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Tips/Strategies for RC on the LSAT Flex

deirdre.elydeirdre.ely Free Trial Member

Hi all - does anyone have any good strategies for taking notes/marking for RC on the LSAT Flex? Usually RC is my strongest score when I'm taking the test on paper, but having to read on a screen is really screwing me up. I'm taking the October LSAT (trying to raise my score from August) and really need to increase my accuracy on RC. Appreciate any tips!


  • aikoko10911aikoko10911 Member
    17 karma

    I always highlight the low-resolution main topic for each paragraph, a different highlighter for terminology and names, and underlies the details I can't easily remember.

  • WouldRatherBeEatingWouldRatherBeEating Alum Member
    456 karma

    If so far you've only been taking RC on the 7sage interface, consider using the LSAC's lawhub interface as it's got a few key differences that can throw you off if you're unfamiliar.

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