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6 months!

TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
So we are 6 months away and I am registered for the December LSAT. I am about 3 weeks into the 7Sage curriculum and feeling great so far. How is everyone else doing? have you started preparing for December?


  • Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus! Alum Member
    38 karma
    i started preparing about 3 weeks ago... but i feel like it's taking me forever to get through the curriculum! i'm trying to take my time and really make sure i understand the concepts before i move on. how're you doing? where are you up to in the curriculum? @tylerjordan272
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    199 karma
    I am signed up for December as well and I started studying about three weeks ago so it looks like we are all in the same boat. Starting with The Trainer and planning to follow up with 7sage in October to solidify everything. Glad both of u r off to a great start! =) maybe we can plan to start PTing around the same time in case we need BR groups. I know I will probably benefit from that as my time is very limited.
  • lsatonmymindlsatonmymind Alum Member
    135 karma
    Hey all, I am aiming for December as well. Let me know when you guys are done your curriculum so we can BR together! :)
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    Looks like the beginning of a BR group here! I am just about on pace with the provided study schedule. My PT's with start either July 13th or 20th beginning with test 36. The date will depend on if I finish the curriculum by then. About what time will you guys begin your PT's?
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    edited June 2015 199 karma
    @tylerjordan272 I will still be going through the curriculum when u start your PT's but because I am doing my study schedule a little differently than you guys I can start my PTs in about 3-4 weeks. The Trainer schedule suggests taking PTs throughout.
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited June 2015 7468 karma
    I started in December, but I only can average about 20 hours per week of studying because of work and taking care of my 3-year old twins (proud daytime daddy, evening-time tutor). Just to warn you. Unless you have pre-existing skills in logic and argument, it's going to take a while. I've done the 7sage curriculum, read LSAT TRAINER, Manhattan RC & LR, taken 4 PTs, and improved 15 points from my initial diagnostic, and I'm seriously contemplating pushing my first test date to June 2016.
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    edited June 2015 199 karma
    @DumbHollywoodActor wow your life sounds a lot like mine! I have a 9 month old son and work full time hours at the hospital so I definitely can relate. Honestly 20 hours a week sounds great! For me 10 hours is truly a struggle so I know it will take time. But for me some of it is recap. I studied for it last year and withdrew from the exam once I found out I was pregnant. So now that I've had my baby and some time being a mom, I am back at it. this time I'm going to see it through to the end! On your end, it sounds like u have been very diligent in your studies. Why are you thinking about waiting a whole year? Your top school must be quite competitive.
  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    7468 karma
    @aiesha Yeah, my top school is UCLA. My wife currently works there. So many things would be 100x easier if I got in there, especially with a good aid package (hence, the desire for a 170+ score). Also, given their age and birthday, my kids wouldn't enter full time elementary school (thus,allowing me time to actually go to law school) until Fall 2017, so there's no rush. Luckily, I get some short-term validation because all of this studying has made me a much better tutor. :)
  • Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus! Alum Member
    38 karma
    @"Aiesha G." I also won't start PT for about another 3-4 weeks. Do you guys plan on going through the entire curriculum before starting to PT? I want too in order to make sure my fundamentals are strong, but it seems like a lot of the value in the course is in drilling and PT's. I feel like it's going to take forever to see an actual PT! LOL

    I'm also trying to average 20 hrs per week, but w/ a full time job.. it hasn't been easy. my progress is on par w/ that of a snail. it's depressing at times but i'm trying to stay strong and see this through until the bitter end!

    I just got The Trainer in the mail yesterday... Wooo!
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    I am a recent grad and working full time as well. I minored in philosophy and law so I am very fortunate that the logic portion is coming fairly easily to me. I am sticking with the provided 7sage study schedule and it seems like you guys are all advocates of the LSAT trainer so I might grab one as well. As far as average time I am at about 20-25 hours a week but it is not easy lol.
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    Out of curiosity, what would your guys' schedule look like while doing the 7sage curriculum as well as the LSAT trainer?
  • BeckhamaBeckhama Alum Member
    22 karma
    In for December as well.

    Not sure when I'm gonna start PTing though. Taking it one step at a time. Already did the Powerscore LR bible in conjunction with a logic class in college. It it seems that RC is just the memory method. So I'm kind of up there already to a certain degree
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    edited June 2015 199 karma
    @Focus!Focus!Focus cool let me know how you like it. I feel like my foundation is progressing very well, especially considering my background is in healthcare and I don't have an upper hand in understanding logic like some of you who majored/minored in law, philosophy, economics, English etc. But if you decide to start PTing before you finish the curriculum (like I am planning to do) I think that it is still fine. I feel like as long as we complete PT's and we implement the blind review method, and drill like J.Y. and Mike Kim both suggest, then we will be fine. @TJordan7 I was going to complete the trainer before using 7sage. But I may purchase it in a month (so I can be on board with everyone) and basically alternate between schedules.Example Finish week x of lsat trainer and complete corresponding 7sage curriculum so that they complement each other.
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    Cool, I am currently registered for PT 36-58 but I am debating upgrading my course and doing the rest for extra practice so it will be about 2 PT's per week and some weeks 3 which seems standard. As for now 7sage has been excellent and we can only go up from here! keep up the hard works guys
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    If I were you guys I would not rush through the curriculum per se. These are the fundamentals that will help you test day. I would definitely focus more of my concentration on the first few post before the question examples. That is where the most learning takes place. If you have the logic games bundle, take a couple of weeks (2-3) to complete that and blind proof it. I wish I had done that in hindsight because after doing it now, I'm kicking myself (I only did half of it first go around). The more inferences you can make and fundamental base you have going into your PT's the higher your score will be. For some reason things are just starting to click with me after I canceled my test on Monday (darn games). I just did a couple of tests just to drown my sorrows in and I scored in the 168 range on my first tests since. I was averaging 161 with an absolute outlier of 166. I was underprepared to my peak ability in Logic Games in certain areas and have somehow fixed some of the weaknesses just by concentrating on problem games (games with multiple classifications). Trust me, the more prepared you are before you start, the less PT's you'll waste unnecessarily and the less regret you'll end up with.
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    I certainly won't be rushing through the curriculum for the reasons you have stated. I wish I had access to the LG bundle but it had been removed before I purchased the course. I am going to supplement that section some other way, perhaps the LG bible. As for the test on Monday, it appears you were not alone in having a difficult time with the LG section.
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    Buy the 1-38 logic games bundle from Cambridge grouped by type (I heard it's like $40) and use the 7sage youtube videos to review each game. There is a quicker link on this site that I use under the resources link but I'm not certain if you have it. You'll thank yourself later...
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    The LG Bible is good but if you are a visual learner who learns from instant feedback, the videos are much better. Also it is easier to hone in on problem areas using the 7sage videos method.
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    That's funny that you mention that because I was going to ask if anyone had used the Cambridge Bundle. I would like to stick with 7sage as much as possible so that might be the better option.
  • 7sagelsatstudent1807sagelsatstudent180 Alum Member
    932 karma
    The Bundle are the same pdfs that 7sage uses. It is like not buying dove soap from walmart because you prefer it from Target. Its still dove soap.
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    Hello all,
    Just an update, with the new problem sets (awesome) and other logic game supplements I purchased I have pushed back my initial PT test date to the first Monday of August, 8/3. I hope that we have a solid group starting at around the same time so that we can have a consistent Blind Review Group.

    I hope everyone is doing well and keeping up the good work!
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    199 karma
    Sounds GREAT to me! I was just thinking about how I really needed more time lol. I am hoping for a solids BR group as well. Got a sweet patient load at work tonight so I have 5+ hours to study if I want to (believe me I do). Lol.
  • lsatonmymindlsatonmymind Alum Member
    135 karma
    August 3rd sounds good! Maybe we could have a BR skype group that meets every Tuesday or something :)
  • Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus!Focus! Alum Member
    38 karma
    August 3rd works! I like how you suggested a deadline so that we can all start PT/ BR together :)
  • jimenezja.jjjimenezja.jj Alum Member
    187 karma
    I'm in for august 3rd that sounds great. Looking forward to this.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Timing of PT works great for my study schedule!
  • MatthewJAMatthewJA Alum Member
    52 karma
    Hello everybody. It seems many of you (if not all) are planning to write in December - which is great. I on the other hand, have been working through the curriculum for roughly 3 weeks now and would love to join your/a BR group. Mind if I join in with you all?

    I am planning on writing in October, however, this shouldn't be a problem as I have been dedicating lots of time to finishing the curriculum and LSAT trainer both by early August.

    Let me know!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @MatthewJA the October folks meet for Skype BR on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You can PM me to join—be sure to send your Skype handle; tomorrow we BR PT47 and Saturday PT48. We also meet Fridays to do the later tests, up to PT71. This Friday is PT67.

    As far as the December takers are concerned, if someone would like to volunteer to run those groups, I can share some organizational tips/strategies. My expectation is that I won't organize the groups after I take in October and am looking for a few good individuals who would take up the mantle :)
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    @nicole.hopkins , I will be messaging you about organizing a BR group for December. Also I would like to ask everyone what tests they have access to. I would like to get a gauge to see who has signed up for ultimate, premium, or starter so that we can plan accordingly. I currently have premium but, given the need to PT more recent exams I believe that I will be upgrading to ultimate sometime in the next week or so.
  • 9 karma
    If anyone is near my area, and would like to review any questions about the LSAT, I more then willing to meet up.
  • NYC12345NYC12345 Alum Inactive Sage
    1654 karma
    @"Gabriella Lopez"
    Which area is that? I am more than happy to start a study group in NYC.
  • 9 karma
    @alexandergreene93 I'm located in New Jersey, and have an hour commute to NYC
  • TJordan7TJordan7 Alum Member
    73 karma
    Hello everyone,

    I hope you all are having as much fun studying as I am (lol). Due to the recent problem set changes and my course upgrade My PT'ing has been pushed back to an estimated start date of August 17th. Is this consistent with anyone else's anticipated date? If we need to adjust that is ok. If we want to keep the original start date I can also start to PT before I finish the last week or so of the curriculum and do them together.
  • megsvyas_OVOmegsvyas_OVO Alum Member
    218 karma
    Hello everyone,

    New here! I feel so great to have found this community, was feeling quite lonely and scared in this process. I live in central NJ. I'll be starting 7Sage tomorrow! I'd love a study buddy for when I start PTing.

    Also, what does "BR" mean? Haha, sorry if that sounds silly, new to the lingo ;)
  • viviana7211viviana7211 Alum Member
    42 karma
    Hi Meg!! I am also in Jersey.. Woodbridge/Linden area. How about you? I have not started studying but I start Monday. Well tomorrow Im going to take a diagnostic and see how that goes. "BR" means blind review. It is explained in one of the lessons!
  • megsvyas_OVOmegsvyas_OVO Alum Member
    218 karma
    Thanks, Viviana for clarifying :). I messaged you!
  • lsatonmymindlsatonmymind Alum Member
    135 karma
    Actually, August 3rd would be perfect for me. I just want to start PT-ing soon.
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    199 karma
    17th works for me! As long as I am PTing by September I am good with whatever day you decide to start. It is taking me a while to get through the curriculum and drills anyway because of my busy life lol.
  • emli1000emli1000 Alum Member Inactive ⭐
    3462 karma
    So when do you guys want to start the Dec. BR study groups?
  • Aiesha G.Aiesha G. Alum Member
    199 karma
    It looks like we are settling on sometime in August @emli1000
  • megsvyas_OVOmegsvyas_OVO Alum Member
    218 karma
    Works for me, guys! Thank you!
  • viviana7211viviana7211 Alum Member
    42 karma
    Hey guys!! Are you guys following the 7sage curriculum? I started the trainer and the bibles. Should I also purchase 7sage and integrate it into my studies?
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @viviana7211 said:
    and the bibles
    Skip these :)

    Do Trainer + 7sage. If you learn best from videos, start with 7sage. If you learn best from books, start with the Trainer. Set the test date on the 7sage schedule builder to October if you start with 7sage (IMO, it will recommend that you progress at a much more leisurely pace than is likely necessary if you set test date as December). Grab one of the 16-week schedules from the Trainer website and do everything up to the full PT phase—or if you do it second (after 7sage), then just go ahead and progress through. Or do whatever combination makes sense.

    You really don't have time to be messing around with Powerscore at this point. I know 5 months or so seems like a long time, but I just passed my year mark and I am definitely not alone in studying for that long. And I'm definitely not done studying for October yet.
  • viviana7211viviana7211 Alum Member
    42 karma
    thank you so much for your response! do you recommend I buy the starter, premium or ultimate?
  • viviana7211viviana7211 Alum Member
    42 karma
    ummm ok I just looked at the suggested schedule If I get the premium 7sage and with October date, and this is what I got:
    •Available time: 11.1 weeks
    •Amount of materials: 406 hours
    •Average time per week: 36.6 hours

    I cannot study 37 hours a week!! I work 45 hours per week!!! If I put the December date (my intended date) it says about 20 hours per week, that plus the trainer. ehhhh
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    edited July 2015 7965 karma
    @viviana7211 said:
    I cannot study 37 hours a week!! I work 45 hours per week!!!
    Haha ... Well, I was clocking in around 40 hours/week studying while working full time (Feb–May, now am PT/BR only, 3 PT's a week). Can you enter a custom date into the schedule generator? Haven't used it in a while. Otherwise just consider the October schedule as a guideline and do what you can, aim for 30-35 hours a week perhaps and just keep track of hours completed ... Everyone's schedule is different but if the LSAT is a priority for you, then you will find a way to make it work.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    edited July 2015 7965 karma
    IMO it would be a bit cumbersome to try and do the Trainer at the same time as 7sage, shooting for December. And that would still put you close to 40 hours a week for at least a few months to do things properly ...

    Has anyone successfully done these materials side by side? I can't recall any spelled-out success stories.
  • viviana7211viviana7211 Alum Member
    42 karma
    OMG god bless you!! studying 40 hours plus working full time?!! How did you do that? Well, I was actually doing my masters full time while working full time so I guess it is doable (although LSAT is much harder!!). I think aiming for 30 hours per week is my best option and take it from there! Thank you!!
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    @viviana7211 said:
    I think aiming for 30 hours per week is my best option and take it from there!
    30 is a good number :) You might try to split the weekday study up. For instance, I was waking up at 6 and studying for about 2 hours in the mornings. Then I'd get home at about 6 and didn't study past 10. Saturdays were the heaviest load (there is a reason I call them LSATurdays because that's the only thing I do; I got only about 2-3 hours in on Thursdays because I have bible study that night) and eventually I decided to take Sundays off completely. So actually, it was 35-40 for most of the weeks. Some weeks a bit more. The schedule/load is quite different once you're in the PT/BR phase, but I've also been doing LSAT for a year.
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