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Any free tutors to help be bridge the gap? (currently around low 150's)

GodsPlanGodsPlan Member

Hey guys, I've been studying the LSAT for super long (it's actually super brutal). I feel very confident with the content when it comes to LR. The thing that screws me currently is (i) timing, and (ii) SA/PSA under timed conditions because I find it super hard to use lawgic under time constraints. On a good day I would miss 7 for LR, but usually I'll miss around 10 (I don't usually make it to the end questions, I've thought of using timing techniques but I feel like I lose track of time when I think I might be close to solving a question where I end up spending around 2.5 mins on it and it could still be wrong).

If you can lmk! Thanks in advance!


  • Confidence150Confidence150 Alum Member
    edited August 2020 1417 karma

    I wish I could help but I’m also scoring in 150s and stuck there. Good luck. Best wishes. Also following!! I would be down to study together.

  • 42 karma

    Hey! Im scoring high 160s-low 170s and would love to help if you are still looking for someone

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