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⚖ Official June 2019 LSAT Discussion Thread ⚖



  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @Jstain180 said:

    Fish farming was definitely real. Ifound that passage interesting.

    I tried so hard to feign even the slightest interest. Didn’t work 😂😂😂

  • nestbt01nestbt01 Alum Member
    26 karma

    @nestbt01 said:

    boo means real and art means fake?

  • BlindReviewerBlindReviewer Alum Member
    855 karma

    @nestbt01 the paintings or whatever was a real LG, but I think on reddit they're saying there was another "wall" game that was experimental.

  • jessalynn19jessalynn19 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    @BlindReviewer said:
    @nestbt01 the paintings or whatever was a real LG, but I think on reddit they're saying there was another "wall" game that was experimental.

    Yep, I believe you're right.

  • zacharytsmith26-1zacharytsmith26-1 Alum Member
    849 karma

    Well this is discouraging, I had two RCs and was hoping the fish passage was experimental lol.

  • srakersraker Free Trial Member
    edited June 2019 5 karma

    Can anyone with two LRs confirm there was a 25 and a 26

  • jessalynn19jessalynn19 Free Trial Member
    8 karma

    @"R. Philly" said:

    Walls and art was real! I had that and my experimental section was LR.

    You definitely had one about the types of art on different walls? Maybe I was too vague. It looks like others are saying that was the experimental?

  • triptofanetriptofane Free Trial Member
    edited June 2019 14 karma

    @zacharytsmith26 said:
    Well this is discouraging, I had two RCs and was hoping the fish passage was experimental lol.

    Same, man. I totally bombed the fish farms and felt like I did quite well on the experimental. Hopefully there is a SERIOUS curve

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @triptofane said:

    Same, man. I totally bombed the fish farms and felt like I did quite well on the experimental. Hopefully there is a SERIOUS curve

    I definitely also bombed that passage. I actually don’t expect a serious curve. I felt like LR was very manageable. My guess is -11 if we’re lucky.

  • zacharytsmith26-1zacharytsmith26-1 Alum Member
    849 karma

    @triptofane said:

    Same, man. I totally bombed the fish farms and felt like I did quite well on the experimental. Hopefully there is a SERIOUS curve

    I was able to gather a lot of fish were being held in tight space and that allowed pathogens to spread among them more easily then one of them could escape and that is bad. But that was only the first part and this and took me about 3 min (minimum).

  • bnorman72hwtbnorman72hwt Free Trial Member
    edited June 2019 3 karma

  • srakersraker Free Trial Member
    5 karma

    Can anyone who had two LRs comment the number of questions for them

  • JM.ZJM.Z Alum Member
    142 karma

    I got the fish farming RC passage bulshit, and another RC that seemed way easier

  • BlindReviewerBlindReviewer Alum Member
    855 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" I'm dying bc same LOL I was like is this really happening to me right now

  • leileiruizleileiruiz Alum Member
    12 karma

    Which LR section was experimental? I don't remember exactly how many questions I had on each of the three sections.

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @leileiruiz said:
    Which LR section was experimental? I don't remember exactly how many questions I had on each of the three sections.

    Did you have a LR RC LR LG LR sequence?

  • Jane_lsatJane_lsat Free Trial Member
    152 karma

    @leileiruiz I had two LRs; I remember Vitamin C, spiderweb/bird, killer whales, and cheetah.

  • leileiruizleileiruiz Alum Member
    12 karma

    @BairnOwl yes!

  • leileiruizleileiruiz Alum Member
    12 karma

    @Jane_lsat I had two LRs both with questions about Vitamin C. Last one with spiderwebs.

  • BairnOwlBairnOwl Alum Member
    61 karma

    @leileiruiz said:
    @BairnOwl yes!

    Apparently the first LR section is experimental, from what people are saying on Reddit.

  • Jane_lsatJane_lsat Free Trial Member
    152 karma

    @leileiruiz with 2LRs, also had school bus/one-way road.

  • leileiruizleileiruiz Alum Member
    12 karma

    @BairnOwl not sure if that's good or bad, I thought they were all difficult. Especially the last one!

  • edited June 2019 20 karma

    does anyone remember anything bout a internet search query or something like that?

  • 1042 karma

    @youcanreachmal said:
    does anyone remember anything bout a internet search query or something like that?

    This was experimental as mine was LG.

  • edited June 2019 1042 karma

    Anyone know if the adjacent paintings / sculptures LG game was experimental?

    It was game #4.

    The other LG section was fairly easy. The last game was tough.

    I BOMBED the sculpture game.

  • Lucas CarterLucas Carter Alum Member
    2804 karma

    @TheDeterminedC said:
    Anyone know if the adjacent paintings / sculptures LG game was experimental?

    It was game #4.

    The other LG section was fairly easy. The last game was tough.

    I BOMBED the sculpture game.

    Yes! Word on the street is that it was crazy hard

  • Jane_lsatJane_lsat Free Trial Member
    152 karma

    Do you consider LR difficult? Was it similar to PT73,PT86, or PTs in 60s?

  • for those who didn't have an extra Logic Games, did you guys have one game with oil and watercolor paintings?

  • edited June 2019 1042 karma

    @"Lucas Carter" said:

    Yes! Word on the street is that it was crazy hard

    My average for LG is -.5 and I had 7 unanswered questions when time was called. That took a toll on my mental. Thankfully, break was right after this LG so I had time to convince myself it was the experimental. It seemed WAY too tough for an LG section. It wasn't even built up by easy games like the first 3 were on the real section either. LSAC did us dirty!!

  • 1042 karma

    @Jane_lsat said:
    Do you consider LR difficult? Was it similar to PT73,PT86, or PTs in 60s?

    The second LR I took was the first time I fully finished an LR section with time leftover to look at random questions after doing 2 passes. I don't know which one that was (substance wise), but the other LR was more difficult for me for sure. Either that section pressed my strengths or I was totally overconfident. I feel pretty good about it though, and that's pretty atypical for me.

  • mamzi0608mamzi0608 Member
    28 karma

    @camilabayly said:
    Does anyone know if the LR section with the spiders in Guam was real or experimental?

    Yes it was an strengthening question and was real

  • mamzi0608mamzi0608 Member
    28 karma

    I had> @cassandrahastie3 said:

    Did anyone else find the real RC to be particularly challenging?

    Honestly RC is my weakest section, but I could easily read the first 3 section and comprehend it. I am not good at details so I may have lost some detail oriented questions. comparatively speaking, it could have been more difficult.

  • mamzi0608mamzi0608 Member
    28 karma

    my LRs were real and there was an assumption question in which a club was supposed to rent something and if they had rented it a week earlier they could have saved money and author's conclusion was that '' the club is not good at saving money ''

  • 1042 karma

    @mamzi0608 said:

    Don't mention the question type*

    Just wana let you know so u don't get dinged by the admins

  • Regis_Phalange63Regis_Phalange63 Alum Member
    1058 karma

    @mamzi0608 said:
    my LRs were real and there was an assumption question in which a club was supposed to rent something and if they had rented it a week earlier they could have saved money and author's conclusion was that '' the club is not good at saving money ''

    danger. You cannot discuss questions like this.

  • minimite7minimite7 Alum Member
    29 karma

    Did anyone with just one RC section have passages on Occam’s razor, a town called Brooklyn in Illinois, and one about the shift from marine to land based diet in Neolithic times? Or was this experimental

  • Jane_lsatJane_lsat Free Trial Member
    152 karma

    @minimite7 that one is experimental

  • Kris StoryKris Story Core Member
    edited June 2019 4 karma

    Which was experimental for LG? I can’t remember all of the games from either... but here are 6/8 of them.

    • Trucks & Bays
    • Voting and Zoning Committees
    • Paintings (oil/water)
    • Volunteers on Thurs, Fri, Sat
    • Something about movies? (I don’t remember anything about this one — I’ve only heard it was one).
    • Something about sculptures? (Same as above)

    If anyone can fill in the last two blanks, as well as arrange them into graded/experimental, I’d be really thankful :)

  • SkrikSkrikSkrikSkrik Alum Member
    34 karma

    @username_hello said:
    Which LG was experimental? Did everyone have a tough game on months? Like November, December, etc?

    I don't have that one, I have 3 LR, 1 RC and 1 LG.

  • Super SaiyanSuper Saiyan Member
    112 karma

    Going to sum this up here folks! Lol.

    Logic Games:
    -The section that had the oil/water color game and the 3 days of the week (Thurs, Fri, Sat) was the REAL LG aka NOT Experimental.

    Reading Comprehension:
    -The section that had the Blues music/griot passage and a passage about fish farms was the REAL RC aka NOT Experimental.

  • SkrikSkrikSkrikSkrik Alum Member
    34 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" said:

    Doesn't sound familiar at all. lolol

    I don't remember that either.

  • 1042 karma

    @wwwshenpengwww said:

    I don't remember that either.

    No, I didn't have that. I think it's experimental.

  • kirsten.nelson100kirsten.nelson100 Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I was really upset that my test had a computer error on it. Did anyone else have this problem? Is this normal? It really has me questioning LSAC. If my test had a computer error can the LSAC answersheet possibly have a computer error on it too? And now I'm thinking they intentionally made the LR section (my strongest point) very difficult so that way people can retake the test. Seems like a money scam.

  • zacharytsmith26-1zacharytsmith26-1 Alum Member
    849 karma

    Reading Comp - What was with the feature of the question telling you to go to the middle of the paragraph to find something instead of giving you the line number? I do not recall ever seeing this before, is this a new thing?

  • drbrown2drbrown2 Alum Member
    2227 karma

    102 questions on this test 🧐

  • Super SaiyanSuper Saiyan Member
    112 karma

    @zacharysmith26 I noticed this as well but wanted someone else to bring it up just in case I was nuts. I think that’s in preparation for the Digital LSAT. Word on the street is there won’t be numbered lines on the paragraphs, so this was probably the phasing out of the question type.

  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    @"Super Saiyan" I think that makes perfect sense. I noticed it, cursed the test makers for confusing me and didn’t give it a second thought.

  • Super SaiyanSuper Saiyan Member
    112 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" Yeah, it was a tough section too on top of that. I am just remembering the courtroom witnesses passage from the test, and remembering that one being kind of hard now.

  • 3-eyed-raven3-eyed-raven Alum Member
    12 karma

    Was the RC section that had a passage about movies and their intended audiences the real one or the experimental one?

  • 3-eyed-raven3-eyed-raven Alum Member
    12 karma

    @BairnOwl @"shiri not siri" Did the RC section with a passage about fisheries also have a passage about movies and their intended audiences?

    @BairnOwl said:

    Yup, this is the real RC section.

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