There is no test center anymore anywhere in San Jose or in the whole SF South Bay region for ANY test administration!!
There used to a few in San Jose. Now none exists in the region for the upcoming June/Oct/Dec/Feb tests. Santa Clara U is also closed.
South Bay takers, where are you testing?
[mod edit: please dont post titles/content in all caps.]
I'm going to trek to USF. Such a hassle...Good luck!
Surprised that not a single test center anymore ALL YEAR anywhere in South Bay
blah170blah Mentor
8 hours ago 1848 karma Flag
I used to live in San Jose but ran into the same problem so I took it at CSU east bay. The campus is super nice and I would highly recommend CSUEB as a testing center. Proctors were really efficient as well
I have heard mixed reviews about USF. But Santa Clara has been an excellent center. Why'd LSAC not have any center anywhere in such a large metropolitan region?
SCU had lecture hall seating and was very quiet.
3 hours ago 46 karma Flag
UGH I KNOW! I was so ready to sign up for Santa Clara since I took it there last time and it was fine.
I'm going to trek to USF. Such a hassle...Good luck!
did you take at CSUEB or SCU? Which building/room does the test occur at CSUEB? How were the proctors?
Took a Kaplan test at CSUEB and the desks were tiny but that may be because it was a kaplan test and not the real LSAT.
blah170blah Mentor
5 minutes ago 1849 karma Flag
When I went to CSUEB, nobody had individualized desks. The room was divided into rows connected by one long desk and everybody sat down two seats from each other. Also, the 880 traffic in the morning shouldn't be too much of a problem since the test is at 12:30.
I'm not sure about logistics yet. Almost tempted to just stay in SF the night before since I work there. We'll see