Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). 160 for June 2020? - 7Sage Forum

160 for June 2020?

deebaizaddeebaizad Free Trial Member
in General 34 karma

Hi everyone! I decided to retake the LSAT for the 4th time this June and apply for the 2021 cycle vs remain in the 2020 application pool. My final LSAT score for January 2020 was a 151. I started studying again mid-March as I have had a ton of time now that I work from home. My average for the last 3 tests I’ve taken is a 153. I do a section a day and have scored a 155 through that. I’m hoping to score at least a 160 in June and was hoping someone could offer some advice? Currently I do a section a day, review that section, and then drill the corresponding section + logical reasoning. I also take a PT every Saturday and try to review it on Sunday. I’m hoping a month is enough time but any advice would be appreciated!


  • The JudgesThe Judges Free Trial Member
    364 karma

    I think the June LSAT will end up being a flex test so also be ready for that. If you want a 160 at least in my experience you have to be above 160 on PTs. I am sure you will get there. What is your weakest section/breakdown of sections?

  • deebaizaddeebaizad Free Trial Member
    edited April 2020 34 karma

    I was worried that would be the case. Not sure how the FLEX LSAT would be for me. My best section is always LR then LG then RC but recently I have fluctuate between LG and RC.

  • zaney learnerzaney learner Member
    65 karma

    What worked for me was using Khan (its free through the LSAC website). They have you work on all 3 sections every day so that you don't decline in the other sections while working on one. Also it sounds like you may have been rushing through the CC and grasping all of the core concepts. You may want to start from the beginning in the sections that you have not mastered.

  • LogicianLogician Alum Member Sage
    2464 karma

    What does your LG score look like? if you're not at least in the -3 range I would highly suggest you divert most of your attention to accomplishing that. That will be the easiest way to boost your score in a short period of time. This means rigorously foolproofing games and going through any one you don't 100% understand with a fine tooth comb. Keep revisiting a game until you've truly feel as though you've mastered it. Also be sure to watch J.Y's videos (I think that's a given).

    Good luck, you can do it!

  • hcdbsu24hcdbsu24 Alum Member
    103 karma

    I agree that if you are not scoring a -3 in LG consistently, you should focus on that because you are able to pick up a lot of points since it is the most easily learnable section. Also, it's hard to be 160+ without that solid LG score. I started at about -10 in LG, and after spending 4 weeks of constant drilling and redrawing hard game boards and doing the strategies that JY has I started seeing my LG score go to -1s and -0s. Mastery in LG makes you better at inferences, which is good for RC & LR because there are MANY inference questions where you have to put some pieces together, which uses similar "mind muscles" (what I like to call them, haha). Focus on the LG. It'll be your best bang for your buck in the short time you have. Good luck, you got this!

  • deebaizaddeebaizad Free Trial Member
    34 karma

    Thank you so much for your comment! I have gone 18/23 on LG but I will still score 11/23 on other sections. I’m finding it difficult to study for LG because when I do games I either get them or I don’t. I also find myself spending a lot of time on the first two games even tho I get them right. How often would you drill? 3 hours a day?

  • The JudgesThe Judges Free Trial Member
    364 karma

    ok, games is like the only thing i am exceptionally good at. When you look at games you have to have the different categories in your mind. You have to ask yourself is it simple ordering, relative ordering, grouping (distribution or in out), a rare game, or the new hard games grid problems. These all look different and you have to learn to diagram each and how the main constraints work. Simple ordering i know you know but i found the grouping the hardest to learn and doing grid games fast is my current challenge. @deebaizad

  • 160orbust160orbust Alum Member
    16 karma

    I agree that games is easiest to increase, and best chance to bump score with flex testing because it accounts for 33%. I myself still need work on games, I go from -4 to -8 depending on the set so that is what I am also hoping to improve on before June, as well... Good Luck!

  • deebaizaddeebaizad Free Trial Member
    34 karma

    I just took practice test 76 and received a 153 — LG was my highest Section going 17/23. RC was my worst (13/27). I am always fluctuating between these two sections. Thank you everyone for the advice!! I think I am also going to register for the August LSAT. Not sure if I have enough time between now and June to increase 15 points.

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