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Should I retake after 172

MJGspiceMJGspice Alum Member
in General 147 karma

Hi everyone,
I received a 172 on October's LSAT. I know I should be excited and grateful, and I am. But I am still tempted to take November's test in a few days which I am registered for. Of my last 5 PTs two were 172s and the rest were 175 and up. My thinking is that since they only count the highest score, the advantages of possibly doing better outweigh the disadvantages of possibly doing worse. Doing worse is a real possibility and I already have one cancellation from July. My weakest section is LG and If I get a hard LG section my score could suffer. I've ranged from -0 to -10 in LG. I can tell right away If I bomb a section and would cancel but I think 2 cancellations look really bad. I am not sure if I should retake, and would appreciate your thoughts.

Should I retake?
  1. Should I retake?110 votes
    1. Yes, go for it!
    2. No, it's not worth the risk!


  • DivineRazeDivineRaze Alum Member
    edited November 2019 550 karma

    @MJGspice First of all congrats on that 172! If you feel deep down that you could potentially do better on the November test, then take it. If you scored in the bottom range of your last 5 and feel like you can hit the high range of that average, then by all means!!

  • mlhinklemlhinkle Member
    292 karma

    Way to go!!!!!!

  • noonawoonnoonawoon Alum Member
    3481 karma

    I don't see what you have to lose since it isn't like you'd get your money back either way. Congrats on 172!

  • The JudgesThe Judges Free Trial Member
    364 karma

    I wouldn't bother clout chasing. The top 10 will like your score as it is and karma occasionally works against the chasers of clout. Personally I would leave it and congrats on the 172

  • 172 is a great score. You don't need go further. It will get you in a lot of schools. Chase your dream of being a good lawyer You can go to any good school that you want on 172.

  • MumenRiderMumenRider Alum Member
    24 karma

    Hey, I noticed a few comments here saying that you can do anything with a 172. This is absolutely not true. Even assuming your GPA is good, you're still pretty close to HYS medians which factor in URM status anyway. Even if you got into where you wanted, 174 could help get higher scholarships than a 172.
    This is also one of the biggest, if not the biggest, tests in your life. Don't leave the game feeling like you could have gotten more. It's not greed, it's wrought opulence.

  • lsatgodjklsatgodjk Alum Member
    938 karma

    I would only retake a 172 if you have mastered games. I'd run with the 172! Congrats, super impressive, and you'll do great!

  • danielbrowning208danielbrowning208 Alum Member
    531 karma

    @MJGspice Take it again; you never want to be left ever-wondering "what if I took it again?". If you think you have a higher potential, go for it again and cancel if you don't quite think you made it on test day

  • Sim SimmaSim Simma Alum Member
    168 karma

    For me it's about a balance between pushing yourself and being smart about it. Only you can know whether you have something to prove to yourself or no. I would probably take it again, because 172 is not a 180. But I'm not you.

    Have you been prepping though? If you've taken your foot off the gas since the October test, then I don't know if it's smart to go and take it again without having taken another bunch of time to prep and improve further.

    68 karma

    I'd say if you're scoring 177+ on your PT's then go for it! One of my friends scored a 172 and then studied a bit more and got a 179. He's in at Yale now.

  • Harvey DentHarvey Dent Alum Member
    81 karma

    when are you thinking of applying to law schools? If applying this cycle, The rolling admissions should be factored into your decision as well. If I were you I’d just apply this cycle with this score.
    Spending an extra year out of school is not fun.

  • johnnylawjohnnylaw Alum Member
    48 karma

    Factor in your GPA (is it at median or higher for target?) and where that puts you, plus the "softs" like URM/work/military/diversity/undergrad rigor. If you have your admissions package together already and are ready to apply, you could hit send on those and ask for schools to wait on your November LSAT as well, to at least get on their radar.

    Also, if bombing a section means you'd get 4 points or lower than your 172, then that is a considerable risk, otherwise it isn't. Two cancellations would look worse than now, but say you get a 169 on the November, then you're still in your predicted range of scores (3 up and 3 down) and schools will base admission and scholarship decisions on your 172 (highest on file). Answering those Qs would drive the decision in my less-than-expert opinion.

    Do we know if July is actually shown on our reports? I heard either that it isn't due to the digital/paper mix, or at least that schools aren't really paying attention to a July cancellation.

  • maxbbarb7maxbbarb7 Alum Member
    182 karma

    I would just apply right now if I were you. Your score is unreal. If you take November and don't improve, then you would have just wasted a whole month when you could just apply right now. Congrats on your 172

  • cooljon525-1-1cooljon525-1-1 Alum Member
    917 karma

    Personally I would just be too nervous to retake a 172 so I wouldn't.

  • joelmpmayjoelmpmay Alum Member
    33 karma

    Did you end up retaking?

  • MJGspiceMJGspice Alum Member
    147 karma

    Yes, Games went pretty well, but messed up in RC. We'll see what happens...

  • MJGspiceMJGspice Alum Member
    147 karma

    Thank you so much everybody, for your advice and support!

  • joelmpmayjoelmpmay Alum Member
    33 karma

    @MJGspice said:
    Yes, Games went pretty well, but messed up in RC. We'll see what happens...

    Nice! I was in a similar situation and I took it again as well. Good luck!

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