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How to use 7sage to study for August 21

foodplantsfoodplants Core Member
in General 46 karma


I'm sure this question has been posted before, but I'm curious how to use 7Sage to study. I think I want to take August 2021 LSAT. I am open to June 2021 but I am trying to be realistic. I work full time at a law firm. I studied for 4 months late 2020 and experienced burnout, so I took a break to enjoy the holidays and I moved to a new city. Once I got back into my studies, I got covid. I've had 7sage for about a month now and I just finished the Lawgic section. How does anyone recommend I use this program moving forward? I love it so far, but it seems like it could take me so long to get through it. Should I skip around? Should I jump to the sections I struggle with most? Should I dedicate 1 month to LG sections, 1 months to LR sections, 1 month to RC sections if do able, and then use the remaining months to drill and do practice tests? I'd appreciate anyone's advice. Thank you.


  • Matty-San247Matty-San247 Member
    edited February 2021 33 karma

    Sorry to hear about your condition. Your study journey sounds very much similar to mines. The biggest advice I received on prepping for test day efficiently would have to be taking Practice Tests (one cold) and utilizing the Blind Review Method. Also, the problem sets really do wonders for your score. I'm seeing consecutive increases with my prep day by day and I'm working on improving my score significantly. Hope that helps. and get well soon!

  • equallyyokedequallyyoked Live Member
    414 karma

    My advice as I am learning too is to work on a section until you feel pretty confident. So The last 7 weeks or more I have been working on LR the most then recently LG's. I am not ready for LR but am getting better and knew that I needed a break.

    I have heard that you would need to practice and learn all skills simultaneously (I am doing a little of the 2 aforementioned sections ) at a time. This method has been compared to working out. Focus on different muscle groups each day. I have learned that for me, I will work on each section until I know that I need a break then move to another section and then rinse and repeat.

    Apparently when you give yourself a break then you can pull out what you've learned about another subject even quicker. Just try it and see.

    Oh and commit to perhaps one day off at about 2-3 hours of studying per day. Some ppl study full time but for others retaining what you've read or learned isn't as high as if you were to study a little each day.

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