Alright, great to hear! I was tentatively thinking this group could review one PT a week together preferably later in the week depending on what people’s schedules look like. Given that we’re about 9 weeks out from the test, I thought starting around PT 75 or so would work well. What day(s)/time(s) work best.
@"forest.dearing.2017" said:
Alright, great to hear! I was tentatively thinking this group could review one PT a week together preferably later in the week depending on what people’s schedules look like. Given that we’re about 9 weeks out from the test, I thought starting around PT 75 or so would work well. What day(s)/time(s) work best.
For the next 2-3 weeks I’m available whenever, but I return to work full time soon and evenings or weekends would be best then. I’m in California (for time zone purposes!)
Hey I'm down too! Let's really do this. I mean let's really stick to the schedule hard. And make this work. So everyone in the group could get that dream result!!!!
Also, as a point of clarity, don't check your answers before the blind review as the aim is to win people over with your reasoning alone for the particular answer choice you choose.
Really? So no one knows what's the right answer before reviewing ? That's going to be one long review then. But okay. When's our first meeting? Do we have a date yet? Thanks Forest for organizing this!
I'm interested!
interested, too, thanks!
Alright, great to hear! I was tentatively thinking this group could review one PT a week together preferably later in the week depending on what people’s schedules look like. Given that we’re about 9 weeks out from the test, I thought starting around PT 75 or so would work well. What day(s)/time(s) work best.
For the next 2-3 weeks I’m available whenever, but I return to work full time soon and evenings or weekends would be best then. I’m in California (for time zone purposes!)
Would this Sunday fit PT 75 work? @mjmonte17 @aleland13 @kpj744___
I am interested. Would like to Join. Count on me.
Any chance we can do PT74 or 76 instead?
Awesome, would reviewing PT 75 Sunday work. I'm flexible on the time so everyone just let me know what is most convenient
Yeah of course, PT 74 works for me
I am interested! Would love to see others approach
Let's do it!
Just throwing an initial time out there, but would 4 pm EST work Sunday. If not, just let me know.
@forest.dearing.2017 That time works great for me, what platform are we going to use? Also, I have taken PTs 73-78. Taking PT 79 tomorrow.
I’m interested as well.
I’m interested.
Hey I'm down too! Let's really do this. I mean let's really stick to the schedule hard. And make this work. So everyone in the group could get that dream result!!!!
Would GoTo Meeting as a platform and PT 74 as a test work for everyone
Yes. So a PT/week?
Do we do PT separately then BR together? Or do we do PT together as well?
Yes 4 pm EST sounds perfect! That's like 6 am in my time, which is perfect because I can get this BR done first then go to work.
I'm interested as well. and 4pm EST is 6am for me too haha I see possibly a fellow Korean here? And yes that time works
@lsatyayy we do the PT separately and then blind review together
Also, as a point of clarity, don't check your answers before the blind review as the aim is to win people over with your reasoning alone for the particular answer choice you choose.
*Another correction as well. We blind review separately and then review together
Really? So no one knows what's the right answer before reviewing ? That's going to be one long review then. But okay. When's our first meeting? Do we have a date yet? Thanks Forest for organizing this!
I'm thinking Sunday at 4 pm EST and yes, look up the Blind Review method in case you have any uncertainty about it.
Hi guys! Is this study group still going? Can I join?
Interested if still active!