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How to best simulate LSAT Flex through preptests??

amishaamisha Member
edited October 2020 in General 5 karma


I want to know how those of you who are taking the LSAT flex prepared by simulating it? Did you just take out a section from a usual prep test? Is there an option to take preptests from 7sage using a LSAT Flex format?

Thank you!


  • amberngrimmeramberngrimmer Member
    7 karma

    There should be a checkbox for the three-part Flex before starting a Prep Test on 7sage.

    I also recommend using the LSAC lawhub format because that is what you will be using for the real test. I am also practicing in the morning and waking up early because I don't usually wake up that early!

  • Juliet - Student ServiceJuliet - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    5740 karma

    @amisha said:

    I want to know how those of you who are taking the LSAT flex prepared by simulating it? Did you just take out a section from a usual prep test? Is there an option to take preptests from 7sage using a LSAT Flex format?

    Thank you!

    Hi there,

    To simulate LSAT Flex, check the box labeled "Simulate Flex" next to the PrepTest name in the digital tester. This will skip the second LR section. See the screenshot below:


    Let us know if you have any further questions.

  • WouldRatherBeEatingWouldRatherBeEating Alum Member
    edited October 2020 456 karma

    I use a combination of 7sage and Lawhub to PT. I like the analytics of 7sage, so I use the simulated flex option. I take LR and LG on 7sage but I take the RC section on lawhub, as I find 7sage too different to accurately simulate testing conditions (i.e. Lawhub highlights passages referred to rather than giving page numbers, and Lawhub also shows you how many questions there are per passage, which I use to determine the order of my passages). The LSAT flex looks just like the Lawhub version so definitely try taking a PT on there at least once. At the end of my PT, I manually input all of my answers from Lawhub onto 7sage by converting the test to paper. That way I can still use 7sage analytics for the most part (I only lose the info about how long I've spent waffling on different RC questions and reading the passages).

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