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Hi guys,
I'm having a very big problem with missing easy 1star LR questions. I don't know what exactly I'm doing wrong but I tend to miss 3-4 at the start of each LR section. But when it comes to the more difficult (3-4stars) questions (15-23) I get them right no problem.
I'm not doing anything different. Same thought process. No matter how easy or hard they look, I read all the ACs.
What should I do? I'm honestly so confused and just really disappointed in myself that I'm letting these easy ones be missed.
Are you warming up before your write PTs? If not, maybe you're a little rusty when you start the section.
It seems like warmups might be beneficial to you. I would try them and see if it makes any difference.
Warmups might be good, though you can't plan on doing that on test day. Do you think it could be from confidence errors? I tend to get overly confident on questions that seem very easy.
Do you take your time with these questions or try to force yourself to do something like "15 in 15" or "25 in 25"? I used to try to do 25 in 25 and that would result in me rushing through questions and making easy mistakes earlier on in the section. Try to take your time with the earlier questions, even upwards on a minute and see if that has any effect on your accuracy.
@SomewhereBetween120and180 I actually don't...I will give that a try! Thank you
@Kermit750 Thank you, I will be warming up LRs before doing a PT.
Do you guys think I should just pull some from the CC?
@"samantha.ashley92" Yes! The 1star questions I am so sure I get them right. I guess I need to spend more time and just really double check. I can't let the early easy ones go to waste
@keets993 Thank you, I so will. Sometimes I do rush and try to hit that minute for every question..not the best way to go about it. You're right, I'm gonna slow down and double check.
Because during BR..I do recognize my mistake and change them. So sometimes my BR score is drastically better just because of my silly mess up on easy question during PT.
I think once you can easily do 25 in 25, slow down a bit to more like 25 in 30 and see how that effects your score. Eventually you want to be finishing 25 in 25 though as 10 minutes at the end gives you the ability to look back on the section and pick up 4/5 more points.
Do you skim the rest of the answer choices when you think you have the right answer? or do you circle it and move on? I used to rush in order to get to 15 in 15 and occasionally missed easy questions because I didn't take the time to skim the rest of the answer choices. I'd say focus on accuracy and skipping time sinks. If done properly, you'll likely never miss another easy question again! The speed really does come with accuracy. If you can quickly eliminate bad answer choices and anticipate a good one, then you'll be doing 15 in 15 or 20 in 20 without sacrificing easy questions.
Especially knowing that the first few questions of the first LR section are likely level one (not always!), it's a good idea to slow down. Read each word in each answer choice as if it was the hardest question on the test. Give yourself permission to spend an extra 10-15 seconds on the question because spending an extra minute on those 5 questions will be worth it if you get the answers right.
@"samantha.ashley92" You most definitely can (and should!) warm up on test day. If you do a few easy LR questions and a couple logic games before walking into the test room, you are still going to be much more mentally prepared than just going in cold.
Sounds good! I will slow down and spend a little bit more time and just slowly work my way up
Thank you
Once I get the answer I move on...which I really need to work on and do POE even if I'm 100%.
Alright, yeah I will slow down and worry about getting it right rather thanbeing on question 20 when the time hits 20minutes.
I know, you are so right. It sucks so bad when I'm getting the first few questions wrong due! I just gotta slow down. Thank you
I agree with you. I will be warming on the day before the test. Bringing some LRs and games in my car before I enter testing center.
Thank you so much!
@SomewhereBetween120and180 I mean, you can do some stuff in the car or earlier in the day, but not right before the test.