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Jump from CC to Prep Tests Feb 1997?

jcho1234jcho1234 Member
in General 108 karma

Hi, I am relatively new here and not as tech savvy as some of you. Can you please help me figure out the curriculum?

After completing the last CC section on RC, do we jump to the February 1997 Test? Effectively skipping over the "deprecated" drill sections for PT1-35 that are listed in the syllabus? The syllabus and class schedule indicate two distinct pathways.

Thanks for any help!


  • OldLadyKOldLadyK Alum Member
    396 karma

    Hi! I think that's completely up to you, depending on what score you're aiming for and how much time you're dedicating to study before attempting the actual test. Even if you start at PT 36, you'll have over 50 available practice tests to take. If any of the latest tests aren't available on 7sage, you can order them on Amazon in paper form. Good luck with your studies!

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