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Finally starting CC

aydee.gonzlaydee.gonzl Alum Member
in General 42 karma

Hi everyone,

This past June I took my first LSAT, and didn't do well. I underestimated how hard the exam would be, and tried to cram studying for it. I made the decision at the beginning of this semester (August) to quit studying for the LSAT, and to keep my GPA up. As of two weeks ago, I graduated from college. Since then, I have enrolled in the course, and started CC. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions/comments/advice about how to take on learning CC? Maybe something you would do differently? Or something that worked for you? Anything helps, and thanks in advance!


  • MissChanandlerMissChanandler Alum Member Sage
    3256 karma

    First of all, welcome! I would try not to rush through the CC. Take two or three months to go through it and really understand all of the material rather than passively watching the videos. After the CC, it might take several practice tests before you see improvement- you have to not only learn the concepts, you have to learn how to put them to good use. Come up with a goal score before you start studying. That really helped motivate me when I didn't feel like studying. Don't pick an arbitrary number- check out the law schools that you think you might like to attend and see how you match up with your GPA, and pick a goal score based off of that. If you want a 10+ point increase, it might take a long time, but lots of people here have done it and you can too!

  • LSAT_WreckerLSAT_Wrecker Member
    4850 karma

    I second every thing @MissChanandler said. Welcome! Do not put a timeline on your studies. Really dig into the CC and focus on understanding the fundamentals within it, not just plowing through the lessons. I would not focus at all on the timing suggestions within the CC. Soak in the knowledge and work on timing after the CC, when you start working on your PTs. If you don't understand something, redo the lesson or section. Take your time with the practice sets. For those topics that you understand and ace the early problems, I would do every other practice set (1/3/5, etc). That way you have fresh material for your PT / Drilling phase.

    After you are finished with the CC, PT only when you think you have gained knowledge. Lots of people think that more PTs=higher scores. I used the PTs as diagnostic tools to identify areas of needed remediation. Once a PT exposed an area of weakness in my knowledge, I would return to the CC and redo those sections and problems sets. Only after that would I PT again.

    Good luck! Be active in the forums and ask any and all questions you may have. This is a great space for getting support and encouragement.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27891 karma


    I think @MissChanandler and @LSAT_Wrecker mostly have you covered. Just to reinforce, make sure your goal is to learn the content—not complete the curriculum. It’s a really big difference in approach, and it’s the most important thing for you at this stage. Also, adopt a mentality of self-skepticism. You’re going to think you understand something way before you actually do, so challenge yourself to really prove it if you think you understand. A great way to do this is to engage with the community. Go to office hours to bounce things off a Sage, or just post detailed explanations in the comments and forums for critique. If you really pursue self-improvement rather than self-validation, you’ll progress rapidly. Easier said than done though; that mental battle was the biggest obstacle for me throughout much of my studies.

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