GROUP 1: IF, WHEN, WHERE, ALL, THE ONLY, EVERY, ANY, WHENEVER, ANYONE & GROUP 2: ONLY, ONLY IF, ONLY WHEN, ONLY WHERE, ALWAYS, REQUIRES, MUST (Group 1 indicators follows with sufficiency and group 2 indicators follows with necessity)
In the logic introduction lessons, J.Y has introduced a very effective way to translate English into Lawgic language. I think it is very helpful and mechanical. However, I think it would be better if folks could help me to understand the actual meaning of these indicators from group 1 and 2 in order to memorize them and process faster. Some words look so similarly. For example, "the only" is from group 1, while "only, only if" are from group 2; "when" is from group 1, while "only where" is from group 2. Can somebody help me to understand how to distinguish those words, so I can process the translation more easily, or could you please share how you memorize those words which look very similar.
Thank you so much!!
I remember J.Y posted somewhere in the conditional logic lesson a study method from a girl who took this course. I can't remember where exactly it was posted, but she would place all of the group 1,2,3,and 4 logical indicators on one side of the paper, and how to translate them on the other side of the paper, and she would fold the paper in half and study that way.
While I'm sure the opinions of some people on here may differ from mine, I think you're getting too wrapped up in trying to extract the meaning here, when you already understand what each word actually means in everyday English. Now you simply have to memorize what group they are in until it is automatic for you. Once you learn all four groups you can use the drill I linked to, as well as the flashcards that are in another lesson.
While I think you're getting too caught up in the details and that can be counterproductive, I'll still try to break things down for you a bit. From my perspective, the meanings are pretty straightforward if you understand what each word means in English. The biggest issue people have between groups 1 and 2 is "the only" versus "only" so I will just address those. You can ignore all the other group 2 variations of "only" because they are just that, variations, and are simply modifying another quality. If you have issues with any of the other indicators I'd suggest finishing the whole Logic section and then repeating it from the beginning. I think it's easier to take the logical indicators section as a whole comprised of four parts rather than doing one half over the other.
If I tell you that "The only Jedi in the room is named Luke", then you should see that if there were ten people in the room and you went up to every person and asked them if they were a Jedi or not you would get only one yes and that yes would be sufficient for you to know that that person's name is Luke. But rather than say all that, we just see "the only", "Jedi", and "Luke" and immediately think "sufficient" and translate as J --> L which is much faster than pondering the sentence that I wrote. While you might need to unpack these words in this manner now in order to understand what you're doing, I highly advise you to ditch this as soon as possible in order to learn to do this reflexively.
As for the word "only", consider the sentence "Only Jedis in the room are named Luke". At first glance, this might make someone off the street think that every Jedi in the room is named Luke, but that is the rookie mistake of confusing the sufficient and necessary conditions. In this case if there are ten people in the room, and five are Jedis, we know that the five non Jedis cannot be named Luke. Therefore, we can say that in that room, it is necessary for someone to be a Jedi in order for them to be named Luke, and so if we meet someone named Luke, we know that he is a jedi. Simplifying with our lawgic we see "Only", "Jedis" and "Luke" and come up with L --> J which again is much faster and easier than keeping the other sentences straight.
Hopefully these examples help to explain this a little bit better for you. Rather than sweating the details, I think your best bet is just to come up with a mnemonic device or something similar for each group and then just beat it into your brain until the indicators are automatic for you. Let me know if you have any more questions, and good luck!
As an example, consider the sentence, "A Jedi is always a Force User". Breaking down the logic of the sentence tells us that it is sufficient to know that someone is a Jedi in order to know that they are also a Force User. From the other perspective, it is necessary for someone to be a Force User in order for them to be a Jedi. That took two sentences to fully describe the relationship, whereas lawgic allows us to be quick and accurate by taking "Jedi", "always" and "Force User" and translating immediately to J --> FU. As you can see, while it may help to take the long way round in the beginning, you will quickly realize it is much easier and more functional to utilize lawgic as often as possible as warranted by the questions or exercises you are doing.
How about this kind of thing:
The only good Lannister is a dead Lannister.
Daenerys must survive if Westeros is to be saved.
Arya may kill only when the Many-Faced God commands her.
Or whatever your preference is.
For the record, I do not agree with #1; I think I'm probably more of a Lannister than a Targaryen but I'm definitely more of a Daenerys than a Cersei.