Has anyone noticed that lawgic is useful for many things beyond the LSAT... I'm actually so grateful to 7sage because going thru the material for the LSAT has been useful in so many more ways than one... for 1, it made dealing with the methods classes in my PhD program SO much easier... both qualitative (sufficiency necessity/ some-all-most/ truth validity) and quantitative (causation correlation)... changed my way of looking claims in general... and it helps me build stronger arguments... and take apart other arguments for example... I had an exchange on an issue immensely sensitive to me yesterday on FB and in replying to a friend I went off on a (not rude yet firm) rant.. which involved everything I've learned here, from causation, to truth and validity.... just curious to know... anyone else had the experience that studying for this test has affected other areas of their life in similar ways?
And as weird as it sounds, lawgic is probably my favourite part about the LSAT. It's such a good feeling when you face a lawgic heavy question on the LSAT, and you end up tearing it apart and getting to the right answer through the application of its principles.