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Should I take the August LSAT?

ethandlee2001ethandlee2001 Core Member
in General 23 karma

I originally was going to take the October LSAT, however, I am considering taking the August LSAT because yesterday I took a PT and got a 163 and today I took one and got a 167. My goal score is 172. Basically, my question is do I have enough time between now and August to get my score up to a 172? Any advice would be helpful.


  • sarahblairsarahblair Core Member
    604 karma

    I think this is a difficult question to answer fully, but certainly I'll give my opinion. Are you looking to apply this upcoming cycle? If so, I think it would be a great option to take the August test. Two months is truly a decent chunk of time, especially if you see your score trending consistently around 167+. You still have about a month to decide if you want to apply. I know the barrier into the 170's can be hard to break, but with the correct study habits I think you're in a great position to do so. I say, if you don't feel overwhelmed and can devote a lot of time to studying before then, go for it. Be sure not to burnout on the PT's and become discouraged. Best of luck!

  • 424 karma

    I think it also depends on the sections which give you the most trouble - maybe people, myself included, find that LG is easier to improve than, say, RC.

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