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BR score drop after 70s

edited June 2019 in General 615 karma

My average BR score up until 68 was 175+, and as soon as I hit 70, it dropped to 170, and today I got 168 for BR.
I’m getting a lot more RC questions wrong.
I used to get -1~-3 for RC during BR, but I got -7 today. Actual score dropped as well.
Is there a significant difference between 60s and lower RC passages and 70+ passages? I usually get -0 on my untimed drill, so I don’t thinks drilling older passages would be helpful in this case. Two weeks til the real test and I’m screwed.


  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    Short answer is yeah. The newer RC passages can be pretty brutal. It’s not the passages but the questions that have become more nuanced.

  • 615 karma

    @"Pride Only Hurts" ahhhh... year... passages themselves take about same time, but noticed I’m spending a lot more time on questions now 😱

  • 246 karma

    @Lemongrab said:
    My average BR score up until 68 was 175+, and as soon as I hit 70, it dropped to 170, and today I got 168 for BR.
    I’m getting a lot more RC questions wrong.
    I used to get -1~-3 for RC during BR, but I got -7 today. Actual score dropped as well.
    Is there a significant difference between 60s and lower RC passages and 70+ passages? I usually get -0 on my untimed drill, so I don’t thinks drilling older passages would be helpful in this case. Two weeks til the real test and I’m screwed.

    The more recent RCs have absolutely started asking more difficult questions. No noticeable difference in passage, but more LR type questions where you need to evaluate reasoning. People seem hesitant to say it but I think the most recent tests are flat out harder except for the LG section.

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