Paper test.
LR(26), LG, LR(25), break
LR(25), RC.
I think the last LR(25) was experimental. There was one page with 4 questions which I had zero clue of what they were trying to say. Either I lost my brain by then, or they were not well tested questions, or both.
RC was too hard, and my brain, eyes and hands refused to cooperate.
Lessons learned:
I should've brought some coffee (Question: can you bring coffee?). The room was too dark, I felt like it was night the whole time and yawned left and right.
@Mike_Ross said:
Curious to get feedback about how everyone approached the history comparative passage
Did you use JYs method of reading passage A, going to questions to eliminate accordingly, and then returning to Passage B before attempting questions?
That’s what I did and it helped me at least get to 50-50 guessing range
I haven’t ever deviated from this strategy
Did everyone else do the same? Do you find this strategy helpful overall for comparative passages?
I did not use that strategy. I saved that passage for last (my usual strategy leading up to the exam) and so I gave it a whirlwind effort with the little time I had remaining. I just stuck to the "low resolution" method and did my best to eliminate answers that were glaringly wrong, then go back and fine tune.
This was my first try doing the real thing and I definitely didn't do as well as I'd like to. RC, I got wrecked by the 2 passage one. And LG is my bread and butter, consistantly get 100%, and I had 2 questions that I didn't know the answer to definitively. Also the 26 q LR was definnitely the most difficult for me, so if that's not the experimental I'm seriously inn trouble. Already registered for September because that 170 is not gunna happen this time around.
@lizhuoyuan16 said: @Vanessa do you have a LR section with galaxy quetion? Or a LR section with healthy fish leaders?
I had three LR sections. I did not have an LR section with healthy fish. I did have a galaxy-related question about radiation of stars (not sure if that counts as "galaxy").
Questions I sort of remember:
LR25: Lemurs and primates, turtles and acidic water,
LR26: somehow can't remember any but it was pretty difficult I thought!
LR25: british port, chinese tea, political parties and voting, trucks and insurance, elementary schools (two different questions with different stims), Napoleon and arsenic, haunted house, air pollution and rain, (from what I've read, this seems to be the experimental)
@"shane.11" said:
Our tablets worked very well! In fact, I preferred it to the paper test. However, one of the proctors accidentally started the LG section too early so we lost 15-20 seconds... The few last seconds I needed to do my very last question!
I thought the RC section was more difficult than others I've practiced... maybe just me.
I STRUGGLED with RC, which is rare for me. Feeling a bit disheartened as it's usually my strongest area.
@christinagomez7738 said:
really weird but I took the lsat a couple months ago and one of the logical reasoning sections that I had in today’s test was almost exactly the same as the lr I had a few months ago, (one a few months ago was not disclosed) some with exactly the same questions. I was thinking some questions were way too familiar. I can only specifically remember a question about rats sometime in the past causing a disease called sweat sickness or something & something about it’s host and the disease coming back in modern times, and another one having to do with monkeys or gorillas and their thumbs (maybe something about higher and
lower level primates) ?? Terrible summary on my part but did anyone have those questions ?? Does anyone know if it’s experimental ??
hey. did anyone hear when we should expect our scores for the July test. I know the official release date is Aug 28, but I heard that we'd get to see our scores unofficially before that date....since it as the first iPad test.
not sure if this is rumor.
@MichaelTX said:
I had LG LR LR RC LR (Digital) at McKinney TX where we had tablets that were not charged enough. Props to the proctors in our room as they handled it as well as you could hope. We started a little late but nonetheless we did start and complete the test. Evidently the proctors also knew well ahead of time that their location would be digital.....guess we could have called a couple of weeks ago and asked!
In LR I DID have:
Lemur/oppsoing thumbs
Stickle fish experiment
Sperm whales
Europa (moon of Jupiter) craters smoothing out
Econometrics/Statistics class
Acidic sea water
bleached coral
Green tomatoes
In LR I DID NOT have:
English trade
Haunted House
Chinese tea
trucks and insurance
I had the same test and I think, from the breakdown, that the final section for us was experimental and we had different ones. I had English trade/Haunted House/Napoleon and Arsenic/Chinese tea/Trucks and insurance/Ozone in that section (but no Zebra fish).
However, some of our other LR questions don't entirely match up. I generally had your list, except for Stickle fish experiments, the Europa craters, and green tomatoes. Is it possible that they mixed the questions around between sections?
P.S. I had a paper version, so it would seem that digital and paper are generally similar!
@MichaelTX said:
I had LG LR LR RC LR (Digital) at McKinney TX where we had tablets that were not charged enough. Props to the proctors in our room as they handled it as well as you could hope. We started a little late but nonetheless we did start and complete the test. Evidently the proctors also knew well ahead of time that their location would be digital.....guess we could have called a couple of weeks ago and asked!
In LR I DID have:
Lemur/oppsoing thumbs
Stickle fish experiment
Sperm whales
Europa (moon of Jupiter) craters smoothing out
Econometrics/Statistics class
Acidic sea water
bleached coral
Green tomatoes
In LR I DID NOT have:
English trade
Haunted House
Chinese tea
trucks and insurance
I had the same test and I think, from the breakdown, that the final section for us was experimental and we had different ones. I had English trade/Haunted House/Napoleon and Arsenic/Chinese tea/Trucks and insurance/Ozone in that section (but no Zebra fish).
However, some of our other LR questions don't entirely match up. I generally had your list, except for Stickle fish experiments, the Europa craters, and green tomatoes. Is it possible that they mixed the questions around between sections?
P.S. I had a paper version, so it would seem that digital and paper are generally similar!
@MichaelTX said:
I had LG LR LR RC LR (Digital) at McKinney TX where we had tablets that were not charged enough. Props to the proctors in our room as they handled it as well as you could hope. We started a little late but nonetheless we did start and complete the test. Evidently the proctors also knew well ahead of time that their location would be digital.....guess we could have called a couple of weeks ago and asked!
In LR I DID have:
Lemur/oppsoing thumbs
Stickle fish experiment
Sperm whales
Europa (moon of Jupiter) craters smoothing out
Econometrics/Statistics class
Acidic sea water
bleached coral
Green tomatoes
In LR I DID NOT have:
English trade
Haunted House
Chinese tea
trucks and insurance
I had the same test and I think, from the breakdown, that the final section for us was experimental and we had different ones. I had English trade/Haunted House/Napoleon and Arsenic/Chinese tea/Trucks and insurance/Ozone in that section (but no Zebra fish).
However, some of our other LR questions don't entirely match up. I generally had your list, except for Stickle fish experiments, the Europa craters, and green tomatoes. Is it possible that they mixed the questions around between sections?
P.S. I had a paper version, so it would seem that digital and paper are generally similar!
@MichaelTX said:
I had LG LR LR RC LR (Digital) at McKinney TX where we had tablets that were not charged enough. Props to the proctors in our room as they handled it as well as you could hope. We started a little late but nonetheless we did start and complete the test. Evidently the proctors also knew well ahead of time that their location would be digital.....guess we could have called a couple of weeks ago and asked!
In LR I DID have:
Lemur/oppsoing thumbs
Stickle fish experiment
Sperm whales
Europa (moon of Jupiter) craters smoothing out
Econometrics/Statistics class
Acidic sea water
bleached coral
Green tomatoes
In LR I DID NOT have:
English trade
Haunted House
Chinese tea
trucks and insurance
I had the same test and I think, from the breakdown, that the final section for us was experimental and we had different ones. I had English trade/Haunted House/Napoleon and Arsenic/Chinese tea/Trucks and insurance/Ozone in that section (but no Zebra fish).
However, some of our other LR questions don't entirely match up. I generally had your list, except for Stickle fish experiments, the Europa craters, and green tomatoes. Is it possible that they mixed the questions around between sections?
P.S. I had a paper version, so it would seem that digital and paper are generally similar!
@MichaelTX said:
I had LG LR LR RC LR (Digital) at McKinney TX where we had tablets that were not charged enough. Props to the proctors in our room as they handled it as well as you could hope. We started a little late but nonetheless we did start and complete the test. Evidently the proctors also knew well ahead of time that their location would be digital.....guess we could have called a couple of weeks ago and asked!
In LR I DID have:
Lemur/oppsoing thumbs
Stickle fish experiment
Sperm whales
Europa (moon of Jupiter) craters smoothing out
Econometrics/Statistics class
Acidic sea water
bleached coral
Green tomatoes
In LR I DID NOT have:
English trade
Haunted House
Chinese tea
trucks and insurance
I had the same test and I think, from the breakdown, that the final section for us was experimental and we had different ones. I had English trade/Haunted House/Napoleon and Arsenic/Chinese tea/Trucks and insurance/Ozone in that section (but no Zebra fish).
However, some of our other LR questions don't entirely match up. I generally had your list, except for Stickle fish experiments, the Europa craters, and green tomatoes. Is it possible that they mixed the questions around between sections?
P.S. I had a paper version, so it would seem that digital and paper are generally similar!
@mattsoto said:
This is what i've gathered from reading this forum page.
Multiple people have reported not having questions about the haunted house/chambers and Napoleon questions. Looks like this was the experimental section.
These are the questions that I can remember:
Did not have:
Sickleback fish leading other fish, Lemurs and primates
Cant remember:
Philosopher on ill intent. ecosystems
Did have:
Haunted house, English trade, Napoleon, Arsenic, Planets/stars, atmosphere & ozone(na?), Chinese tea, macroeconomics and statistics(mbt),
This is so odd-- I did have a question on Lemurs and primates but NOT on sickleback fish. AND i had haunted houses, english trade, napolean, arsenic, chinese tea, macroeconomics, etc.
Has anyone called to ask if we are able to use our free retake on the September test? I am aware you would have to register before we receive our scores, but I was wondering if anyone asked if they’d give us a refund and we would be able to use the September test as our retake? Thanks
@mmumford said:
Has anyone called to ask if we are able to use our free retake on the September test? I am aware you would have to register before we receive our scores, but I was wondering if anyone asked if they’d give us a refund and we would be able to use the September test as our retake? Thanks
I don't think that's possible. The retake, if I understand correctly, is offered to those who cancel their July scores after we get them back. But by then I think it's going to be too close to the September test to register. I could be wrong though.
@missecho The RC was absolutely nuts and being last made the 2nd and 4th articles impossible. I just hope it doesn't impact the final score that much. Anyone have any speculation at the scaling?
@mmumford said:
Has anyone called to ask if we are able to use our free retake on the September test? I am aware you would have to register before we receive our scores, but I was wondering if anyone asked if they’d give us a refund and we would be able to use the September test as our retake? Thanks
I don't think that's possible. The retake, if I understand correctly, is offered to those who cancel their July scores after we get them back. But by then I think it's going to be too close to the September test to register. I could be wrong though.
@mmumford@"Pride Only Hurts" is right, the registration deadline will have passed by the time we receive our scores and have the option to cancel.
Reddit and Powerscore users are hypothesizing that LSAC sprinkled experimental questions all throughout the three LR sections. This seems plausible if you assume that LSAC will re-use the same test for the test takers that had technical issues with the tablets and couldn't take the test on Monday. If they do re use the same test then it's absolutely plausible since they wouldn't want people knowing which section is the experimental.
I haven't see anyone here or on Reddit mention the question about the train company moving the height of the power switch in the locomotive....did anyone have that question?
@MichaelTX said:
I haven't see anyone here or on Reddit mention the question about the train company moving the height of the power switch in the locomotive....did anyone have that question?
@arman_65 said:
Reddit and Powerscore users are hypothesizing that LSAC sprinkled experimental questions all throughout the three LR sections. This seems plausible if you assume that LSAC will re-use the same test for the test takers that had technical issues with the tablets and couldn't take the test on Monday. If they do re use the same test then it's absolutely plausible since they wouldn't want people knowing which section is the experimental.
Hopefully they sprinkled most of them in the section with 26 questions. (;
@Mike_Ross said:
Curious to get feedback about how everyone approached the history comparative passage
Did you use JYs method of reading passage A, going to questions to eliminate accordingly, and then returning to Passage B before attempting questions?
That’s what I did and it helped me at least get to 50-50 guessing range
I haven’t ever deviated from this strategy
Did everyone else do the same? Do you find this strategy helpful overall for comparative passages?
I did not use that strategy. I saved that passage for last (my usual strategy leading up to the exam) and so I gave it a whirlwind effort with the little time I had remaining. I just stuck to the "low resolution" method and did my best to eliminate answers that were glaringly wrong, then go back and fine tune.
Curious how other people approached it too.
I used the method @Mike_Ross is alluding to. I thought it was EXTREMELY helpful. There was maybe one question on the history passage that I had to do a 50-50 guess on, but otherwise I thought the section went fairly well, and that was almost entirely down to the elimination strategy. It's some time up front, but it saves so much thinking time on the second go-around that it actually is a huge help.
@CircleTurk said:
Folks who took the test: If you were gonna retake it/ could go back in time, what do you wish you had studied/brushed up on before hand?
I think this is a great question! I would maybe post it in a new discussion since I think a lot of people could benefit from it.
Things that really helped me:
• Knowing your logical indicators and existential quantifiers was very helpful for moving through the LR passages.
• I didn't complete the fool-proofing process that is favored by most 7-sagers, but I did do a lot of prep and got my LGs down to -0/-1 or so with a few minutes to spare. That was huge because I a) was confident when my first section was LG and b) had time at the end to double-back and look over a game that I thought was suspiciously easy (it was).
• For RC: I didn't do most of the Common Core RC work. (I plan on doing it soon--I did the rest of the Common Core classes). I just blind reviewed the hell out of them, and it was very useful. One strategy that I actually found most useful for prepping my RC was having my partner read the RC sections to me out loud during blind review while I did the dishes and made dinner, and then she would ask me the questions and we would work through it together. It got me from -6ish to -1/-2ish by the time the latest test rolled around. You need someone to do this with of course, but it was very helpful. Plus having someone to talk about the passages with lends itself to the whole "oh these are actually interesting!" strategy which is a good mental attitude with which to approach the exam.
• For RC: the comparative passage was a beast, but it was made infinitely easier by eliminating answer choices after reading just Passage A. Most of the questions were significantly easier with just one or two choices.
• Preparing for every possible testing situation: a lot of folks commenting had nightmare test situations: tablets freezing, weather, et cetera. I didn't have it that bad, but my test center was sucky (see my review of Drexel). Practice using an exceptionally small working area (tiny desk, for example). Practice only being allowed to hold your tablet at a 30 degree angle. Practice having a fire alarm break up the middle of one of your sections. If you can fight through those, you're going to be golden on test day.
• Being able to bring coffee into the test center now is a huge plus. As a coffee drinker/non-morning person, the 12:30 start time and coffee break was a game changer. Probably worth 10 points for me right there. Play the test to your strengths. If you're a morning person, take the September 8:30am test.
Things I wish I could go back and work on some more:
• Having a strategy about "moving on" from a question was helpful, but implementing it was hard. It's easy on a practice test to say "just skip the question, you can come back for it later" but on the real test your brain is screaming "NO THOSE ARE POINTS DON'T DO IT! WASTE FIVE MINUTES ON THIS PARALLEL FLAW EXCEPT QUESTION!
• More layers. I had jeans and a jacket on and was frozen solid by the time I left. The room was unbearably cold because, again, Drexel is the worst testing center in Philly.
Wait I saw someone said we are allowed to bring in coffee to the lsat now. Is this true ?? I thought we couldn’t have beverages other than what can fit in our bag ??
@christinagomez7738 said:
Wait I saw someone said we are allowed to bring in coffee to the lsat now. Is this true ?? I thought we couldn’t have beverages other than what can fit in our bag ??
Why couldn't that beverage in your bag be coffee? My beverage in my bag is coconut water.
RC was difficult but the rest of the test was pretty reasonable so my guess is, it will be the same as the last 5 tests, a point here or there. I don't think the curve will be massive like say the Feb 97 test, which I think was hardest test and the curve shows that it was pretty difficult.
Anyone else not given a stylus pen? I submitted a complaint since it really did throw off my rhythm to have to poke at the screen repeatedly with my sweaty fingers. If anyone else had that issue, please let LSAC know.
@christinagomez7738 said:
Wait I saw someone said we are allowed to bring in coffee to the lsat now. Is this true ?? I thought we couldn’t have beverages other than what can fit in our bag ??
As long as it’s not a glass or metal container and is less than 20 fluid ounces you can bring it in. I bought a chocolate milk drink from a convenience store, emptied it and filled it with iced coffee. I would not bring hot coffee in a typical coffee cup. You have to leave it in your bag. The coffee was a lifesaver for me this time around. However, I then didn’t have water and the water fountain at my test center was broken, so just be ready for stuff like that. But having coffee kick in during section 4 was a lifesaver!
@MichaelScottRegionalManager said:
For those who took the digital lsat, would you say that there were any noticeable differences from the digital test beta here on 7sage? Just super nervous about my September lsat😭 Thank you!!
I was actually pleasantly surprised at how well the beta version matched the real digital format! The LSAC gave out a scratch book, on the back of which had cheat sheet instructions on how to use the system. They also give a 5 minute mini-tutorial before the exam starts. If you’ve been using beta, it’ll feel almost the exact same.
The one thing I noticed that the beta DOESNT have which the real test DOES is if a questions asks about a particular phrase or line in the passage, it highlights the phrase as to make finding it a 2 second task! Great feature that helped me save time.
@WLBgoes2law Wow, this helped alot! Thank you for your comment! I hope you did well on this lsat!^^
@"Jonah Chadwick Griego" Shhh... Don't let on that you know they're watching. Just start talking about the thousands of puppies you have saved from house fires and all the other heroic deeds you do
@salonpapas said:
What kind of pen and scratch paper did you guys receive to do LG?
The stylus I had was a pen with a little rubber nub on the end. So, the stylus was the pen. Which was kinda nice. It's a basic ball point pen. Wrote smoothly and opened/closed with a twist.
At the very beginning, you are given a booklet. It's the same size and looks just like the one they give you when they hand you the paper test. Only, it's just paper inside. You are given this from the very beginning until they collect everything at the end, so you can use it during any section you want: LR, RC or LG. It has a ton of pages (10+?) inside. I think I may have gotten to 2 or 3 of them, because it's blank front and back.
Btw guys... I'm done! This was it! 9 point jump from my last test! I can't freaking believe it.
In the immortal words of Chevy Chase: "Hallelujah! Holy Sh*t! Where's the tylenol..."
Will share my application experience later, but for now.. I'mma go spend a nice dinner with family and get ice cream.
@AudaciousRed congratulations! That is an AMAZING outcome and is no doubt a product of many hours of hard work and determination. Enjoy some well earned time off!
I scored about 10-13 points lower than I had been PTing — I felt like I bombed RC but I don’t think I messed anything else up that majorly. I’m tempted to have my test hand scored but wondering if other think I should just accept that maybe I messed up and retake for free? I knew I wasn’t as prepared as I could have been and I approached it as practice given the option to retake for free - but I wasn’t expecting such a low score. Thoughts?
@Lanecaha said:
I scored about 10-13 points lower than I had been PTing — I felt like I bombed RC but I don’t think I messed anything else up that majorly. I’m tempted to have my test hand scored but wondering if other think I should just accept that maybe I messed up and retake for free? I knew I wasn’t as prepared as I could have been and I approached it as practice given the option to retake for free - but I wasn’t expecting such a low score. Thoughts?
If you scored well under PT, totally retake. As I understand it, hand scoring rarely changes the outcome, and if it does, it's by a point or two.
We have bad days. It happens. That RC was pretty brutal. Some people have said the comparative passage was in the top 4 hardest ever seen. The games were misleading. They seemed simple enough, but sucked time. The LR was.. well.. totally insane for that one section,and at least one other was pretty difficult.
However.. if you are off by large margins, I don't think it could have just been the RC unless you missed like every question. Keep studying LG and LR as well. I found certain tactics for RC worked for LR and vice versa, and something just clicked this time around. Took a year and a half or so, but it finally happened.
Absolutely, dust yourself off and get back up. It's hard. It's sooo hard to do it and do this stupid test again. I know; I've done it and was prepared to do it again, and thank my lucky stars, I'm done this time (although part of me says "1 more point would look even better..."). Focus on your goal, why you are doing this, and keep going.
You've got this. This is just a momentary set back and you get a freebie. Use it to your advantage. I'm betting there will be a ton of cancellations from this testing, and I have read similar stories to yours on Reddit (scoring way below PT).
Paper test.
LR(26), LG, LR(25), break
LR(25), RC.
I think the last LR(25) was experimental. There was one page with 4 questions which I had zero clue of what they were trying to say. Either I lost my brain by then, or they were not well tested questions, or both.
RC was too hard, and my brain, eyes and hands refused to cooperate.
Lessons learned:
I should've brought some coffee (Question: can you bring coffee?). The room was too dark, I felt like it was night the whole time and yawned left and right.
I did not use that strategy. I saved that passage for last (my usual strategy leading up to the exam) and so I gave it a whirlwind effort with the little time I had remaining. I just stuck to the "low resolution" method and did my best to eliminate answers that were glaringly wrong, then go back and fine tune.
Curious how other people approached it too.
So my test was one of the ones cancelled. Have yet to hear anything from LSAC about rescheduling details.
Does anyone think they will use the same test for the rescheduled groups?
@foreverconfused I did too!!!! I'm praying my 2nd LR was experimental bc it was soo hard
@Lanecaha RC felt super hard for me too, but i've always struggled with RC
This was my first try doing the real thing and I definitely didn't do as well as I'd like to. RC, I got wrecked by the 2 passage one. And LG is my bread and butter, consistantly get 100%, and I had 2 questions that I didn't know the answer to definitively. Also the 26 q LR was definnitely the most difficult for me, so if that's not the experimental I'm seriously inn trouble. Already registered for September because that 170 is not gunna happen this time around.
I had 3 LR no lemurs and primates
I STRUGGLED with RC, which is rare for me. Feeling a bit disheartened as it's usually my strongest area.
Same here.
I also had those questions!
@shaelyndieter I had those too!
Folks who took the test: If you were gonna retake it/ could go back in time, what do you wish you had studied/brushed up on before hand?
hey. did anyone hear when we should expect our scores for the July test. I know the official release date is Aug 28, but I heard that we'd get to see our scores unofficially before that date....since it as the first iPad test.
not sure if this is rumor.
This is so odd-- I did have a question on Lemurs and primates but NOT on sickleback fish. AND i had haunted houses, english trade, napolean, arsenic, chinese tea, macroeconomics, etc.
How could that be?
Yay! A $200 stylist pen keepsake! I had 3 LRs.....RC was last! Hella marathon!
Has anyone called to ask if we are able to use our free retake on the September test? I am aware you would have to register before we receive our scores, but I was wondering if anyone asked if they’d give us a refund and we would be able to use the September test as our retake? Thanks
I don't think that's possible. The retake, if I understand correctly, is offered to those who cancel their July scores after we get them back. But by then I think it's going to be too close to the September test to register. I could be wrong though.
@missecho The RC was absolutely nuts and being last made the 2nd and 4th articles impossible. I just hope it doesn't impact the final score that much. Anyone have any speculation at the scaling?
@mmumford @"Pride Only Hurts" is right, the registration deadline will have passed by the time we receive our scores and have the option to cancel.
Reddit and Powerscore users are hypothesizing that LSAC sprinkled experimental questions all throughout the three LR sections. This seems plausible if you assume that LSAC will re-use the same test for the test takers that had technical issues with the tablets and couldn't take the test on Monday. If they do re use the same test then it's absolutely plausible since they wouldn't want people knowing which section is the experimental.
I haven't see anyone here or on Reddit mention the question about the train company moving the height of the power switch in the locomotive....did anyone have that question?
Nope, no train power switch question on my version.
Never saw it.
Hopefully they sprinkled most of them in the section with 26 questions. (;
I used the method @Mike_Ross is alluding to. I thought it was EXTREMELY helpful. There was maybe one question on the history passage that I had to do a 50-50 guess on, but otherwise I thought the section went fairly well, and that was almost entirely down to the elimination strategy. It's some time up front, but it saves so much thinking time on the second go-around that it actually is a huge help.
I think this is a great question! I would maybe post it in a new discussion since I think a lot of people could benefit from it.
Things that really helped me:
• Knowing your logical indicators and existential quantifiers was very helpful for moving through the LR passages.
• I didn't complete the fool-proofing process that is favored by most 7-sagers, but I did do a lot of prep and got my LGs down to -0/-1 or so with a few minutes to spare. That was huge because I a) was confident when my first section was LG and b) had time at the end to double-back and look over a game that I thought was suspiciously easy (it was).
• For RC: I didn't do most of the Common Core RC work. (I plan on doing it soon--I did the rest of the Common Core classes). I just blind reviewed the hell out of them, and it was very useful. One strategy that I actually found most useful for prepping my RC was having my partner read the RC sections to me out loud during blind review while I did the dishes and made dinner, and then she would ask me the questions and we would work through it together. It got me from -6ish to -1/-2ish by the time the latest test rolled around. You need someone to do this with of course, but it was very helpful. Plus having someone to talk about the passages with lends itself to the whole "oh these are actually interesting!" strategy which is a good mental attitude with which to approach the exam.
• For RC: the comparative passage was a beast, but it was made infinitely easier by eliminating answer choices after reading just Passage A. Most of the questions were significantly easier with just one or two choices.
• Preparing for every possible testing situation: a lot of folks commenting had nightmare test situations: tablets freezing, weather, et cetera. I didn't have it that bad, but my test center was sucky (see my review of Drexel). Practice using an exceptionally small working area (tiny desk, for example). Practice only being allowed to hold your tablet at a 30 degree angle. Practice having a fire alarm break up the middle of one of your sections. If you can fight through those, you're going to be golden on test day.
• Being able to bring coffee into the test center now is a huge plus. As a coffee drinker/non-morning person, the 12:30 start time and coffee break was a game changer. Probably worth 10 points for me right there. Play the test to your strengths. If you're a morning person, take the September 8:30am test.
Things I wish I could go back and work on some more:
• Having a strategy about "moving on" from a question was helpful, but implementing it was hard. It's easy on a practice test to say "just skip the question, you can come back for it later" but on the real test your brain is screaming "NO THOSE ARE POINTS DON'T DO IT! WASTE FIVE MINUTES ON THIS PARALLEL FLAW EXCEPT QUESTION!
• More layers. I had jeans and a jacket on and was frozen solid by the time I left. The room was unbearably cold because, again, Drexel is the worst testing center in Philly.
Any "official" word on whether the experimental LR was dispersed throughout the 3 sections?
Wait I saw someone said we are allowed to bring in coffee to the lsat now. Is this true ?? I thought we couldn’t have beverages other than what can fit in our bag ??
Why couldn't that beverage in your bag be coffee? My beverage in my bag is coconut water.
can someone guess on the curve???
RC was difficult but the rest of the test was pretty reasonable so my guess is, it will be the same as the last 5 tests, a point here or there. I don't think the curve will be massive like say the Feb 97 test, which I think was hardest test and the curve shows that it was pretty difficult.
Powerscore is saying -12
Anyone else not given a stylus pen? I submitted a complaint since it really did throw off my rhythm to have to poke at the screen repeatedly with my sweaty fingers. If anyone else had that issue, please let LSAC know.
As long as it’s not a glass or metal container and is less than 20 fluid ounces you can bring it in. I bought a chocolate milk drink from a convenience store, emptied it and filled it with iced coffee. I would not bring hot coffee in a typical coffee cup. You have to leave it in your bag. The coffee was a lifesaver for me this time around. However, I then didn’t have water and the water fountain at my test center was broken, so just be ready for stuff like that. But having coffee kick in during section 4 was a lifesaver!
@WLBgoes2law Wow, this helped alot! Thank you for your comment! I hope you did well on this lsat!^^
Hello! Did anyone here NOT have the question about ozone emissions (organic compounds); it was a resolve reconcile question. Please let me know!
will there be a different curve for the digital versus paper?
@Lawschoolhopeful-4, I don't think so, but I haven't heard.
We wont know until/unless they say something. We may never know.
comment deleted
This wait is KILLING me.
Me too. Me. too.
I want it over with. Even if it sucked. Let me move on from it.
August 21 is not the big day. Someone must have read my comment about waiting lol!
@"Jonah Chadwick Griego" Shhh... Don't let on that you know they're watching. Just start talking about the thousands of puppies you have saved from house fires and all the other heroic deeds you do
What kind of pen and scratch paper did you guys receive to do LG?
The stylus I had was a pen with a little rubber nub on the end. So, the stylus was the pen. Which was kinda nice. It's a basic ball point pen. Wrote smoothly and opened/closed with a twist.
At the very beginning, you are given a booklet. It's the same size and looks just like the one they give you when they hand you the paper test. Only, it's just paper inside. You are given this from the very beginning until they collect everything at the end, so you can use it during any section you want: LR, RC or LG. It has a ton of pages (10+?) inside. I think I may have gotten to 2 or 3 of them, because it's blank front and back.
Btw guys... I'm done! This was it! 9 point jump from my last test! I can't freaking believe it.
In the immortal words of Chevy Chase: "Hallelujah! Holy Sh*t! Where's the tylenol..."
Will share my application experience later, but for now.. I'mma go spend a nice dinner with family and get ice cream.
@AudaciousRed congratulations! That is an AMAZING outcome and is no doubt a product of many hours of hard work and determination. Enjoy some well earned time off!
I scored about 10-13 points lower than I had been PTing — I felt like I bombed RC but I don’t think I messed anything else up that majorly. I’m tempted to have my test hand scored but wondering if other think I should just accept that maybe I messed up and retake for free? I knew I wasn’t as prepared as I could have been and I approached it as practice given the option to retake for free - but I wasn’t expecting such a low score. Thoughts?
If you scored well under PT, totally retake. As I understand it, hand scoring rarely changes the outcome, and if it does, it's by a point or two.
We have bad days. It happens. That RC was pretty brutal. Some people have said the comparative passage was in the top 4 hardest ever seen. The games were misleading. They seemed simple enough, but sucked time. The LR was.. well.. totally insane for that one section,and at least one other was pretty difficult.
However.. if you are off by large margins, I don't think it could have just been the RC unless you missed like every question. Keep studying LG and LR as well. I found certain tactics for RC worked for LR and vice versa, and something just clicked this time around. Took a year and a half or so, but it finally happened.
Absolutely, dust yourself off and get back up. It's hard. It's sooo hard to do it and do this stupid test again. I know; I've done it and was prepared to do it again, and thank my lucky stars, I'm done this time (although part of me says "1 more point would look even better..."). Focus on your goal, why you are doing this, and keep going.
You've got this. This is just a momentary set back and you get a freebie. Use it to your advantage. I'm betting there will be a ton of cancellations from this testing, and I have read similar stories to yours on Reddit (scoring way below PT).