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Best method for solving logic games without any diagramming?

RDXL1989RDXL1989 Free Trial Member

I have to take the ATSA (air traffic controller skills assesment) pretty soon and one section is a timed 20 minute section VERY similar to LSAT logic games. You have to answer 18 questions in 20 minutes and are allowed NO PENCIL or PAPER the test is entirely on the computer. Before you enter the testing facility your pockets are emptied and you are immediately disqualified if you are found using any outside source to help on the test.

Everyone who took the test says this section was extremely difficult, anyone have any advice? I've been studying logic games for some time but spend a lot of time trying to remember all the rules during questions because I can't diagram.


    399 karma

    How similar are LSAT logic games to this test you're taking? I get that they might be similar, but basically nobody would be able to ace a logic games section without diagramming. That's unheard of. The creators of 7Sage wouldn't even be able to do it, lol... I would imagine the games in the test you're taking are concocted in such a way that considers the lack of diagramming, whereas LSAT logic games are 110% without a doubt written knowing people will be diagramming. I'm not implying one test is harder or easier than the other, but rather that they might be difficult for different reasons. Are there published versions of previous tests?

  • zacharytsmith26-1zacharytsmith26-1 Alum Member
    849 karma

    Agree above, you'd be hard pressed to even do the easy games in your head in a timely manner.

  • RDXL1989RDXL1989 Free Trial Member
    edited September 2019 5 karma

    Thanks for the responses, sadly there are no published version of the actual test, just anecdotes and compilations from those who took it. There is some test prep software created by a 3rd party company but it isn't for the logic questions section. The test and scoring is proprietary and unavailable to the public. You will never receive your exact score either.

    The test seems to be set at a difficulty where it is 100% impossible to obtain a perfect or close to perfect score as the test is designed to assess prioritization of multiple tasks under extreme time constraints. All those who took it seem to say it will crush you at certain points during the test; usually with a few of the multitasking games eventually becoming too hard for a human brain to complete or by not giving enough time for the logic questions section. Job offers are sent out based on how you scored relative to the others testing and I guess I'm just looking for anything that will help me do as well as I possibly can.

  • AudaciousRedAudaciousRed Alum Member
    edited September 2019 2689 karma

    The only way you can do a logic game in your head outside of a simple lineup (or even including a simple line up) is by process of elimination. Look for the only answer that doesn't violate your rules. It may not work for the whole LSAT, which requires you to make game boards for some questions, but if you can't make game boards for this test, I'd imagine they wouldn't ask too many questions that would absolutely require that. You should be able to eliminate the wrong answers by the rules.

  • taschasptaschasp Alum Member Sage
    796 karma

    Small suggestion: look for the easiest logic games out there, and practice those without doing any diagramming first, to train your brain first to be able to do those questions. It sounds like, if it is normal to note be able to do the super-hard ones, you want to first increase your rate of success for the easier questions before you even think about the harder ones.

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