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MSS Question Sets

Andrew AlterioAndrew Alterio Alum Member

Currently, I'm following the syllabus and in middle of the MSS questions sets. While I got almost all of the early--and easy--question sets correct, I haven't kept that up for the more difficult ones. My question is, is that normal, and am I expected to know how to answer these difficult questions without any knowledge of logic (that's the order the syllabus has them)?


  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    I think MSS doesn't rely so much on logic. It's more about parsing what you're reading. That said, I wouldn't worry about doing all of the question sets right now. As long as you feel like you mostly understand the material and how to do those, go ahead and move on. You can come back and do the more difficult ones later when you have a deeper understanding of LSAT material in general.

  • Andrew AlterioAndrew Alterio Alum Member
    394 karma

    Makes sense. Thanks!

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    1694 karma

    I think one thing that helps is to develop your own notation process. As the questions get harder, the stimulus gets longer and more complex, so it becomes more important to link sentences that refer to the common subjects together and to divide sentences up that do not actually talk about the same subjects. And the very hardest curve-breaker questions will use words like: "likely, probably, or often" to further blur the connections between sentences.
    This requires that you've gone through the logic lesson, but here's how I treat them: like how I treat "most", meaning once there are 2 or more of them, all we can know about them is that they can have a "some" relationship or no relationship at all.

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