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[Updated] This study guide helped me improve 18 points

Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
edited February 2019 in Study Guides/Cheat Sheets 389 karma

Heyo 7Sagers,

It's been a while since I posted here. I return after the November 2018 LSAT with some good news: I got into my desired law school with a scholarship! A year ago, when I was contemplating whether to give up on the LSAT after my December 2017 write, I was convinced that I wouldn't even see a scholarship, let alone be admitted to any law school. I had hinged everything on the December LSAT and, because of my low score, I was not admitted to any of the law schools I applied to. This is around about the time I discovered 7Sage, which motivated me to study and rewrite in November 2018. This cycle, after improving my score by 18 points, I had offers with scholarships from each of the schools I applied to.

I am so grateful for the 7Sage community and for JY's sage wisdom. Without either, I would not have gotten to where I am today: stress free and looking forward to starting on my path come September. Let it be known: some elbow grease and a can-do attitude can get you far, but following the sage advice of JY and the 7Sage community will do you wonders.

In light of this, I wanted to pay forward the help I received here and give y'all my comprehensive study guide, which I compiled throughout my own LSAT journey. I'm very proud of it and believe that reviewing this on the daily helped me achieve my 18 point increase.

So, without further ado, I present to you my study guide:

Go get 'em, 7Sage fam.


Apologies that the previous link was a dud. You can download the study guide here:



  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Thank you so much. I just very briefly looked over it and am excited to see how helpful it can be. I want to print it out and keep it above my study table to look over often. I think just understanding the whole concepts from pages 6-9 like the question types, ways to approach it, and more is going to be so useful. It's all very organized and I hope you have a great law school journey :smiley:

  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Quick question- but how do I save this study guide or download it? I tried to save it as a PDF, but it did not work. There are only the options like share or save it on the website. I was hoping to save it on my laptop.

  • lsatyayylsatyayy Alum Member
    178 karma

    OMG This cheat sheet is golden! Thank you so much for sharing!!!! And good luck to your future.

  • 109 karma

    Congratulations! Are you attending a Canadian law school?

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @"Tim Hortons" Thank you and congratulations! How do we download the study guide? I've been trying to print and save it but having a hard time. Thx for your help.

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    6050 karma


  • KeepCalmKeepCalm Alum Member
    807 karma


  • TiaK0419TiaK0419 Alum Member
    61 karma

    Congrats! And thank you so much for sharing:)

  • arinze22arinze22 Member
    67 karma

    Thank you for sharing with us! Anyway possible we can download this?

  • treblemaker75treblemaker75 Member
    9 karma

    Agreed. Is there a way to download or print this? This is a life saver!

  • platos_caveplatos_cave Alum Member
    8 karma

    Congratulations, and thank you so much for sharing! This will be super helpful!!

  • lindsaywlindsayw Alum Member
    21 karma

    It's not available for download or printing:

  • jvela133jvela133 Alum Member
    7 karma

    I think you can hit print screen

  • needcoffeeneedcoffee Member
    edited February 2019 29 karma

    Yea it'd be cool if we could download or print without having to sign up with scribd..

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @"ajp.0808" said:
    Yea it'd be cool if we could download or print without having to sign up with scribd..

    I signed up and still wasn't able to download it or print it.

    @"Tim Hortons" how are you "paying it forward" if you are not making your study sheet available? If you can add a direct link to your study sheet it would truly help us all out.

  • Hopeful9812Hopeful9812 Member
    872 karma

    Congrats! Thanks so much for sharing!

  • BamboosproutBamboosprout Alum Member
    edited February 2019 1694 karma

    Good job making this thing! It shows so much hard work and dedication. Hope your LSAT journey ends at a nice place =)

  • 003dnj003dnj Free Trial Member
    18 karma

    Looks great! Please host on a service we can download from, such as

  • salonpapassalonpapas Member
    edited February 2019 138 karma

    So great to hear your success story. Please make your pdf printable!

    And I love this community!

  • LSATSurvivorLSATSurvivor Alum Member
    228 karma


  • maxbbarb7maxbbarb7 Alum Member
    182 karma

    Congratulations! I would love to use the study guide if you are able to make it printable for us.

  • chicago234chicago234 Alum Member
    163 karma

    Thank you for sharing!

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    This is awesome and we'd love to be able to print it out. Thanks!

  • keets993keets993 Alum Member 🍌
    edited February 2019 6050 karma

    You guys can use the screen shot function in the meantime to have your own copy. @"Tim Hortons" might no longer be checking 7sage regularly.

  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    389 karma

    Hello everyone,

    @keets993 is correct! Unfortunately, I don't check back here often and assumed the document would be accessible for all. My apologies to everyone who experienced this trouble.

    Above you'll find a new link where you can download the study guide. It's also here (to save you the trouble of scrolling up):

    Kindly let me know if it works!

  • LSATer2019LSATer2019 Alum Member
    29 karma

    Yes the new link works @"Tim Hortons" Thank you so much!

  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    389 karma

    @LSATer2019 said:
    Yes the new link works @"Tim Hortons" Thank you so much!

    Phew, thanks for letting me know! Happy studying :smile:

  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    edited February 2019 389 karma

    @Perseverance47 said:
    Congratulations! Are you attending a Canadian law school?

    Thank you! And I am! Canadian thru-and-thru here.

    And thank you everyone for the congrats! I appreciate it :blush:

  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    389 karma

    @LCMama2017 said:

    I signed up and still wasn't able to download it or print it.

    @"Tim Hortons" how are you "paying it forward" if you are not making your study sheet available? If you can add a direct link to your study sheet it would truly help us all out.

    Apologies! A friend suggested scribd and I was just here for a good time, not a long time, so I jumped at using it without realizing that it was largely unaccessible. Anyways, hope the new link works for ya and best of luck studying!

  • Frank JaegerFrank Jaeger Alum Member
    144 karma


  • ValDJrFall20ValDJrFall20 Alum Member
    edited February 2019 36 karma

    Yay! Thanks for sharing this @"Tim Hortons"

  • Jennmf13Jennmf13 Member
    28 karma

    So Canadian! I love it! Thank you, thank you. Best of luck in law school @"Tim Hortons"

  • ChardiggityChardiggity Alum Member
    336 karma

    Bless your kind, caffeinated little heart! Thank you!

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @"Tim Hortons" said:

    Apologies! A friend suggested scribd and I was just here for a good time, not a long time, so I jumped at using it without realizing that it was largely unaccessible. Anyways, hope the new link works for ya and best of luck studying!

    @"Tim Hortons" you rock!!! thank you!!! :smile:

  • The NoodleyThe Noodley Alum Member
    662 karma

    Thank you for doing this!!

  • Goku-sanGoku-san Alum Member
    44 karma

    Congratulations and thanks for the guide!

  • RFLSATStudyRFLSATStudy Alum Member
    12 karma

    Wow! Thank you!!!!!!! Congratulations on your victory. Stories like this are so refreshing when times are getting tough. You're definitely an inspiration to keep pushing. Thank you again.

  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    389 karma

    @RFLSATStudy said:
    Wow! Thank you!!!!!!! Congratulations on your victory. Stories like this are so refreshing when times are getting tough. You're definitely an inspiration to keep pushing. Thank you again.

    @RFLSATStudy, thank you! When I was studying, I would always read success stories and take my motivation from 'em, so I'm glad that sharing mine helps in this sense. Best of luck with studying and keep pushing thru!

  • desigrovesdesigroves Core Member
    9 karma

    Thank you!!!!

  • jayp1011jayp1011 Alum Member
    76 karma

    Thank you very much @"Tim Hortons" !!

  • lanishallanishal Member
    2 karma

    Congratulations. Thank you so much for the study guide. It looks very interesting.

  • Folso102Folso102 Yearly Member
    61 karma

    you are an angel thank you!!!

  • This is some true Canadian level kindness here! I hope you get all of the good karma

  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    389 karma

    @"A More Perfect LSAT" said:
    This is some true Canadian level kindness here! I hope you get all of the good karma

  • sanambath19sanambath19 Core Member
    37 karma

    Congrats and thanks!

  • hellohn21hellohn21 Alum Member
    7 karma

    Congratulations and thank you for your contribution!!! (:

  • radkri10radkri10 Member
    133 karma

    This is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing and big congrats!!

  • Tim HortonsTim Hortons Alum Member
    389 karma

    Seeing as people are still finding the study guide helpful (I'm flattered!), I want to bump this thread for anyone who hasn't seen it, especially for those preparing for the upcoming June LSAT. Best of luck, everyone! :smile:

  • RebeccaSJRebeccaSJ Member
    28 karma

    Thank you for sharing your story with us. What an inspiration! I wish you the best in law school. Thank you as well for sharing your LSAT notes. They are much appreciated.

  • J.DizzleJ.Dizzle Member
    85 karma

    Can anyone PM me the study guide? I am having trouble accessing the Google Drive.

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