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7Sage Package Plan?

edited November 2018 in General 56 karma

Hi. I took the June 2018 LSAT. I did not do well on it at all. I scored way under 150. I need over 150 on the LSAT to be competitive for my first choice local law school. I did minimal preparation for this last exam. I just did the Power Score accelerated course two times and Insight LSAT free on YouTube. I did not really do any practice exams. All of this did not obviously help me out enough. I have a few questions for paid 7Sage members. I have to repeat the LSAT again in March of 2019 in 4 months. Here are the questions. Thanks! :) 1) Is 4 months enough time to fully prepare? 2) I was thinking and planning on getting the basic $179 starter 7Sage package. Is that package adequate enough for me to do well on the next LSAT? Or do I really need a higher package? 3) Should I also get all of the Power Score bible books to supplement the $179 7Sage package? Or that is just too much then? 4) How many practice tests do you recommend taking and fully going over? Thank you for all of the help!


  • maceodillardmaceodillard Alum Member
    40 karma

    I just recently took the November exam and I only studied for like a month with 7sage and I believe it was a huge help. I personally think 4 months is enough time to really comb through all the material if you stay dedicated to studying. I only took one PT and I scored a 153 and im hoping to get a score back higher than that from the actual test. If that's your goal I think the starter pack will more than suffice if you stay dedicated. As far as question 3 and 4 I don't have enough experience to give my opinion on.

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    Know going in that each 7Sage level includes the exact same instructional material (the core curriculum or CC as we call it). So the actual instruction you have access to is the same regardless of plan level. What each additional level gives you is access to additional drill material (problem sets) and PTs. The higher the level, the more additional material you gain access to.

    WRT your question, I believe you can get through the CC in four months. How many PTs and how much drilling you can do afterward depends on your progress and level of comfort with the material.

    Good luck!

  • SupernoviceSupernovice Alum Member
    323 karma

    I did similar to you. I started with Khan Academy and barely budged my score from the assessment test after weeks and weeks of that nonsense. Then I did Insight on YouTube which brought my score up about 12 points. Then I found 7Sage with just a few weeks left before the test I took in Nov. On my last practice test I broke into the160's and am hoping I did better than that on the real test. I wish I had gotten 7Sage from the beginning, I really could've done much better, I think. I completely wasted my time with Khan Academy. Insight kinda showed me exactly how much time I had wasted with Khan... 7Sage is so much more complete than just watching videos. When I was down to the wire, I just bought the basic package here and was able to make big improvements in a short time without completing the entire course. I'm taking a break for now awaiting my score and have applied to school. I, likely, won't have to take the LSAT again, but if I do, I'll be right back here.

    You should, at the very least, get the basic package here and complete the core curriculum, then take a practice test. You can always upgrade later if you want.

    I don't know anything about those other packages/books/materials, but I wouldn't buy them until you've completed the CC here. You can always buy them later, too.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    edited November 2018 8392 karma

    4 months is enough to get through the CC and do a few PTs before the test date, and I think that'd be a great path for you. Don't bother with the Powerscore books. It's difficult mixing materials and better to stick with 1 curriculum at a time to not get confused.

    I'd recommend that you sign up for the Starter package with 7sage, and then buy some of the newer practice tests either through 7sage as add-ons or from somewhere like Amazon (like this one:

    First, focus just on 7sage and the curriculum, and then when you finish it you can do some drilling and practicing timed sections, and then I'd recommend doing a full PT about once a week until the test day.

    Edit: wanted to add, the Starter package only comes with older prep tests. The LSAT has changed a bit over the years, so especially since you likely will only have about a month or two after the CC until taking the test, I'd recommend you use some of those older PTs to practice timed sections, but make sure that you get your hands on more recent tests to practice with. They will better prepare you for test day.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Starter is good for the time-being, but Ultimate and Ultimate+ give you access to more exams and explanations.

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