Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Feeling reaaaalllllly tired... - 7Sage Forum

Feeling reaaaalllllly tired...

tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
edited October 2018 in General 770 karma

Hey guys, I don't know why I'm making this thread. But I just bombed another logic game set, and wanted to remark how really tired and burned out I am from studying.

With the November test about a month and a week away, really feeling the drag now.
If those of you who's taking the November test feel the same, you have a company in me. Cheers! Haha.


  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    It's going to be OK. We're here for you.

  • ysamborykysamboryk Alum Member
    13 karma

    I feel you! plus Classes on top of that. im taking the November test too.

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    1058 karma

    It happens to everyone! Have some ice cream. It helps me a lot haha. Btw, which PT was it?

  • ticklemepurpleticklemepurple Alum Member
    10 karma

    We're all in this together. Luckily, LG is the most learnable. I see your comments all over the lessons/courses, you're doing great. We believe in you, you got this!

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    770 karma

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    It happens to everyone! Have some ice cream. It helps me a lot haha. Btw, which PT was it?

    Thanks! It has the book shelves game, haha.

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    770 karma

    @ticklemepurple said:
    We're all in this together. Luckily, LG is the most learnable. I see your comments all over the lessons/courses, you're doing great. We believe in you, you got this!

    Do you? Haha. I don't know why, but sometimes I comment the most ridiculous statements, you probably noticed, lol.

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    1058 karma

    @tekken1225 said:

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    It happens to everyone! Have some ice cream. It helps me a lot haha. Btw, which PT was it?

    Thanks! It has the book shelves game, haha.

    Speaking of your username, I used to rule my little arcade world with Nina and Jin back in the 90s.... Great game(a real game, NOT a logic game hahaha.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma

    Take a break. A few days away from everything lsat. No 7sage. Come back on Monday and see how you feel.

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @keets993 said:
    Take a break. A few days away from everything lsat. No 7sage. Come back on Monday and see how you feel.

    This. Absolutely take a break. Your brain needs to rest from all its doing. Its just natural and we all do it. We need to have a rest from all of this studying. I took a two week break once and didn't think I would come back but I did and here I am! Good luck and hang in there.

  • Hopeful16-1Hopeful16-1 Alum Member
    69 karma

    Yo, legit same. It's actually the worst feeling. Don't know how to balance life and study for this exam. RIP. We can do this though, just gotta keep pushing.

  • cdaddario2cdaddario2 Member
    362 karma

    More than one person has expressed to me how helpful it was to take a break for more than 6 hours and let the material sink in. You will retain more and have better command of the information if you take a few days and let your mind process what you have learned. Much of the information is in there (your head that is) but in order to have excellent recall, allowing the lessons to gestate is critical. When you read all the comments from people saying that they took a year or longer to achieve 170+ scores, it is because they allowed the information, over the course of many months, to become ingrained in their mind. Take a few days and relax. When the urge to do 'just a couple of LR questions' do not do it. Taking a small break does not insure a better score. What a small break does for you is it gives your body and mind a chance to own the information. Your are walking into a very difficult times test in 5 weeks. Recall and calm nerves are going to be the difference between you getting the most out of all of your study and leaving some points 'on the table' so to speak.
    Now go back and count how many conditional phrases I used in this comment and build each sentence using LAWGIC. Kidding, Please Don't Do That.

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    edited October 2018 770 karma

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:

    @tekken1225 said:

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    It happens to everyone! Have some ice cream. It helps me a lot haha. Btw, which PT was it?

    Thanks! It has the book shelves game, haha.

    Speaking of your username, I used to rule my little arcade world with Nina and Jin back in the 90s.... Great game(a real game, NOT a logic game hahaha.

    Haha ya, the good old days. I was more of Paul and Hwoarang guy. Nina too... lol

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Agreed with the others above, take a few days off. And when you come back, if you haven't already, you should be taking at least 1 day per week completely off. It helps to keep your sanity, and keep you well-rested. Your ability to improve and be consistent will be greatly affected by your mental state. And note that, while it's tempting for some to ramp up studying when test day gets closer, it's a best practice to instead slow it down. The full week of the test, you should be doing only light studying. The day before the test, don't touch anything LSAT related. You'll be much more refreshed and ready to go than if you try to cram.

  • tekken1225tekken1225 Alum Member
    edited October 2018 770 karma

    @"Leah M B" said:
    And note that, while it's tempting for some to ramp up studying when test day gets closer, it's a best practice to instead slow it down.

    Yeah, you're right. The hard part is this right here. As the time counts down, there's that urge to be in the library all the time, otherwise I feel guilty that I'm doing myself a disservice i.e) I should be studying to improve my LR score by 1 more question, etc, etc.

    As others have noted, a few days break would be a good idea.

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