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Should I retake??

Ruby1234Ruby1234 Alum Member

I feel like the answer is yes but I wanted a sounding board....I received a 166 just now, my PT range was 167-173. My GPA is 3.75 from a top 10 university undergrad and I have been working in public policy in DC for 2.5 years. I want to go to Berkeley or NYU. I think I can get to at least a 169 the circle game really screwed me last month. HOWEVER I have been doing 0 studying the last 3 weeks and I'm not feeling all that jazzed or motivated about gearing up for September (I am registered). Do I just suck it up and retake? Thanks...!!


  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    1058 karma

    My take on this is..... Berkeley or NYU wanted -> Retake. So contrapositive of this would be NOT retake(synonymous with a 166) -> Neither Berkeley nor NYU.....

  • Ruby1234Ruby1234 Alum Member
    57 karma

    @dkny2013 said:
    My take on this is..... Berkeley or NYU wanted -> Retake. So contrapositive of this would be NOT retake(synonymous with a 166) -> Neither Berkeley nor NYU.....

    Hahaha, thanks for putting it in lawgic. Agreed...

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    Ask the schools if you can apply multiple times in the same cycle. If the answer is yes, then I think you should submit apps now and then plan on retaking.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Since your gpa is a little below median for both of those schools, you're definitely going to want to get your LSAT up to have a good shot. I think the best strategy would be to have your app completely ready to go and take the LSAT in November and then apply as soon as you have that score. September would be more ideal as far as timing of application goes, but it sounds like you won't be ready in time and any extra LSAT points are definitely worth waiting those extra two months to apply. You can't apply multiple times per cycle. What some people do is apply and let the schools know to hold their application because they are re taking the LSAT.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Yes, you have a great score on record that you can apply with, but it sounds like you have a good chance of improving even more on a future test.

  • john.wang5314john.wang5314 Free Trial Member
    7 karma


  • NotMyNameNotMyName Alum Member Sage
    5320 karma

    I know the feeling, but as others have said, NYU/UCB all but require a better score.

    Do your best to reset. Exercise more than usual, improve your diet, look at google images of NYU/UCB grads... this is the final push.

    That circle game only had 4 questions I think? Have you considered whether there are more fundamental issues to address? Just be careful about attributing a bad score to randomness/weird game. Maybe you're not doing that but good to be mindful of it anyway.

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