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⚖ Official June 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread ⚖

studentservicestudentservice Alum Member Administrator Moderator Student Services
in June 2019 LSAT 1421 karma

Hey 7Sagers,

Here's the official June 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread.

Please keep all discussions of the June 2019 LSAT here!


You can identify experimental sections. 🙆‍♀️
You can say things such as the following:

  • I had two LGs! Was the LG with "flowers" real or experimental?
  • I had two RCs! Was the section that starts with the honeybee passage real?
  • I had three LRs! Does anyone know if the first LR section with the goose question is real?”

You can't discuss specific questions. 🙅‍♂️
You CANNOT say things such as the following:

  • Hey, the 3rd LG was sequencing and the last one was In/Out, right? (Don't mention the game type)
  • The last question in the first LR section was a lawgic heavy MBT! Was the answer (B)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)
  • What was the answer for the last question of RC? I think it was an inference question? Was the answer (C)? (Don't mention the question type or ask what the answer was)

Have fun discussing!



  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    2124 karma

    May your LG be straight forward, RC free of riddled basins and LR comprehensible. Good luck!!!

  • Super SaiyanSuper Saiyan Member
    112 karma

    May the force be with you, and you with the force!

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma

    Best of luck to everyone taking the exam!

  • jessalynn19jessalynn19 Free Trial Member
    edited June 2019 8 karma

    I had two LG sections - was the one with walls and art real or experimental?

  • Katrin7SKatrin7S Alum Member
    4 karma

    I had 2 RC , "about Benett" is it experimental?

  • alexandra_robinsonalexandra_robinson Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I had 2 RC sections. was the one with isotopic diet research real?

  • Katrin7SKatrin7S Alum Member
    4 karma

    @jessalynn19 said:
    I had to LG sections - was the one with walls and art real or experimental?

    Did it have days of the weeks as well in that game?

  • Wesley-BWesley-B Alum Member
    172 karma

    I had 3 LR sections: 1-3-5.
    RC (2) included a passage about Blues and a wolof genre/cultural group.

    Anyone have any idea which LR was the experimental?

  • kateslaightkateslaight Alum Member
    5 karma

    Both of yours were experimental! I didn't have either of those

  • dmytrobotovdmytrobotov Alum Member
    9 karma

    Hello all, thanks for the support and kind words.
    Here’s what my exam consisted of:
    S1 - LR - 25 Qs (I think)
    S2 - RC - 27 Qs
    S3 - LR - 26 Qs (I think)
    S4 - LG - 23 Qs
    S5 - LR - 26 Qs

    Absolutely no idea which of the latter two LRs was experimental, but they all felt equally challenging.

    Also, wrote in Ottawa, ON. Did anyone else?

  • jessalynn19jessalynn19 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    @Katrin7S said:

    @jessalynn19 said:
    I had to LG sections - was the one with walls and art real or experimental?

    Did it have days of the weeks as well in that game?

    I don't believe so.

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    edited June 2019 61 karma

    @dmytrobotov said:
    Hello all, thanks for the support and kind words.
    Here’s what my exam consisted of:
    S1 - LR - 25 Qs (I think)
    S2 - RC - 27 Qs
    S3 - LR - 26 Qs (I think)
    S4 - LG - 23 Qs
    S5 - LR - 26 Qs

    Absolutely no idea which of the latter two LRs was experimental, but they all felt equally challenging.

    Also, wrote in Ottawa, ON. Did anyone else?

    I had 3 LR sections and they all had 26 questions, so S1 of yours should be experimental if it had 25 questions.

  • R. PhillyR. Philly Alum Member
    47 karma

    @jessalynn19 said:
    I had two LG sections - was the one with walls and art real or experimental?

    Walls and art was real! I had that and my experimental section was LR.

  • youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member
    1755 karma

    Which LG was experimental? Did everyone have a tough game on months? Like November, December, etc?

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @jessalynn19 said:
    I had two LG sections - was the one with walls and art real or experimental?

    Did it talk about oil and watercolor art?

  • youbbyunyoubbyun Alum Member
    1755 karma


  • camilabaylycamilabayly Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    Does anyone know if the LR section with the spiders in Guam was real or experimental?

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @username_hello said:
    Which LG was experimental? Did everyone have a tough game on months? Like November, December, etc?

    The LG with the months game should be the experimental one because I didn't have it and I had a LR experimental section.

  • dmytrobotovdmytrobotov Alum Member
    9 karma

    @BairnOwl said:

    @username_hello said:
    Which LG was experimental? Did everyone have a tough game on months? Like November, December, etc?

    The LG with the months game should be the experimental one because I didn't have it and I had a LR experimental section.

    Agree, didn’t have that one either.

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    1058 karma

    Were there any one-stimulus-with-two-questions in scored LR sections?

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    Were there any one-stimulus-with-two-questions in scored LR sections?

    Nope, I didn't have any.

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    1058 karma

    @BairnOwl said:

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    Were there any one-stimulus-with-two-questions in scored LR sections?

    Nope, I didn't have any.

    Ok. Thank you!

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @camilabayly said:
    Does anyone know if the LR section with the spiders in Guam was real or experimental?

    Real. Do you remember an RC passage about Brooklyn, Illinois?

  • camilabaylycamilabayly Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    I did not have an RC passage on Brooklyn. And I only had one

  • jessalynn19jessalynn19 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    The other LG section had one game related to professions> @BairnOwl said:

    @jessalynn19 said:
    I had two LG sections - was the one with walls and art real or experimental?

    Did it talk about oil and watercolor art?

    I definitely had one like that, but I believe that was a different game than the one I was referring to. Unfortunately I can't remember if that was part of this section or not.

  • jessalynn19jessalynn19 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    @Regis_Phalange63 said:
    Were there any one-stimulus-with-two-questions in scored LR sections?

    LG was my experimental and neither of my LR sections had that.

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    edited June 2019 61 karma

    Is the LR section with a question on manufacturing a product if and only if a CEO approves real? That section also had a question on how female characters in fiction work only if there's a mismatch between that character's personality and the world (e.g. sensible character and topsy-turvy world like Alice in Wonderland). I felt like that section was the hardest of the 3 LR sections I got lol.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @BairnOwl said:
    Is the LR section with a question on manufacturing a product if and only if a CEO approves real? That section also had a question on how female characters in fiction work only if there's a mismatch between that character's personality and the world (e.g. sensible character and topsy-turvy world). I felt like that section was the hardest of the 3 LR sections I got lol.

    Doesn't sound familiar at all. lolol

  • 17 karma

    Did anyone have the RC section with fisheries or movies and their intended audiences?

  • kateslaightkateslaight Alum Member
    5 karma

    @"shiri not siri" said:
    Did anyone have the RC section with fisheries or movies and their intended audiences?

    I did, fisheries section killed me

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @"shiri not siri" said:
    Did anyone have the RC section with fisheries or movies and their intended audiences?

    Yup, this is the real RC section.

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @kateslaight said:

    @"shiri not siri" said:
    Did anyone have the RC section with fisheries or movies and their intended audiences?

    I did, fisheries section killed me

    Same, I felt like it was the hardest of the RC passages.

  • Super SaiyanSuper Saiyan Member
    edited June 2019 112 karma

    Can someone confirm how many LR questions they had in total if they didn’t have LR experimental?

  • cassandrahastie3cassandrahastie3 Free Trial Member
    9 karma

    Did anyone else find the real RC to be particularly challenging?

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @cassandrahastie3 said:
    Did anyone else find the real RC to be particularly challenging?

    Me. The passages were fine, but I found a few of the questions more difficult than usual.

  • 17 karma

    @cassandrahastie3 said:
    Did anyone else find the real RC to be particularly challenging?

    Yes. It killed me!

  • srakersraker Free Trial Member
    5 karma

    I had LR1 - 25, LR3 - 26, LR5 - 26. Which one was experimental? Anyone who only had two?

  • CalebLongCalebLong Alum Member
    7 karma

    Was RC about intellectual property experimental?

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    edited June 2019 61 karma

    @sraker said:
    I had LR1 - 25, LR3 - 26, LR5 - 26. Which one was experimental? Anyone who only had two?

    LR1 should be experimental. I had three LR sections but they all had 26 questions.

  • Jstain180Jstain180 Alum Member
    15 karma

    @CalebLong said:
    Was RC about intellectual property experimental?

    I don't remember this passage so I believe so.

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @CalebLong said:
    Was RC about intellectual property experimental?


  • triptofanetriptofane Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    @CalebLong said:
    Was RC about intellectual property experimental?

    I got this one as well and another about fish farming. I’m hoping the fish farming wasn’t real but it seems like it is.

  • triptofanetriptofane Free Trial Member
    edited June 2019 14 karma

    I had two RC. One had a fish farming prompt, and the other had a prompt on intellectual property and another about a playwright. Have we confirmed that the fish farming is the real deal?

  • 2ndTimestheCharm2ndTimestheCharm Alum Member
    1810 karma

    Fish farming real (boooo!). Art on walls experimental (HOOORAY!).

  • crazycalmcrazycalm Free Trial Member
    157 karma

    Yo, lets make a sept retake group and go hard on the BRs

  • jessalynn19jessalynn19 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    @2ndTimestheCharm said:
    Fish farming real (boooo!). Art on walls experimental (HOOORAY!).

    Oh, I thought we said art on walls was real?

  • Super SaiyanSuper Saiyan Member
    112 karma

    1 RC only here - Fish Farms are confirmed.

    Can the non LR experimentals confirm if they only had 26Q LR sections for both?

  • Jstain180Jstain180 Alum Member
    15 karma

    @jessalynn19 said:

    @2ndTimestheCharm said:
    Fish farming real (boooo!). Art on walls experimental (HOOORAY!).

    Oh, I thought we said art on walls was real?

    Fish farming was definitely real. Ifound that passage interesting actually and didn't think it was that hard. I remember a LG game about art being oilcolor/watercolor, but I don't remember any RC section about art on walls if that's what you're talking about.

  • nestbt01nestbt01 Alum Member
    26 karma

    @jessalynn19 said:

    @2ndTimestheCharm said:
    Fish farming real (boooo!). Art on walls experimental (HOOORAY!).

    Oh, I thought we said art on walls was real?

    Didnt people say arts on wall was not real?

  • nestbt01nestbt01 Alum Member
    26 karma

    @2ndTimestheCharm said:
    Fish farming real (boooo!). Art on walls experimental (HOOORAY!).

    boo means real and art means experimental?

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