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Test Day Fooood

PearsonSpecterLittUpPearsonSpecterLittUp Alum Member
edited September 2018 in General 588 karma

What are y'all eating for breakfast on the big day??
What snacks are you bringing for the break???

From what I read online, breakfast should include slow-release carbohydrates, such as whole rolled porridge oats, whole grain bread or low-sugar muesli, as they provide slow-release energy. Adding a protein is also recommended, such as milk, yoghurt or eggs, to keep you feeling full for longer.


Admin note: edited title. Sorry, no all caps please


  • ad_coelumad_coelum Alum Member
    edited September 2018 285 karma

    Nothing wild — a couple over easy eggs, toast, banana and milk. Maybe a spoonful of peanut butter for some sugar and energy. Keeping my regular routine for the most part. For the break, I’m bringing water and a Luna bar. Something fast to munch! There was a vending machine at the last testing site and no one was buying anything from it (who knows why). I beelined it and got some fruit snacks for a sugar boost. So, keep an eye out for vending machines and bring some dollars!

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited September 2018 3652 karma

    Idk how people survive off just an apple or nothing at all during the break. I would black out by the end of the test if I did that. When I took a proctored PT I brought a Niçoise salad with tuna. On test day I brought something similar but it had chicken in it. + chocolate for a sugar boost.
    For breakfast I had 2 scrambled eggs on top of toast, a grapefruit, usual espresso, lots of water. I stopped drinking water like an hour before the test. Drank a tiny bit of my water bottle in line and regretted it bc I kind of had to pee during the test.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I had 2 toaster waffles with peanut butter, 2 scrambled eggs, a banana, and green tea. For snack I brought 2 larabars (definitely didn't need more than 1 but I was paranoid about getting hungry and being distracted lol) and a bottle of water. The second time I tested, I forgot to buy a plastic bottle of water so also hit the vending machine and was bummed that it didn't actually have water! Only sodas and vitamin water. So, I opted for vitamin water and it was fine, but I prefer just regular ol' water hah.

  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    Bagel + cream cheese and coffee for breakfast, protein bar during the break!

  • cqas190517cqas190517 Alum Member 🍌
    535 karma

    I’m going to eat a medium sized breakfast burrito since the eggs, meat, tortilla, cheese and beans are all the good foods you need. Plus I know they have a proven track record of keeping me full for the whole morning. I’m also a coffee drinker so I’ll be having a morning brew.

    I’m bringing a big ass bar of Lindt chocolate (60% cocoa) and some blueberries for the snack, because the chocolate just makes me happy (and the fat is filling) and the blueberries aid in cognition. I’m also bringing some caffeinated water in a container of my own, to perk me up and keep me energized.

    Good luck!

  • kimw2015kimw2015 Member
    81 karma

    I thought about this so much before I took the test! Just be sure that whatever you're eating is something your body is used to -- don't try a brand new regimen the day of.

    I think I had yogurt + muesli + fruit + coffee for breakfast soon after I woke up, then a granola bar like an hour before the test. And for the break I had peanut butter stuffed pretzels and chocolate-covered espresso beans. But my test administration was at 12:30 p.m.

    If you live near a Trader Joe's, I highly recommend getting good snackage from them.

    This is probably backed by little science, but I ate a lot of walnuts + blueberries + broccoli leading up to the test because I'd read they were good "brain foods" haha. And stay away from turkey, since it supposedly makes you sleepy.

  • Victoria-1Victoria-1 Free Trial Member
    edited September 2018 100 karma

    For breakfast I’m going to have blueberry oatmeal + 3 eggs scrambled + 2 cups of coffee.

    For snack: a protein bar, and then I’ll snack on a mix of almonds, dark chocolate and gummy bears :smiley:

    This is nothing new to me though - I would stick with food you normally eat! No need for extra surprises on test day.

    Planning on Salmon, Brown rice and broccoli tonight for dinner :smile:

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    edited September 2018 1694 karma

    Orange Juice - simple carbs to shake the brain awake
    Honey Water - simple carbs with some more complex carbs and liquids for my morning work out
    Brown Rice and Seaweed - simple and complex carbs and minerals for the brain
    Vegetables - complex carbs for slow release of energy over the test
    Nut bar - complex carbs for slow release of energy over the test

    Green Tea with Honey - Small amounts of caffeine and sugar

    Nut bar - the oils are filling, but not too heavy or hard to digest
    Apple Juice - simple carbs and calms me down, reminds me of the apple juice and cookie I use to get after a doctor's visit
    Plantain - simple and complex carbs, also filing but not hard to digest

    Other thoughts:
    I don't touch anything like coffee or yogurt, because those can be aggravating to the stomach, and I don't want to risk that. I also avoid red meats and heavy cheeses because the complex fats put more strain on your digestive system, which takes away blood and energy from the brain, and take longer to digest completely.
    However, as others have already said, the best test day food is what you've always been eating. Routine is best.

  • LivingThatLSATdreamLivingThatLSATdream Alum Member
    500 karma

    Go into test day like any other practice test. Eat and drink before/on breaks whatever you have been doing that works for you. Don’t psych yourself out. Good luck!

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