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How to improve on LR question types?

achanne1-1achanne1-1 Core Member

Hey everyone,

I've done a couple of PT's so far and am trying to improve on the question types the test analytics have pointed out to prioritize. However, I'm not seeing much improvement. I'm doing problem sets of the types and reviewing the strategies behind each but to no avail I'm still not improving. Within a PT, specifically with LR sections, I may get -3 and on other I get -10, and sometimes even -10 on both. I truly don't know what to do and where I'm going wrong. I've even started writing out why each answer is right and others are wrong lately.

I truly would like to get to the point where LR isn't so varied for me. Any advice on how to get there, especially when getting to -3 and -4 is possible for me, would be greatly appreciated.

My LR scores for PT's 70- 77 have been for section 2/ section 3:

70 -3/-6

71 -13/-8

72 -4/-8

73 -7/-14

74 -8/-4

75 -6/ -10

76 -10/-5

77 -10/-10


  • MissionLsatMissionLsat Member
    379 karma

    Your score suggests that you don't have a strong understanding of LR questions and the strategies to follow. I would recommend you to start BRing, lr sections thoroughly. I really can't stress enough on the importance of blind reviewing . The practice is actually a game changer, and you would yourself see the its benefits in 1 or 2 months.

  • achanne1-1achanne1-1 Core Member
    57 karma

    @MissionLsat said:
    Your score suggests that you don't have a strong understanding of LR questions and the strategies to follow. I would recommend you to start BRing, lr sections thoroughly. I really can't stress enough on the importance of blind reviewing . The practice is actually a game changer, and you would yourself see the its benefits in 1 or 2 months.

    I do Blind Review and am able to cut the amount of my answers I get wrong in half or even less than that. But it’s tough to close the actual score and the blind review gap. Any thoughts or advice?

  • 35 karma

    I've almost been in exactly the same situation and what I've tried to do is tackle individual question types one by one - review the core lessons and then foolproof all the questions of that type you've gotten on PTs. Start with Necessary Assumption, for example.

  • MissionLsatMissionLsat Member
    379 karma

    I would second that advice.

  • Arete_SouthbayArete_Southbay Live Member
    367 karma

    Make sure you have a mastery of LR logic, if need be review the core logic lessons, they are amazing.

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