Guys, when you're exercising or commuting or just putzing around, listen to the podcasts from Radiolab and Planet Money. From a content point of view, you'll learn a ton about science (both natural and social). The way the subjects are discussed is highly intelligent and the entire conversation is a series of arguments and counterarguments that ultimately reveal something deeply fascinating about the world we live in.
So, basically the polar opposite of cable news, where nothing interesting is ever discussed and no intelligent arguments are ever made.
Radiolab Money I almost forgot. This will improve your LSAT score.
I'm sold.
Thanks for the reminder!
You'd think the LSAT writers themselves wrote some of these:
This course on informal logic is particularly useful for mastering the art of manipulating and understanding arguments.
This episode talks about law school and their published employment numbers.
I spend my weekends deconstructing arguments in the Enquirer.
Just kidding.