering my 2nd LR section. I’m pretty sure it was 26 qs and question 24 was a really hard q about a photo this kid found of his aunt, Jamaica 1972. Question 25 was two statements about taxes increasing and which of the following applies to one but not the other. Anyone remember that who didn’t have an experimental LR?
I remember that section but don't know if it was 26 questions (thought it was maybe 25)? I thought the mayor/economist taxes increasing applies to one not the other was a toughie, was hoping it was experimental (it was my 2nd of 3 LR)
I had LG experimental and don’t remember these, but my brain is mush so I may just be forgetting.
Aunt Jamaica - pretty sure experimental. I had 2 LGs - think I would remember Aunt Jamaica and I don't...
They are referring to the curve for the 170 threshold. Example: You could miss 10 questions on the June exam to get a 170.
From what I understand, not everyone who gets three LRs receives them in the same order. So you could’ve gotten the experimental one second and it could’ve been someone else’s third. You’ll have to just base which was your experimental one on the questions you remember
Yes this one was real. I had 2 LRs
That's where I'm comfused, i coulda sworn I had african countries and front/back/side one with the circular table
That means you can miss 12 and still get a 170
No African countries or front/back/side for me - but did have round table. Round table was definitely real - I did have fake LG section but can't remember much about it...other than no African countries or front/back/side...
Sorry to keep asking, still can’t get this straight in my head. Did the real LG section have a game where U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something?
YES Same!!! Totally threw me off.![:( :(](/forums/resources/emoji/frowning.png)
Does anyone remember the order of the RC passages? Keep seeing different orders from people recapping the test and it's making me nervous. I remember:
2/3: Belize/Sports and art (can't remember which was second/third)
4: Complexity Theory
Ah, thank you for clarifying!
Michaela - I'm confused too but I think we can resolve it. I believe U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something was fake. Art Installation, something with gardens, super/unsuper, and round table was real. This was my first game in LG LR LG RC LR test. I don't think your front/back/side could have been in the same game as round table? Front/back/side must have been with U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something - wait...now I'm confusing myself because I remember all of the games you mentioned except Front/Back/Side - something isn't matching up...maybe U had to be alone and J couldn’t be with K or something was the something with gardens game so it's real....I think I just made our confusion worse!
Why would LSAC reuse a test that was originally thought of as more difficult than usual? Aren't that wanting consistency with the test difficulty? Stressing that this test will ruin my score since it was harder than the other PT I took.
My order was LR-LR-LG-LR-RC - the reading comp section about Belize and Women's Rights was on mine so it is scored. Hope this helps!
I had LR-LR-LG-LR-RC. My logic games section had people sitting in a circle with a moderator, translator and junior & senior reps from 3 different countries.
yes that was my only LG also
I just looked on LSAC and can confirm today is not gray day. Sigh*
I remember sports/art 2nd (I'm confident on the sports one, because I remember being surprised that the comparative passage was 2nd) and Belize 3rd.
I don't really remember the Belize passage at all though. Yet RC felt good, hopefully makes up for my lackluster LG performance.
I figured out the trick to the circular table LG while lying in bed last night staring at the ceiling. Damndamndamn.
@CPAtoJD said:
The RC was 1. Women's rights (De Gouget), 2. Art and Sports Aesthetic (comparative) 3. Belize Indigenous rights and logging and 4. Complexity theory is better than the theory of Everything (subatomic particles)
I felt hazed by the LG section and that’s my strongest section.
I had an LG LR LG RC LR test and have an unhealthy obsession with figuring out if the real LG (round table) was my first or second LG section - I can't remember - leaning towards first. I think the 7 schools/theater performances was the first game in the fake LG section (even though amanda.m.maguire says it was real - her only LG game - how could this be??). Can anybody shed some light on this?
The 7 schools thestre performances was definitely real. I only had one LG section and that was my first game.
SAME I can’t figure it out!! On Reddit they’re saying the real LGs were Art (Super or unsupervised), 5:7 schools, circular, and furniture, housing, gardening (or whatever FHG stood for) but I don’t think those were in the same section for me?? I also thought my second section was real (and harder) not the first
I also had the 7 schools/theater performances question in the same section with the circular. Best I can figure, this "city workers" question that PowerScore is talking about was switched out with the schools/theaters on this go-round. They're assuming that the test was verbatim Feb 2014. I think eventually they'll figure it out and recant.