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Just studying for July

emmonsbrookeemmonsbrooke Core Member
in Study Groups 4 karma

Hi all!

I am looking for a study/accountability buddy for the July 13th date. I just started studying but I was recently laid off due to COVID so studying is all I have to do! Let me know if you are in a similar situation!



  • Ms.LeeSanzMs.LeeSanz Member
    227 karma

    Hey Brooke! I am indecisive of which test to take. I am in between July and August. Like you, I just started studying. My semester just finished, and due to Covid, I am now working part-time. I am fully invested in studying. I would love to be your study partner.


  • ahalvinaahalvina Free Trial Member
    2 karma

    I’m graduating in a few weeks and also taking the July LSAT!

  • Caitlin222Caitlin222 Live Member
    22 karma

    Yo, same here. Just graduated and no work until June. I've been doing Khan and LSAT Trainer, but hit me up if ya wanna go over anything!

  • Ms.LeeSanzMs.LeeSanz Member
    227 karma

    @caitlinb412 what would be the best way to do this? I’ve seen on other post that ppl have recommended using GroupMe...

  • Rowe2020Rowe2020 Member
    225 karma

    I am signed up to take the LSAT in July!

  • jaygaleonejaygaleone Alum Member
    83 karma

    Hi you guys, I'm signed up for the LSAT this July and would like to be a part of a study group.

  • Ms.LeeSanzMs.LeeSanz Member
    227 karma

    Hey everyone if you have GroupMe feel free to send me your usernames, I’ll create the group.

  • Alison D.Alison D. Member
    11 karma

    I am also deciding between July and August and would love to be a part of this group!

  • TorontoSTorontoS Core Member
    13 karma

    I am going to write in Aug but would love to study with a group

  • Ms.LeeSanzMs.LeeSanz Member
    227 karma

    @Sapphytb Everyone in the group is either going to write in July or August. You are more than welcome to join the group! Here is the link

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    Im looking as well! Taking may and july. i wanted to do june but on deadline day it was open in the morning so when i tried registering at night for some reason it JUST became full lool rip

  • Ms.LeeSanzMs.LeeSanz Member
    edited May 2020 227 karma
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