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feeling eh about October flex score

Hey all - I just got my October flex score and am feeling pretty discouraged. I scored a 157 and my best PTs were in the mid-160s (scores I would be very content with). It's frustrating because after the exam I felt really confident and felt like I had a great test day and the exam was easier, but my score ended up not reflecting that. I've been studying 20-30 hours a week for 9 months and am really burnt out / tired of studying for this exam. I want to apply this cycle and feel kind of meh about going to a mid-range law school. My GPA is also just kind of alright (3.6 from Berkeley) and my soft factors are strong (Teach for America, good letters of rec, a PS I feel confident about). Does anyone have any thoughts/advice on how to navigate? I'm super satisfied going to a not-top 20 school but a little above that like a GW, Notre Dame, or Boston College, but now I feel like I don't even have much of a shot at those. Thoughts??? Thanks everyone.


  • SpinnerTSpinnerT Core Member
    83 karma

    Hey @kchurich ,

    I just want to tell you I'm in the same boat... 3.7 ugpa from a good liberal arts college, and got a 159 back today. I don't really have t14 aspirations, but I had been scoring in the 160s previously. I'm also so over continuing to study, but I think I'm going to take the January test. BC/W&L/Emory were my targets. The predictor tools would give you a shot at those schools. For me, I know I'm not going to wait another year, regardless. I say keep grinding, and hope for the best! Cast a wide net. See what happens. Just know you're not the only one feeling bummed. I get frustrated seeing these kick ass scores by lots of other users, knowing I've put in a lot of work too. The sun will come up. Don't stress.

  • Meg_5280Meg_5280 Core Member
    49 karma

    Same here. Scored a 149 (yikes) which was well below my PTs. Honestly I am kinda shocked given my PTs were near 160. I am feeling insecure about going for a top school and worried about applying to a mid-tier and not getting any scholarships. My GPA is 3.85 and I have an extensive teaching background. Not sure where to go from here, but I guess I will see you in January (lol)!

  • karko2525karko2525 Member
    620 karma

    @kchurich I just wanted to drop in and say you are not alone. I took the August Lsat flex and got similar results ( was PTing at 165). Definitely cried my eyes out for like 2 days after and then re-grouped. If it's any consolation, a lot of people score below their averages on the first take and it's normal! Definitely don't give up, but take some time to re-evaluate your timeline and what can happen this cycle. If you're not opposed to a gap year, I highly recommend considering applying next year with a stronger LSAT to boost your chances of getting into a higher ranked school. Or if you can manage to re take again soon, maybe that's worth a shot if you know you can most likely improve. The pandemic definitely ruined the timeline for a lot of people and I heard that the flex is also contributing to an inflation of LSAT scores (more 170s + than past administrations)... So the cycle might actually be more competitive this year :( But take that with a grain of salt. With your incredible softs, letters, and a pretty good GPA from a good school, I think you could have a chance at some of the schools you mentioned! But definitely see if a re take is possible this cycle if you really want to apply just so you can better lock in your law school options.

    Overall, don't fret because I'm sure you'll do better on the next exam if you plan to re-take. Plus, a 157 is still above average! It's also obvious that you're capable of a 160+ score so just keep going. Don't get sucked into the seemingly overwhelming majority of people on here who get like 170-179 lol I let that get to me and it was very toxic for my mental health. Anyways, best of luck in your law school journey and take the next few days or week off!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    @kchurich and others. A high 150's is not the end of the world. I have a friend that got some scholarship aid at GW with a 159. A 3.6, 3.7, or 3.85 is a solid GPA outside the top 20 or so. If you have a solid application those schools are still in play. I will also say that for most schools between about 30 and 50 there is not a lot of difference. If you know what you want to practice or where you want to practice there is nothing wrong with going to a local school ranked #42. Many schools that are really strong bounce all around that range. UNC was in the 40's a few years ago and they are 27th again this year. Iowa is usually in the 20's but is 31 this year. American in in the 40's or 50's I think but is regarded VERY highly in industry. There are lots of great options between #25 and #50 that will still give you scholarships with those numbers. Consider why you want to go to a specific school. Could a lower ranked school fulfill those same goals. The gap in rankings at that level is so tight and means far less than an individual school's program. Consider if there is a specific field of law or clinic you want to do, and look up schools that are strong in that. If you pay for the "grad compass" on US News you can get a lot of information along those lines and Princeton Review also has a decent amount. Above the Law can give you how schools are viewed in industry overall. Some greatly outperform their rankings in US News.

  • karko2525karko2525 Member
    620 karma

    @VerdantZephyr agreed! And thank you for the in depth information. It gives me hope that your friend got into GW with scholarship aid given her stats. I always read comments like "T14 or bust" so that's a reassuring thing 😭

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    @karko2525 you're very welcome

  • kchurichkchurich Member
    70 karma

    Thank you everyone! This is all very reassuring. I am going to try and apply with the 157 just in case, since I'm not caught up in the T-14 necessity. If I'm unhappy with the schools I get into, I am going to take the exam again in the spring and try again next cycle. Good luck everyone!!

  • VerdantZephyrVerdantZephyr Member
    2054 karma

    Just as context, these feelings or realities are not limited to any particular range. Nor is moving down a few spots too terrible, except perhaps moving far out of T14, T50ish, or T100. I was a bit disappointed with my score, it is several points below my average and equal to my lowest PT score in the five weeks before the exam. I feel this way regardless of the fact that it is, in fact, phenomenal. I need substantial financial aid and my score probably eliminates me from that at many of my top choices and leaves them as strong reaches.

    I am plan to apply now and hope I somehow gain admission to those lower T14 schools on my list before trying to use a January retake for scholarship negotiation. Regardless of that though, I feel pretty okay because I have several options outside those T14 schools that offer incredible programs. Boston U Law might not be equivalent to Penn in most people's minds, but for what I want to do they offer a phenomenal curriculum. It may not open as many doors long term, but it will get me in the door while providing phenomenal learning opportunities and that is the most important thing. Schools in the 20's absolutely still provide phenomenal educations.

  • KyleM511KyleM511 Member
    34 karma

    Same here was PTing consistently in the low 160s and ended up with a 155. I also felt really good about the test after I finished maybe we both missed something.

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