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Hey guys!
So I have been studying for awhile and have seen increased scores/improvement with my RC and LG sections. However, I don't know what it is about LR, but I just can't seem to do well on those sections I literally always get -10 on every LR section I do without fail (it is definitely my worst section), and I don't know why I feel like something just isn't clicking. I really want to get down to -5 before the October exam. If anyone who does consistently well in LR is willing to work with me or also needs help/wants to figure this out together, hit me up! I'm getting a little discouraged, but I wanted to try this forum out to get my motivation back up haha
Thanks for helping ya girl out 😊 🙏
Have you tried the loophole yet? If not I think that could be very beneficial to you. I’m not entirely sure you’d be able to get totally comfortable with the strategies by October but certainly by November. Im not an expert in LR by any means but I was struggling like you even after the cc so I decided to get the loophole and it helped immensely. Usually I go -4 to -6, still trying to get those last few right.
Another thing that helped me in addition to loophole was focusing on the conclusion and the support structure. Once you can very quickly label the parts of the argument the stimulus becomes a lot clearer and you can get past all the wordiness.Hope this helps somewhat.
Thanks for your response
I have not looked into loophole! I have the power score bible along with this course, so the only hesitation I have about looking into a new resource is getting confused with which techniques to use if you know what I mean?
This isn't applicable for all question types in LR, but do you feel like you have a good understanding of say, the flaw or the structure of the argument before you look at the answer choices? In other words, do you have an idea of what the answer might be or should be before you look at A through E?
I have the loophole book and I refer to specific LR question type chapters/sections whenever I'm feeling stuck. Furthermore, the author has a way of compressing the information into very simplistic and digestible elements, so you don't have to worry about diving into a whole other resource and potentially getting confused with new techniques. The loophole book has a lot of "AHA!" moments
hope that helps!