Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Feel like I bombed.. - 7Sage Forum

Feel like I bombed..

Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
edited June 2015 in General 578 karma
Everything that could have gone wrong, did go wrong.

On RC I just could NOT get in the zone. It's easy to practice getting in the zone where you understand what you read easily and spit it back out, and it's easy to get good RCs on your own time. On test day, COMPLETELY different ballgame. It was nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get in that zone. For me anyway.

The only thing preventing me from cancelling right now is that my backup school only requires like a 163. I'm also holding out on the remote shot that my "guess" answers were right.

At any rate, the answer to the question I've been asking for the last 3 months: Will I have to re-take the LSAT in October? Is a resounding: You better.

So you'll be seeing more of me, 7sage :-)



  • dave.arpinodave.arpino Alum Member
    edited June 2015 31 karma
    I don't feel like I bombed but I do feel like I underperformed. It's usually not as bad as you perceive just sit tight and try not to think too much about it until the score comes in
  • shanweshanwe Alum Member
    12 karma
    I bombed my worst section even more than I thought I would, and didn't do as well as I hoped I would on my best section, so I'm right there with you. The only reason I'm not completely miserable is because I know I can take it in October again, and this time I'll know what to expect in terms of testing conditions.

    Oh well. Time for a beer :)
  • gs556gs556 Member Inactive Sage
    568 karma
    Yeah. This felt rough. I had solid PT scores and the LG felt like hell. Lots of guessing. :(
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    edited June 2015 578 karma
    @shanwe yes I agree the experience in and of itself was valuable. For example, now I will pay much more attention to notating RC on pape since I know that on test day, memory will not do. Second on that beer too.
  • btdean82btdean82 Alum Member
    edited June 2015 24 karma
    Yes I agree the LG section was brutal. I usually do -0/-1 on LG and i had to guess on an entire game because nothing made sense. I had [removed]. I do feel good about the writing section! LOL
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @btdean oh yea. If the writing section were graded I would be like super confident in my score rn
  • hrjones44hrjones44 Alum Member
    323 karma
    Dude my LG is my weakest as well, and well u know, it was tough today. Also Maybe my experimental section was the worst one i had, I hope!
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    Hey, on the bright side, I haven't heard one comment yet that the test was "easy." Maybe we'll get a curve better than on PT 72.. where 12 wrong was a 170 and 28 wrong was a 160.
  • btdean82btdean82 Alum Member
    24 karma
    You cant say what the sections where you had? By name only. Without any information about the questions?
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @btdean they're probably just being safe rather than sorry.. since they could get in trouble for it. At the end of the day, they can censor whatever they want since it's their site. Just don't worry about it man.. we can talk about it when the scores come out ;-)
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    I canceled mine... I felt the test went perfect until LG and that just murked me... After that section I knew I missed my opportunity. Well October it is then.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @180 - believe me, cancelling is running thru my mind right now as well. There is a huge discrepancy in LSAT requirements between UT and UH, which are the two schools I'm thinking about, so I think I'll just keep this one to secure early admission into UH.. and then shoot for UT in oct.
  • bstew2002bstew2002 Alum Member
    edited June 2015 269 karma
    @"Dr. Yamata" Yeah man don't cancel. If anything, use this score as motivation and analysis for the next time if necessary. You know how test day circumstances affect you now, so you can figure out how to overcome them in the future. Anyway, without getting in to specifics, you know the sections that were brutal for you were brutal for the rest, because that one section *ahem* was just as hard for all of us. In my opinion, compared to every other historical PT section of that category, that section was aggregately harder than any other in the last 30 PTs. Enjoy your beer bro. See you at UT.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    edited June 2015 578 karma
    @Bstew.. yeah haven't heard anyone really say "WOW that section was easy dude! I finished that so fast and understood all of it" If you're in Austin feel free to PM me about study groups and the like
  • bstew2002bstew2002 Alum Member
    edited June 2015 269 karma
    @"Dr. Yamata" yeah man I'm in Austin but I have to deploy to Kuwait in a few months so the next 4 or 5 LSATs are a no-go for me. So today was it. If I scored a miracle I will let you know.
  • rblackshearrblackshear Alum Member
    edited June 2015 104 karma
    if you want to know what the experimental were just go to TLS
  • bstew2002bstew2002 Alum Member
    269 karma
    @"Dr. Yamata" Oh yeah. If you take again in October, do it at ACC. Cadillac-sized desks and small crowd.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @blackshear and reddit.. @bstew.. yeah that huge room was a bit intimidating. i don't know if that was a factor or not in my performance.. it could have been either positive or negative since I tend to perform well under pressure.
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    edited June 2015 324 karma
    Ok Dr., here it is, RC was super easy for me and I killed it. HOWEVER... I thought one of my lrs (which turns out to not be experimental) was way harder than expected. And lg which I am usually really good at, I didn't really get to do #4 (you know, the one). Hindsight, I'm glad I focused more on the other 3 rather than rushing through the 4th, once I was on it, I knew it would have been a time sucker for me. Overall, RC has always been my worst, lg my best, those switched. If I just do average (for me) at lr then it should be ok.
    On my way out there was a guy who was talking about the fact that he has now done 6 tests, 2 actual and 4 prep and he never wants to hear the word LSAT again, I laughed and I thought to myself, I did 6 last week. That being said, I feel fine!
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    Lucky you on the RC. I definitely couldn't get my mojo working on that one. And here's the kicker.. I have an MA in a particular discipline highly relevant to it! There will be no more not marking the passage for me since I know I'm gonna crack under the pressure on test day. I'm going to be taking notes out the wazoo.

    I'm relatively confident I pimpslapped the LR..

    LG seems to be everyone's downfall on this one. We will probably be in for a bit of a curve.

    And to share another story about strange things you heard, I was talking to a guy who NEVER STUDIED AT ALL. He just signed up last week and took it as a "backup to his GRE score" because he was applying for a Physics PhD. I was like wtf.
  • MMSyLSATMMSyLSAT Alum Member
    44 karma
    I met a girl who was in the same room I was in. She had only one pencil, no eraser, no ziplock, no analog watch... She dressed like she came to a beach. Before the exam, I asked her if she was ready and if she took any prep class( I told her about 7sage). She said she bought "PS Bible" books one and half weeks ago and did not take any prep course. I did not see hear after the break. Some people think LSAT is a joke.
  • amanda_kwamanda_kw Alum Member
    383 karma
    I feel the exact same way. Nice to know I'm not the only one - but I also feel bad that other people feel like that too, because it's a sucky feeling. I totally felt like I bombed. RC and LR hit me hard. I ran out of time on both which doesn't happen on other PTs. :(

    And I just found out from TLS the LG section I CRUSHED was experimental. :/

  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    Yes, I'm getting that vibe too about the exp LG. I've only seen one person so far who said that specifically the real one was a breeze.

    This has been an extremely interesting experience. I can't remember the last time I cared about something so much or that something was able to have such a profound impact in my daily life. These feelings are all new and inexplicable. But, based on experience with similarly engaging pursuits, I think the skill we must develop right now is getting on with life. I am already sitting here going back over the test mentally and being like "OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T I..." (insert whatever here). But that's not going to work. We've gotta shut out all those voices and just get back on the wagon. And I think it does help to "blow off steam" here.. none of my friends will understand what I mean if I tell them that my RC was weak lol.
  • amanda_kwamanda_kw Alum Member
    383 karma
    lol. TOTALLY. I was so comforted to see your and J.Y. posts. It helped me calm down a bit.

    But yes, despite the intense feelings life does go on. Which is a good thing. Otherwise I could be mad at myself forever for running out of time on RC and 1 LR. ugh. The LSAT is so brutal.
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    I forgot about my dislike for the "science" related RC. Maybe RC didn't go as well as I had thought. Maybe just because I finished I was left with a good feeling. It's so odd to go through all of that and remember virtually nothing. I'm not sure how people can remember the RC passage topics let alone specifics about which lr had a certain question.
  • deleted accountdeleted account Free Trial Member
    393 karma
    One more here. I found the whole test to be a breeze except for the logic games, which were brutal. I normally do perfect in that section. Today I guessed on at least 5 questions (educated because I had a good sense of what the premise/point of game 4 was, but not the right answers). Also guessed on questions 10 and 11. My experimental was logic games and super easy. I was shocked at how easy the rc was. And lr didn't seem to be any more or less difficult than normal, so hopefully only 1or 2 wrong on those three sections.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @josephellengar Yea I think the general consensus is that the real Logic Games F'd everyone in the A. But, on a slightly less useful note, the games this round confirm my hypothesis that we need to be studying ALL those weird games from ALL the early preptests. Leave no stone un-turned. LSAC has proven on this test and PT 72 that they can and probably will throw any curveball they want.

    @ashley - yeah, I hear ya. People on forums are reciting like.. topics and fallacies and whatnot from the questions.. I can't remember barely any of the large amount of questions I answered. Which I don't think is a downfall. I was immersed in the logical structure of the argument.. who cares about the question topic?
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @"Dr. Yamata" @bstew2002 Texas forever. I'm an adopted Dallasite and yes we are really *that pretentious*. Look forward to having you around @"Dr. Yamata" and epic fistbump to @bstew2002 for ongoing service.
  • blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
    3545 karma
    All I could think this time around was, "What is my life?" Felt solid on RC which I never feel and felt destroyed by LG and god knows what on LR. What a topsy turvy day! And I got a parking ticket to boot!

    Excuse me while I drink myself into a stupor...
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    @"Dr. Yamata" I've read some interesting things about UT lately, apparently all you need is a 128 and a phone call.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @nicole.hopkins Nice.. I have no problem with the "dalitude." SMU is one of my runner-ups to UT.

    @blah Yep. I have been having that existential crisis since I left the test center. I ran for an hour.. I've just been trolling every forum that I can join and talking about it. Seems to discharge the stress. The feeling seems almost like.. breaking up.. or someone dying. It's hard to explain. I'm not really disappointed in myself.. I don't know. Get back with me in a week or two and perhaps I will be able to articulate the feeling.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @ashley.. No joke? Cause several PhD's that I've worked closely with during my MA are in there like swimwear with UT faculty. Now you got me licking my chops
  • fishtwentyfivefishtwentyfive Free Trial Member
    227 karma
    I see an immense CONCERN emanating from this thread right here
    we are the lsat takers THAT CARE SO MUCH about the LSAT
    this is fascinating
    saw several people leave the test today screaming, "LET's GET DRUNK NOW" and "F*CK THAT TEST"
    and I'm just thinking

    I love the LSAT but this one was hard :(
  • Legal BabeLegal Babe Alum Member
    edited June 2015 17 karma
    I think I bombed the Logic Game ! I am not sure where the time went (-
    I doubt I will cancel though. My testing center was pretty empty ( only 29 in the room I was in); so I wonder if the numbers of applicants will drop as well , which means more chances for me? perhaps this is a flawed statement?
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @kyle yep.. I think the rationale some people have is that "well.. I'm good at tests. I did well in my undergrad.. let me go see what I can do on the LSAT to boost my admissions somewhere.." little do they know.. it's not like any other test they've done. But.. hence the reason that 120 exists.. and hence the reason people who do mediocre can score in the upper bands.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @Legal Babe.. definitely flawed. I am not trying to be a dick, but seriously, you can't really hang your hat on that. Additionally, your particular testing center being empty doesn't do anything.. the curve is based on all like 20,000 test takers.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    @ashley.. well tis true that law school admissions as a whole are decreasing.. what with the 150k pricetag and the economy and everything. I'm sure UT's not allowing students to work the first year and not having a part time program also isn't helping them be more selective. But.. I think that it's good that they don't require a particular LSAT score. I mean, at the end of the day, is you figuring out that P goes before J really the mark of a good lawyer? From what I gather, UT does not use an index and does consider softs. Which IMO is the way it should be.
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    I think the article is more about the specific political connections of the students with ridiculously low scores being accepted, also their bar passages. I was actually researching something else when I came across a few articles last week and I have no interest in ut so it just kind of stuck out when you mentioned it. I think it should be offensive that you (and others) work so hard to get into a T14 and someone with a 128, who won't even pass the bar, parents can make a donation
    to get their child into school. I don't think LSAT should count for everything, but I do think that the same admission standards should stand regardless of whose child you are. When your school ranks in the top, you owe it to the students of the school, that worked so hard to get there, to maintain that reputation.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    Yeah you have a point.. nepotism is never cool, man
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    Here is one about a more recent investigation into those accusations

  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    On that note, you have a way better score than that, make a donation or a phone call and scrap the rest of the LSAT studying! Sorry @"J.Y. Ping"
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    (Tosses prep tests in the air) We're in, baby, let's party!
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    edited June 2015 324 karma
  • Student76Student76 Alum Member
    324 karma
    I don't know how to post pics, this is the best I could do.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    Yep. We got it. It was funny.
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    I know what it's like. The words finally came to me. It feels like getting broken up with and that person convinces you it's your fault. You're sitting there frustrated, angry, worried, sad, etc. all because you wish you could have done it differently, but the ship has sailed. The dissonance occurs because your instinct is to "go back and fix it" like you did on all your PT's.. but this isn't a PT. You can't just go eat dinner, come back, and listen to JY explain it. The LSAC will give you a number in several weeks, and that's it. The chance to perform has come and gone. Fortunately, the LSAT has a much higher probability of being re-taken than a failed relationship. Now, if you'll excuse me. I need several times my normal dose of anti anxiety and sleep meds.
  • visualcreedvisualcreed Member Inactive ⭐
    326 karma
    Well, tell you what, I have no idea how I did, pretty bad I'm assuming but reading that everyone else is just as perplexed as me makes it a whole lot easier and makes me feel better.
  • chjschjs Alum Member
    21 karma
    Guys, can i just say, bombing a test with y'all makes it somewhat more bearable. I guessed on the last few Qs of both LG games and with LG being my perfect section i felt doomed. I left the test center and i just went blank...i completely ignored that part of my life and moved on to other things,trying not to process or even admit what just happened. I came on here this morning and just reading how so many people felt something similar is finally helping me process and actually feel not as horrible as i felt after yesterday. Oh Gosh...time to process...
    Anyways, i wanted to say regardless of whatever happens, i am so glad for the 7sage community we have, you guys rock!!!
    P.S and i'll probably be seeing more of you if i have to retake the test(which is very likely) but hell is a lot better to go through with y'all!
  • Dr. YamataDr. Yamata Member Inactive ⭐
    578 karma
    LOL Sounds like you had the same experience, plus some several-hour period of shock right after. Perhaps you got a "denial" stage. I Went right into the "vomit" stage
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