Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Will redoing LG distort my reluts? - 7Sage Forum

Will redoing LG distort my reluts?

mandy.tranmandy.tran Alum Member
in Logic Games 58 karma

Hi everyone!
I've been working on the LG section and have been doing some of them multiple times. Whenever I redo them after watching the explanation videos my score improves. I have been wondering if redoing LG will distort view of how well I can master the LG section? Does it actually represent how good I am at logic games? I am just scared that the improving scores will give me a false sense of confidence.
Thank you for your help!


  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    1106 karma

    The whole point of doing the game after the video is to improve! The idea is that if you can make the inference in a specific game, you can make the same type of inference in a similar set up.

    To check if you've really mastered a particular game, try different games, then try the original game in about a week.

    As long as you're focusing on the process of getting the answer and you're not just memorizing the answer, you're making improvements.

  • 123anami123anami Member
    388 karma

    i find that when I retake games a month or 2 later, even if I remember the game, the questions feel completely new to me

  • jared17jared17 Member
    8 karma

    I don't know if it distorts your view of how proficient you are at LG, but the curriculum does recommend that you re-do logic games (in the lesson "Fool-Proof Guide to Perfection on Logic Games"). In fact, it recommends that you repeat challenging games ten times.

    Personally, I have used this method to get to -0 to -2 on an average section.

  • 476 karma


    It's great that you're redoing them after reviewing the video lessons! If you space out your practice and you follow a form when redoing the games, you'll be alright. The thing with LG is, when you pick an answer choice, you have to show how that answer is correct and the others are wrong. So even if you know, for example that C is correct, you still have to solve for the question before picking it. So it quite alright to remember the answer choice.

    Also if you're wondering if you're actually improving on the game types, do a fresh game once in a while and you'll see how your improvement translates.

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