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Hey buddies,
Thanks for all the help and hard work. I went from getting disqualified from U Oregon due to major depressive disorder to getting back into school, excelling in my school work and getting into one of my top choices. I never thought this would happen; especially after getting a 137 on my diagnostic. Somebody who got into UC Berkley told me that it was impossible to go from the 130s to the 160s. Well guess what fuckface? I FUCKING DID IT. Dont let people tell you you can't do something cuz this former athlete just got in.
I hope all of you are doing well (except for my sworn enemy: see above).
Ha! Congratulations on your great result!
I think you can send a little warmheartedness to your friend from UC Berkeley who challenged you to test and break the limits of success
Congrats! This is amazing! I hope you have an amazing time at law school
Congratulations!!!! SO amazing! Enjoy law school
Hahah CONGRATULATIONS! That is a remarkable feat - not just the determination you showed in raising your score by so much, but refusing to let others tell you what you are capable of and bouncing back from depression. You persevered and are reaping the benefits. Now go crush law school!!!
(... and also make sure you always take great care of your mental health - it is so very important during times of intense stress, like law school. Counseling, meds, whatever you need to stay healthy. You got this!)
Congrats! That's amazing!