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Moms studying for the LSAT?

edited December 2020 in Study Groups 1538 karma

Are there any other working moms out there who are studying for the LSAT? I truly hope I am not the only one!

I wanted to make a groupme where working moms can support each other through the process of going through the core curriculum and preparing for the LSAT.

Message me if you want to join the groupme. I truly hope I am not alone in this seemingly crazy, impossible pursuit!

Thank you all! Good luck to you with your studies!


  • mochachanmochachan Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    Hi ! not a mom, a stepmom here but thought I would say heyyyy! I work full time and side research job with a family. It's crazy but YOU ARE NOT ALONE GIRL ! we can do this !

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1012 karma

    You’re definitely not! I already have little ones and I will be 31 weeks pregnant sitting for Jan Lsat! 😂

  • brookegojazzbrookegojazz Core Member
    360 karma

    You are not alone! I work full time and am a mom as well. I would love to be a part of the group!

  • sushiroll2119sushiroll2119 Alum Member
    185 karma

    Lets start a group chat and support/encourage one another!!! -Not a mom but I take care of my parents with 13-14 hr shifts back and forth between days and nights as a Nurse in the military.

    1538 karma

    @wanwiththeforce @brookegojazz @JDream2020 @mochachan you all are my HEROES! I created the group on groupme- I am inspired by you all courageously following your dreams! :)

  • CNantonCNanton Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    You're sooo not alone, luckily ;) I would like to be a part of the group too.

  • jubi.williamsjubi.williams Core Member
    9 karma

    You're not alone. I work full time and have 2 tween daughters, please add me to your group. Thank you for this support!

    1538 karma

    @CNanton woohoo!! I'll PM you the link to the group :)

    1538 karma

    @"jubi.williams" yay!! I am inspired by you amazing moms!! I sent you the link to the group :) lmk if you need help getting access to the group

  • lilpinglinglilpingling Member
    638 karma

    Me! I have a 15 year old daughter. I'm actually at work right now. Clearly, this company is lucky to have me.

    @JDream2020 - Props for taking the LSAT at 31 weeks. I can't imagine trying to get through logic games with all that kicking and poking! Maybe don't drink anything sugary before the test :smiley:

  • Livininthesprawl210Livininthesprawl210 Core Member
    25 karma

    I'm here for this group! I have a 3 yo, a full time job and hubs and I are taking meetings in turns to work from home. Please ad me!

  • dpenadpena Member
    103 karma

    Hey I have a 3 year old. You are NOT alone!! Add me to the group please!

    edited December 2020 1538 karma

    SO MANY POWERHOUSES!! @dpena @lilpingling @Livininthesprawl210 I PM'ed you the link to join!

  • Sunshine BuzeSunshine Buze Core Member
    12 karma

    Me! My son is 9m old and I work full time. Its a juggle but we can do it!

    1538 karma

    @"Sunshine Buze" yes we can!!

  • np2624np2624 Member
    25 karma

    Me! I am also interested!

  • rmarilissesrmarilisses Alum Member
    18 karma

    Please add me to your. working full time and have a toddler.

    1538 karma

    @np2624 @rmarilisses i sent you both messages with the link to the groupme! We got this 💪🙌🏻

  • FindingSageFindingSage Alum Member
    2047 karma

    I am a single Mom with a five year and work full time. Some advise that I would give to other Moms studying part time/ working is just to expect your journey to take a little longer from the beginning ( especially if you are looking for a 160 + score). I have been studying over two years now and would have laughed if someone had told me it was going to take this long. But the combination of being a parent, having been out of school for awhile and working has made this a significantly slower process than I would have ever anticipated. Try to make whatever studying you are doing as high quality as you can and be creative! Pre Covid I commuted to work so I listened to LSAT podcasts on my way to and from. Sometimes I would put together a short practice set or would BR part of a PT on lunch. Another thing people can do in limited amount of time is to answer requests for help on the discussion board. It is one thing to be able to answer a question correctly but it is another to be able to teach it to someone. Teachers average 6 points higher on the LSAT. While we can’t all be teachers, the majority of parents already have the skills of being able to simplify and break down concepts like we do with kids and this is a good skill to try to develop for LSAT.

  • amandamay83amandamay83 Free Trial Member
    1 karma

    Count me in! amandamay83[at]gmail[dot]com.

  • 31 karma

    Hi You are far from alone I have two babies ages 7 and 2! I have been out of school for 7 years and full time working mom! Please add me to the GroupMe I can definitely use the encouragement especially around like minded women! Looking forward to meeting you all!!

  • derry.karen6derry.karen6 Core Member
    134 karma

    OMG YES. I'm a single mother working full time and trying to incorporate this LSAT study schedule - have been for about a year and a half and it's felt like no one really understands - i'd LOVE to be part of this group!

  • STEPHC_PSTEPHC_P Free Trial Member
    16 karma

    Here! Working single mom of two boys - 1.5 and 5. It feels impossible!

    1538 karma

    @STEPHC_P @"derry.karen6" @Futurelawdiva4 @amandamay83 sent you each a link to the groupme! So great to meet you all! We got this 💪💪💪

  • RondaBCANRondaBCAN Member
    70 karma

    Count me in! I have 2 boys, 9 and 11 and I am in my 40's...writing again in January or February. Let's rock this LSAT!

    1538 karma

    @RondaBCAN you are my hero!! I'll send you the link to the groupme. would love to have you join us!! :)

  • LawrealtyLawrealty Core Member
    71 karma count me in

  • MichalleMichalle Member
    edited December 2020 30 karma

    Hi! I am a military wife and our youngest is 23. My husband is retired from the USMC so I am finally at a place in my life where I can pursue my dreams. Best of luck to all of the incredible women in this group! I would love to join.

  • grace099grace099 Alum Member
    132 karma

    I got a 10 year old boy and work full time....we got this girls !!! Add me in please, would love to be a part of this support group.

  • jenniferolmsjenniferolms Free Trial Member
    7 karma

    I am!! I have 4 kiddos with my youngest being 16 months. Hoping to take the April LSAT. Getting all my study aids right now. I would love to be a part of the group!

    1538 karma

    @jenniferolms @grace099 @michallehecks @Lawrealty sent you all the link to the group! Just PM if you have trouble joining.

  • klyJD003klyJD003 Member
    62 karma

    I would definitely be interested in joining the group. I am a mom of a 6 month old, 4 year old, and 8 year old. In between working from home full time, doing learning distance with the 2 older ones and introducing new solids to the infant -- with support from the hubby too but I can totally use some discussion as it relates to crushing LSAT and balancing work/life at the same time. :smile:

    edited December 2020 1538 karma

    @karenlinlee03 would love to have you in this group of amazing women - I sent you a message with the link to the group!

  • hannah.mehtahannah.mehta Yearly Member
    48 karma

    Def not alone! Single mom of triplet boys here, one of whom has disabilities and complex medical needs, also running a nonprofit organization. Solidarity, sisters!

    1538 karma

    @"hannah.mehta" wow you’re incredible. I’ll message you the link to the group!

  • JDRose99JDRose99 Core Member
    28 karma

    I would love to join, too! Mom of two teenagers with a full time and part-time job. Already been studying for a year and yet I have so much further to go. Hoping to be ready by April 2021. Would love to connect and support other moms working towards their goals.

  • Jane2021Jane2021 Yearly Member
    22 karma

    Count me in! I have a two year old and go to school part time as well as studying for the LSAT. I would love to join the group.

    1538 karma

    @dj8566 @JDRose99 I sent you both links to the group - I hope we can support each other along this crazy journey!

  • englishteacherlawyerenglishteacherlawyer Core Member
    21 karma

    Hi! I'm a full-time teacher (English Language Arts, so my RC better be darn good :)), mom of two+dog+husband (they all count as dependents, right?), and I am SO happy to have found this group! Can you please include me, too?

  • beautiful2228beautiful2228 Member
    9 karma

    Hey all:) please add me to the group too! I'm a mom of a 16 year old daughter, working full time and studying!:(

  • laurahjoneslaurahjones Core Member
    7 karma

    Great idea to make this group! Please add me too. I'm a mom of 4 kids, working part-time and have finally decided to pursue Law after I've thought about it for a decade.

    edited December 2020 1538 karma

    @englishteacherlawyer @beauiful2228 @laurahjones woohoo!! Would love to have you in the group! I sent you each a link to the group!!!

  • thatLSATlife-1thatLSATlife-1 Core Member
    6 karma

    I am not a mom but my husband and I are considering starting a family while I study law. I am a bit past the "student years". I'd love to join or connect with you and talk about life and law school plans.

  • 0111202001112020 Member
    31 karma

    Yes! Mom to a 20month old boy here! I would love to join the group if it's still going!

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